Fiche du document numéro 34075

Sunday April 14, 2024
April 14, 1994: Remote areas feel the onslaught of Genocidaires
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On April 14, 1994, killings continued, with remote areas like Birambo in the former Kibuye Prefecture (now Karongi), and Kibeho in Nyaruguru feeling the onslaught. File

On April 14, 1994, the Genocide against the Tutsi was entering its second week. On the day, killings continued, with remote areas like Birambo in the former Kibuye Prefecture (now Karongi), and Kibeho in Nyaruguru feeling the onslaught.

Here is a recap of the horrible events that unfolded across the country on April 14.

Massacres in Birambo, Karongi

On April 14, 1994, Tutsi who had taken refuge in the Birambo sisters’ catholic school were attacked by Interahamwe, soldiers and gendarmes, led by the bourgmestre of Bwakira Commune, Kabasha Tharcisse. They were killed with guns, machetes, spears, and grenades.

More than 5,000 Tutsi were killed there. Numerous bodies of the victims were burnt with gasoline and afterwards were buried near the school buildings. Since the bodies were too numerous, another grave was dug near a neighbouring school known as Urumuri, to bury them.

Massacres at the Kibeho Catholic Church, Nyaruguru

On April 14, 1994, at the Kibeho Catholic Church in Nyaruguru, the Interahamwe and local authorities exterminated more than 25,000 Tutsi who had taken refuge at the church and in buildings of the Kibeho Parish.

The Tutsi first tried to defend themselves using the weapons within their reach, and were able to repel the attack earlier on April 12, 1994. The Interahamwe of Kibeho went to seek reinforcements. The local authorities mobilised support for them from the gendarmes (policemen) and more Interahamwe from areas like Mata, Ruramba, and Mudasomwa.

With the new reinforcements, they attacked the Tutsi refugees with firearms and grenades.

The attack started at 1pm and lasted until evening, claiming 25,000 lives.

Massacres at Maheresho, Nyamagabe

On the same day, Tutsi massacres began in Maheresho areas of Nyamagabe district, as Interahamwe and gendarmes attacked the home of the parents of the former Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Frédéric Nzamurambaho, and more than 37 Tutsi who had fled there hoping to find safety.

Massacres at Mata Tea Factory, Nyamagabe

Many Tutsi were killed at Mata Tea Factory in Nyamagabe where they had gone to seek refuge. The victims who have been identified and their bodies got buried at the genocide memorial of the factory are 380.

Massacres at Gati Sector, Rwamagana

On April 14, 1994, many Tutsi were killed at Gati Sector, Rwamagana during attacks directed by Jean Marie Vianney Rutagengwa, a leader of the MRND in the locality.

The killings in this area were gruesome in nature. For instance, the Interahamwe cut off the head of one victim known as Concessa Mukandori, to “examine what the brains of a Tutsi look like.”

In the same district, on April 14, 1994, more than 100 Tutsi were killed in Munyiginya Sector, Rwamagana, in a place called Sayi, where they had gone to seek refuge.

Massacres at Kibungo Hospital

On April 14, 1994, around 8am, a group of Interahamwe killers armed with various weapons entered the Kibungo Hospital and brought out the Tutsi who were hiding there, specifically in the maternity ward.

They made them sit under a tree until 10 am. This time, the Tutsi were not killed. Their torturers wanted to know the exact number of those who were there so that they could come back and kill them.

At around 3pm, the Interahamwe returned and began killing the Tutsi, notably throwing grenades at them.

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