Fiche du document numéro 24520

Janvier 2019
Rwanda 2018. Bibliographie
François Lagarde


The University of Texas at Austin
1er janvier 2019




1) Bibliographical databases


2) Population
Refugees; Migration; Diaspora
Youth: Genocide; Health; Sociology
Women: Genre; Land; Law; Politics


3) Land; Agriculture
Environment; Sustainability
Land; foncier
Agriculture; Agronomy; Farmers
Animal Production


4) Economy
Development; Technology
Electricity; Water
Economy; Business
Finance; Micro Finance; Banking; Stock Exchange


5) History
Contemporary History
Reconciliation; Post Conflict
Book reviews


6) Churches; Schools
Religion; Churches
Education; Schools; Universities
Education: ICT


7) Politics
Policy; e-Government; Taxation



Memorials; Memory
8) International
Great Lakes
Humanitarian; NGOs
International Relations: EU; France; UN; USA; other


9) Law/Justice
Law (Rwanda)
Ingabire v. Rwanda


10) Society; Miscellany
Miscellany: Culture
Languages; Linguistics
Intimate Partner Violence
Habitat; Urbanism; Architecture


11) Témoignages; Literature; Film
Literature; Fiction
Art; Crafts


12) Public Health



En 2018, la connaissance est publiée, distribuée et consommée via Internet. La publication
matérielle reste un support premier, plus des trois-quarts des publications citées dans les bases de
données existent à la fois sous forme papier et sous forme digitale. Des publications virtuelles, et
seulement virtuelles, existent dans les domaines des sciences exactes, de la communication, des
nouvelles revues “spécialisées” ou de type Kindle. Mais la masse des publications est encore
publiée sur papier. C’est la médiation de ces publications qui est entièrement électronique: on
prend connaissance de l’existence d’un item ou d’une citation et on accède à son texte via
Un chercheur consultera les bibliographies qui sont aujourd’hui électroniques. La base de
données a remplacé le catalogue universitaire mais le principe reste le même: il faut recenser et
inventorier tout ce qui concerne un sujet donné, un “search”. Les bases, surtout si elles sont
généralistes, font un inventaire grossier, peu rangé, et plein d’“irrelevance” et le bibliographe
classe ces “results” pour faciliter l’accès aux champs du savoir.
Une citation est une entrée complète dans une bibliographie. Chaque citation contient le ou
les noms d’auteur(s), le titre, le lieu (livre, revue, éditeur), la date de la publication et sa
pagination (ou doi). Un lien est un renvoi à une donnée sise dans une autre base.
Une base bibliographique est un catalogue électronique de citations et de liens, une énorme
bibliographie in progress. On peut “filtrer” cette masse de citations selon des critères: date,
auteur, lieu, sujet, mot-clé, langue des publications sélectionnées. On peut, on doit spécialiser la
bibliographie, en général par sujet, “topic” ou discipline.
Les bases bibliographiques ne se constituent pas de la même manière: les agrégateurs
amassent ce qu’ils moissonnent dans d’autres bases bibliographiques ou éditoriales quand les
institutions ne cataloguent a priori que leurs propres publications. Ces productions deviennent les
sources des chercheurs, avec les travaux des confrères listés par les agrégateurs. Les
bibliographies des publications savantes montrent que les sources de la recherche sont les
archives, les travaux scientifiques ou para-scientifiques, les publications des institutions
nationales et internationales, les media.
Le bien connu SUDOC est un agrégateur: il liste des publications disséminées dans divers
catalogues et diverses bases de données quand un catalogue de bibliothèque à l’ancienne ne listait
que les publications dont elle avait le dépôt. La base bibliographique de la World Bank ne se fait
pas par agrégation: les citations de son catalogue ont toutes la Bank, ou ses filiales, pour auteurs.
Idem pour les Nations Unies, les NGOs et les Research Centers dont les sites cataloguent leurs
L’agrégateur cite toutes les entrées que son datamining peut identifier et qu’il juge
pertinentes (“relevant”), c’est-à-dire répondant de près ou de loin à une recherche. Soit l’exemple
d’une “recherche” Rwanda. Est “relevant” l’item qui inclut au moins une fois le mot Rwanda ou
dont la fiche établit un possible lien avec le Rwanda. “Pays des Grands Lacs”, “EAC”,
“génocide”, par exemple, infèrent Rwanda. Un article parfaitement étranger à la question
deviendra “relevant” parce qu’il mentionne que son auteur est affilié à une université du Rwanda.
Il est difficile de dire où cesse la pertinence (relevance) dans les amas bibliographiques des gros
agrégateurs. Les premières citations classées par relevance sont certainement pertinentes mais
cette pertinence diminue à mesure qu’on descend l’échelle du classement. Une grande partie des
entrées que ramènent une recherche dans les bases généralistes ne sont pas pertinentes. Les bases
des gros agrégateurs ne vont pas non plus sans quelques erreurs (noms propres, dates) et de
nombreux doublons.
On a trouvé dans des bases spécialisées quelques entrées qui ne se trouvaient pas dans
Google Scholar (ou dans les 1000 premières citations de GS, puisque l’affichage s’arrête à ce
nombre). On pourra aussi bien trouver dans Google Scholar des items inconnus ailleurs.


