Fiche du document numéro 6349

Saturday September 2001
Me Against My Brother. At War in Somalia, Sudan and Rwanda [Extrait pp. 282-288]
Sous titre
A Journalist Report from the Battlefields in Africa.
Livre (extrait)
Bujumbura Sam Kiley p283
Banners proclaimed "Vive la France" ans praised President Mitterrand p284

Nyarushishi p285
Bagambiki "There are no militias herre, and they never have been" p285
"he wanted to kill us before" p285
the paratroopers recognized my bald companion Sam p285

Buoyed by the protective French presence, the interahamwe militia and army pressed on with their genocidal work. Far away from the main road, even farther away from the first French reconaissance teams, we came across a group walking up a hill on a mission of killing. Most of the 50 men and boys strung out along the road carried machettes, hardened clubs, and grenades. They had already decimated many Tutsi houses and carried away stacks of roof tiles and corrugated iron on their heads. Thinking we were French, they waved and smiled as we drove by, shamelessly oblivious of their daily destruction. Among them were government soldiers, ``working'' side by side with them to conclude the genocide.

At sunset, the warm air was thick with smoke, for nearly every one of the 200 houses in that Tutsi area was burning. Flames licked at the sky as though nothing had changed since the ``Apocalypse of 1959''. p286

Luckily, a French journalist had joined us, Vincent Hugeux of l'Express (Paris) p286


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