Documents pour Mot-clé : Coup d\'État

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Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D T 33866 9 janvier 1989 11:30:00 Bitard, Pierre TD Kigali 27 - Objet : Arrestation d'officiers supérieurs Ambassade de France, Kigali
D T 33868 10 janvier 1989 16:30:00 Bitard, Pierre TD Kigali 40 - Objet : Tentative de coup d'État Ambassade de France, Kigali
D T 33867 10 janvier 1989 14:20:00 Bitard, Pierre TD Kigali 35 - Objet : Tentative de coup d'État Ambassade de France, Kigali
D T 33869 13 janvier 1989 13:15:00 Bitard, Pierre TD Kigali 52 - Objet : Suites du coup d'État avorté Ambassade de France, Kigali
D T 32886 October 21, 1993 Arnold, Serge Troops arrest Burundi president in coup AFP
D T 32887 October 21, 1993 Arnold, Serge Troops arrest Burundi president in coup [Following] AFP
D T 32888 October 21, 1993 Rwanda government condemns Burundi coup AFP
D T 32889 October 21, 1993 Burundi [Ndadaye appeared have been betrayed by the men he placed to head the army and those politicians he freed] AFP
D T 32890 October 21, 1993 Burundi [No particular risk to the 900 French nationals in Burundi] AFP
D T 32892 October 21, 1993 President Ndadaye "executed" by captors: Rwandan radio AFP
D T 32893 October 21, 1993 Burundi [France threatened to suspend economic cooperation with Burundi] AFP
D T 32894 October 21, 1993 Arnold, Serge Burundi president, minister reported killed in coup AFP
D T 32895 October 21, 1993 Burundi [International reaction to the coup] AFP
D T 32896 October 22, 1993 Burundi [Ndadaye's wife and children were reported to have taken refuge in the French embassy in Bujumbura] AFP
D T 32897 October 22, 1993 Arnold, Serge President reported dead as inter-ethnic violence looms AFP
D T 32898 October 22, 1993 Four politicians killed along with president: Burundi diplomat AFP
D T 32899 October 22, 1993 President Ndadaye killed in coup, says Burundi health minister AFP
D T 32900 October 22, 1993 Hundreds reportedly flee as Burundi coup leaders close borders AFP
D T 32901 October 22, 1993 Burundi [1,000 Rwanda-based Burundis demonstrated in the capital Kigali] AFP
D T 32902 October 22, 1993 Burundi coup leaders close borders AFP
D T 424 23 octobre 1993 Pin, Dominique Note à l'attention de Monsieur le Président de la République Présidence de la République (France)
D T 32903 October 23, 1993 Coup leader offers democracy for putschist amnesty AFP
D T 32904 October 23, 1993 Thomas, Annie Refugees say Tutsi soldiers are killing Hutus, coup leaders seek amnesty AFP
D T 32905 October 23, 1993 Burundi ["Democratic institutions" would be restored if the coup leaders were not prosecuted: Ngeze] AFP
D T 32909 October 23, 1993 Uwibambe, Marie-Goretti Burundi minister forms government in exile as thousands flee AFP
D T 32910 October 23, 1993 Burundi health minister forms government in exile AFP
D T 32911 October 24, 1993 Rwandan government appeals for calm following Burundi coup AFP
D T 32912 October 24, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Suspected coup leaders deny role AFP
D T 32913 October 24, 1993 Bujumbura [Coup-makers lost their nerve and look for a way to step down without incurring punishment] AFP
D T 32914 October 24, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Anti-junta protest in Bujumbura as parties call general strike AFP
D T 32915 October 24, 1993 Bujumbura [Diplomats saying the alleged coup plotters were all members of the Tutsi ethnic group] AFP
D T 32916 October 25, 1993 U.N. chief sending aide to Burundi AFP
D T 33001 October 25, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Political deadlock in Burundi as massacres follow coup AFP
D T 33002 October 25, 1993 Bujumbura [Refugees reported army had begun killing Hutus in several districts of Burundi] AFP
D T 33003 October 25, 1993 At least 50,000 Burundian refugees enter Tanzania AFP
D T 33005 October 25, 1993 Mobutu, Habyarimana meet over Burundi AFP
D T 33011 October 26, 1993 Bugarama [Since coup in Burundi, some 270,000 people have fled to Rwanda] AFP
D T 33013 October 26, 1993 Thousands demonstrate in Burundi AFP
D T 33014 October 26, 1993 Arnold, Serge Ethnic fighting escalates as exiled leader calls for intervention AFP
D T 33019 October 27, 1993 U.N. envoy due in Burundi AFP
D T 33020 October 27, 1993 Thomas, Annie Kigali [Special U.N. envoy James Jonah arrived in troubled Burundi] AFP
D T 33021 October 27, 1993 U.N. envoy warns of "vacuum of power" in Burundi AFP
D T 33022 October 27, 1993 Kigali [Minani called for foreign intervention "to end the massacre" of Hutus] AFP
D T 33023 October 27, 1993 Police put on alert as Burundian refugees flood Tanzania AFP
D T 33024 October 28, 1993 OAU chief calls for African force to go into Burundi AFP
D T 33098 October 28, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Political settlement sought after coup committee is scrapped AFP
D T 33099 October 28, 1993 Bujumbura [Tanzania confronted by a massive flow of Burundian refugees] AFP
D T 33100 October 28, 1993 Bujumbura [Another meeting on Burundi took place in neighboring Rwanda] AFP
D T 33101 October 28, 1993 Regional leaders meet to discuss Burundi crisis AFP
D T 33237 October 29, 1993 Thomas, Annie Confusion reigns as Burundi government declares coup a failure AFP
D T 33242 October 30, 1993 OAU secretary general expected in Burundi AFP
D T 33243 October 30, 1993 Rwanda declines to send Burundi peacekeepers, ministers on tour AFP
D T 33244 October 30, 1993 Burundi government calls for 1,000 peackeeping troops AFP
D T 33247 November 1, 1993 Refugees refuse to return home AFP
D T 34505 November 1, 1993 Bujumbura [Hundreds of thousands of refugees remain frightened and unwilling to return home] AFP
D T 34506 November 2, 1993 Flow of refugees out of Burundi still growing: U.N. AFP
D T 34507 November 3, 1993 Burundi soldiers oppose any international force: officials AFP
D T 34508 November 3, 1993 African envoy begins talks on foreign force presence AFP
D T 34510 November 16, 1993 Thomas, Annie Burundi massacre toll in tens of thousands: MSF AFP
D T 34512 November 25, 1993 Slain president's funeral postponed in climate of fear AFP
D T 27589 16 mai 1994 Chanzy, Pierre-André Le premier ministre rwandais : les massacreurs doivent être jugés L'Humanité
D 27482 11 juillet 1994 Angelet, Bruno Objet : Rwanda. Entretien avec Mme Gasana et un pilote de de [la] délégation présidentielle resté à Dar : Situation Kigali le 6 et 7 avril, tentative d'assassinat de Gasana Ambassade de Belgique, Dar Es Salaam
D T 33346 27 décembre 1994 Smith, Stephen Réunion de conciliation pour tenter de résoudre la crise au Burundi Libération
D T 27557 6 mars 1998 Hatzfeld, Jean Putschiste de consensus Libération
D T 29036 27 septembre 2021 Malagardis, Maria Rwanda. Ultime sanction pour le « colonel de l'apocalypse » Libération

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024