Google Scholar, WorldCat ou Open Edition listent des citations de publications de tous
genres et de tous horizons. Ce sont des généralistes quand les bases spécialisées comme AGRIS,
PubMed, MLA ou HeinOnLine ne listent que les citations relevant d’une discipline ou d’un
domaine donnés.
Les bibliographies spécialisées couvrent les régions du savoir, comme l’Economie, la
Société, la Culture ou le Droit, et ses champs, ceux des diciplines et des spécialités. Elles
résultent toutes de l’agrégation de citations tirées de multiples sources, on-line material, livres,
articles, chapitres, rapports, conférences ou “littérature grise”.
Des bases sont spécialisées non par discipline mais par genre, si l’on peut dire: la publication
francophone, la dissertation doctorale, la presse (quotidiens, hebdomadaires), la littérature font
des catégories distinctes.
Défendues par des paywalls qui laisseront les non-riches à la porte du savoir, les bases
spécialisées sont moins accessibles que les bases publiques. Dans l’accès aux connaissances, le
fossé séparant un étudiant de la West Coast et un étudiant d’Afrique de l’Est paraît béant1 .
Les catalogues des grandes bibliothèque sont à rechercher autant que les bases électroniques.
Les catalogues de plusieurs universités contiennent des entrées qu’on ne trouve citées nulle part
ailleurs (BRA, Leiden, NYPL, University of Rwanda, Library of Congress et grandes universités
américaines). De plus, une bibliothèque universitaire opère comme catalogue et comme base de
données, au sens où elle renvoie à ses stacks ainsi qu’aux doi électroniques catalogués dans
d’autres bases.
La base bibliographique peut inclure l’accès électronique au texte, en tout ou en partie, de la
publication citée. Les bibliothèques donnaient la cote, c’était au lecteur de localiser l’item.
Aujourd’hui, en quelques secondes, des databases déposent l’article, la monographie ou le gros
pavé sur le desk des chercheurs.
Pour la période qui va du 1er janvier au 17 décembre 2018, grosso modo pour 2018, voici
quelques exemples de “results” pour une recherche Rwanda, selon les paramètres All Text
(Rwanda dans tous les textes), Title (Rwanda dans le titre) ou autre:
Lexis Uni: “All Lexis Uni”: 10.000+
Google Scholar, [unspecified category]: “Environ 14.600 résultats”
WorldCat: Keyword: 3.732; Title: 1.403
Academic Search Complete: All text: 1,740; Title: 209
Business Source Complete: All text: 996; Title: 79
Microsoft Academic: [unspecified category]: 678
Web of Science: Topic: 510; Title 267
MedLine: All text: 398; Abstract: 242; Title: 167
United Nations Digital Library: Any Field: 312 ; Title: 74
Engineering Village: All fields: 161; Title: 41
Cairn: Texte Intégral: 142; Titre: 5
Jstor: All Fields: 158; Title: 4.
UnesDoc: All text: 117; “mot-clé”: 8; Titre: 2
thè Texte intégral: 42; Titre: 1.
HRW: [unspecified category]: 31
Amnesty: “Keywords or Title”: 19
World Bank Open Knowledge Repository: “all OKR”: 17
Massivement anglophones, les bases bibliographiques qui délivraient en décembre 2018 des
“results” conséquents pour une “search” Rwanda sont classées au ch.1 par type (généralistes,
spécialistes), discipline, genre (la presse, le roman) ou nationalité.


En décembre 2018, pour un “Search” Rwanda par “Title”, un étudiant de Stanford University pouvait accéder
(“direct access to full text”) à 16.464 “scholarly & peer-reviewed” articles. Plus de 16.000 articles sur le
Rwanda lisibles en ligne? L’irrelevance doit être importante. Cf. SearchWorks catalog, https://

Comme les précédentes, cette bibliographie classe les publications portant en tout ou en
partie (suffisante) sur le Rwanda et parues en 2018.
Le classement est fait par sujets ou topics. Ne sont pas recensées certaines sciences
(physique, géologie, primatologie, climatologie, et al.) dont il n’est pas difficile, pour les
spécialistes concernés, de dresser les bibliographies. Les quotidens et les hebdomadaires (Nexis
Uni2 permet de rechercher ces médias) et les entrées bibliographiques des grandes institutions
nationales ou internationales (UN, World Bank) ne sont pas recensés; elles ne sont pas difficiles
Les thèses de doctorat, toutes étiquetées Doctoral dissertation, sont citées dans leurs
La partie Santé Publique (ch. 12) est incomplète; ce champ très développé peut inonder des
bases, par exemple Microsoft Academic.
Pourquoi a-t-il été facile de trouver les travaux de la Jönköping University (Sweden) et
difficile de trouver des thèses de doctorat belges? Faute d’auteurs ou parce que les liens
académiques belges ne sont pas captés par les agrégateurs?
Certaines revues uniquement virtuelles, souvent “internationales” mais sans tomaison, sans
pagination, des doi leur suffisant, n’inspirent pas confiance, tout comme certains travaux publiés
par les publish-on-demand “européens”. Mais personne n’est encore listé sur la Beall’s List of
predatory journals and publishers.
Des erreurs, des oublis se seront glissés dans ce centon sans fin, veuillez-nous en excuser.


Formerly LexisNexis.


Cf. les bases des United Nations: ECA Library Catalog (Economic Commission for Africa); Official Document
System (ODS); ReliefWeb; UNBISNET (United Nations Digital Library System); UNESDOC; UNICEF; UN
Women, Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database; Universal Human Rights Index; UNU Library
catalog; Yearbook of the United Nations. Et celles de la World Bank: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository;
WB Data Catalog; WB Documents and Reports.

All subjects/multidisciplinary
Academic OneFile
Complementary Index
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Google Scholar
Microsoft Academic
Sage Journals
Springer Link
Taylor & Francis
Human Sciences; Social Sciences
Academic Search Complete
African Journal on Line (AJOL)
Anthropological Index Online
Anthropology Plus
ATLA Religion Database
Francis (Pascal & Francis)
Historical Abstracts
Mukanda (Université de Lorraine)
PAIS Index
Project Muse
SSRN: Social Science Research Network
UN Digital Library
Sciences; natural sciences
Elsevier (Science Direct)


Engineering Village
Global Plant (JSTOR)
Pascal (Pascal & Francis)
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
Web of Science
Specialized bases
Biology; Medicine
Biological Abstracts
BioOne Complete
BMC (BioMed Central)
Europe PMC
MedLine Complete
NCBI Databases
Economics; Business
ABI/Inform Global
Business Abstracts
Business Insights Global
IMF eLibrary
Education Source
ERIC: Educational Resource Information Center
Human Rights Studies On Line

Oxford Reports on International Law
ProQuest Congressional
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
Arts & Literature
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance
Bases francophones
Open Edition (formerly
Expanded Academic ASAP
General OneFile
InfoTrac Newsstand
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis)
Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Autres bases
Chinese Social Science Citation Index. Nanjing University (Clarivate Analytics)
Indian Citation Index (ICI), New Delhi
National Diet Library Collection (Japan)
KCI Korean Journal Database (Clarivate Analytics)
Russian Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
SciELO Citation Index Latin America, Spain, Portugal, the Caribbean and South Africa (Clarivate


Ashe, Muesiri; Ojong, Vivian, “Population Overhang and the Great Lakes Crisis : Rwanda
and Her Neighbours”, Journal of African Union Studies, 7-2, 2018, pp. 127-147.
Marter-Kenyon, Jessica, Relocation as Adaptation? Population Resettlement in an Era of
Global Environmental Change, Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Santa
Barbara 2018. [Villagization]4
Nizeyimana, Pacifique; Lee, Kee-Won; Sim, Songyong, “A study on the classfication of
households in Rwanda based on factor scores”, Journal of the Korean Data and Information
Science Society, 29-2, 2018, pp. 547-555.
Reed, Fennis; et al., “Gridded Population Maps Informed by Different Built Settlement
Products”, DATA, 3-3, 2018, Article number 33. [Haiti, Malawi, Madagascar, Nepal, Rwanda,
Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel; Wylde, Emily, What are the implications of ageing and
demographic change in Rwanda?, IDS Policy Briefing 150, University of Sussex: Institute of
Development Studies, 2018, 2 p.
Refugees; Migration; Diaspora
Bidandi, Fred, “Understanding refugee durable solutions by international players: Does
dialogue form a missing link?”, Cogent Social Sciences, 4-1, 2018, Article number 1510724.
[Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Uganda]
Bilgili, Özge; Loschmann, Craig, “Refugees and host communities in the Rwandan labour
market”, Forced Migration Review, 58, 2018, pp. 22-23.
Cottyn, Ine, “Livelihood trajectories in a context of repeated displacement: empirical
evidence from Rwanda”, Sustainability, 10-10, 2018, art. 3521.
Dubernet, Cecile, The international containment of displaced persons: humanitarian
spaces without exit, London: Routledge, 2018. 227 p. [Iraq, Bosnia, Rwanda, Somalia]
Gyimah, Kwesi, Planting seventh-day adventist house churches among Rwandese
refugees in Columbus, Ohio, Doctor of Ministry report, Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA),
International Organization for Migration, Comparative study on the free movement of
workers in select East African Community Countries: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and the
United Republic of Tanzania, Geneva: IOM, 2018, 146 p.

Les informations entre crochets sont ajoutées par nous aux citations.

Kuradusenge-McLeod, Claudine, Fight Against Labels, Fight for Self: The Exploration of
Social Categorization on Diaspora Political Participation, Doctoral Dissertation, George
Mason University, 2018.
Kuradusenge-McLeod, Claudine, “Belgian Hutu Diaspora Narratives of Victimhood and
Trauma”, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 12-3, 2018, pp. 427-443.
Marshall, Julie; Barrett, H., “Human rights of refugee-survivors of sexual and genderbased violence with communication disability”, International Journal of Speech-Language
Pathology, 20-1, 2018, pp. 44-49.
Marson, Jennifer, “The Rwandan diaspora in Canada and the United States: reconciliation
and justice”, Contemporary Justice Review, 21-3, 2018, pp. 299-326.
Munenge Mudage, Florent; Mudage Lebon, Mangaiko, “La problématique intégration des
migrants ressortissants du Rwanda et du Burundi en République Démocratique du Congo”,
European Scientific Journal,14-5, 2018, pp. 299-327.
Mupenzi, Alfred, Narratives of displacement, resilience and education: experiences of
african students with a refugee background in Australian tertiary education, Doctoral
Dissertation, Western Sydney University (Australia), 2018.
Nikuze, Marie, “Rwanda”, in Clark, T.; Mueller, R (eds), Green card youth voices:
immigration stories from an Atlanta high school, Minneapolis, MN: Wise Ink Creative
Publishing, 2018, 176 p.
Orjuela, Camilla, “Mobilising diasporas for justice: Opportunity structures and the
presencing of a violent past”, Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 44-8, 2018, pp.
Youth: Genocide; Health; Sociology
Barrett, Jastine. “Balancing Pragmatism and Principle: UNICEF, Child Rights and Child
Genocidaires”, Human Rights Law Review, 18-1, 2018, pp. 31-59.
Bermudez, Laura; et al., ”Safety, trust, and disclosure: A qualitative examination of
violence against refugee adolescents in Kiziba Camp, Rwanda”, Social Science & Medicine,
200, 2018, pp. 83-91.
Bilgili, Özge, et al., Is the education of local children influenced by living nearby a
refugee camp? Evidence from host communities in Rwanda, WIDER Working Paper Series
018, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER), 2018, 21 p.
Eramian, Laura; Denov, Myriam, “Is It Always Good to Talk? The Paradoxes of TruthTelling by Rwandan Youth Born of Rape Committed during the Genocide”, Journal of
Genocide Research, 20-3, 2018, pp. 372-391.
Finn, Brandon, “Quietly Chasing Kigali: Young Men and the Intolerance of Informality in
Rwanda’s Capital City”, Urban Forum, 29-2, 2018, pp. 205-218.
Gonis, Gonzague, “Illicit drugs use among youth: a hindrance to socio-economic
development in Rwanda”, Social Research Reports, 10-2, 2018, pp. 74-84.


Grant, Andrea, “Bringing The Daily Mail to Africa: entertainment websites and the
creation of a digital youth public in post-genocide Rwanda”, Journal of Eastern African
Studies, 2018,
Habumugisha, Felicien; Nyandwi, Jean Baptiste; Ntokamunda Kadima, Justin,
“Knowledge and Practice of Hormonal Contraception among High School Teens”,
International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health, 30-3, 2018, 8 p. doi: 10.9734/IJTDH/
Henning, Margaret; et al., “Over-age and underserved: a case control study of HIVaffected children and education in Rwanda”, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 13-1,
2018, pp. 81-93.
Hogwood, Jemma; Mushashi, Christine; Jones, Stuart; Auerbach, Carl, “‘I Learned Who I
Am’: Young People Born From Genocide Rape in Rwanda and Their Experiences of
Disclosure”, Journal of Adolescent Research, 33-5, 2018, pp. 549-570.
Kaplan, Suzanne; Modell, Arnold, “Rwanda genocide, 1994”, in Idem, Children in
genocide: extreme traumatization and affect regulation, London: Routledge, 2018, pp.
Kagoyire, Marie; Richters, Annemiek, “‘We are the memory representation of our
parents’: Intergenerational legacies of genocide among descendants of rape survivors in
Rwanda”, Torture, 28-3, 2018, pp. 30-45,
Muhayisa, Assumpta; et al., “Héritage traumatique chez les enfants nés du viol pendant le
génocide perpétré contre les Tutsis au Rwanda en 1994”, L’Autre, 19-2, 2018, pp. 197-207.
Neugebauer, Richard; et al., "Are Children or Adolescents More at Risk for Posttraumatic
Stress Reactions Following Exposure to Violence? Evidence From Post-Genocide Rwanda”,
The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 206-1, 2018, pp. 11-18.
Nimbabazi, O., “Impact of Migrant Health Initiatives by Youth in Rwanda”, The European
Journal of Public Health, 28-suppl. 1, 2018.
Nsereko, E.; et al., “Early feeding practices and stunting in Rwandan children: A crosssectional study from the 2010 Rwanda demographic and health survey”, Pan African Medical
Journal, 29, 2018, doi:10.11604/pamj.2018.29.157.10151
Pontalti, Kirsten, “Kinship ‘matters’: Continuity and change in children’s family relations
across three generations in Rwanda”, Childhood, 25-2, 2018, pp. 173-188.
Sibomana, Tite, Association Between Pornography Consumption and Sexual Practice
Among Adolescents in Rwanda, Munich: Grin Verlag, 2018, 62 p.
UNICEF, Annual Report 2017: Rwanda, 2018, 57 p.
Williams, Timothy; et al., “‘It isn’t that we’re prostitutes’: Child protection and sexual
exploitation of adolescent girls within and beyond refugee camps in Rwanda”, Child Abuse &
Neglect, 86, 2018, pp. 158-166.
Yourkavitch, Jennifer, Trends and inequalities in young child nutrition in Rwanda: further
analysis of the 2014-15 demographic and health survey, DHS Further Analysis Report n° 109
2018, Rockville, MD: ICF/USAID, 2018, 32 p.


Women: Genre; Land; Law; Politics
Abbott, Pamela; Mugisha, Roger; Sapsford, Roger, “Women, Land and Empowerment in
Rwanda”, Journal of International Development, 30-6, 2018, pp. 1006-1022.
Adam, Rahma; et al., “Gender and equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms through
Agricultural Innovation Platforms in Rwanda”, Community Development, 49-4, 2018, pp.
Aolain, Fionnuala, “The feminist institutional dimensions of power-sharing and political
settlements”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 24-1, 2018, pp.116-132.
Bayisenge, