Jeudi 2 janvier 1992
Lettre à Monseigneur Gahamanyi. Objet : climat de tension à base ethnique au sein de l'école des lettres de Kibeho [Révocation de Sœur Thérèse Mukabacondo et Sœur Marie-Claire Mukabisangwa]
Extract from
Thèse de Liberata Gahongayire, ULB pp 191-192, 396-397 (pdf 411-412).
By a letter addressed to the bishop of the diocese of Butare, Daniel Mbangura, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (MINEPSEC) dismissed Sister Thérèse Mukabacondo from her position as director of the school as well as Sister Marie-Claire Mukabisangwa who was prefect of studies in the same school. They are accused of having created ethnic tensions within the school. Subsequently, the minister's decision was implemented without the slightest possibility of appeal or request for explanation from the nuns concerned. These exclusions are in line with the instrumentalization of religion in the sense that, as in the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13, 24-23), it was necessary to separate the good seed from the bad, which was sown by the enemy.
fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024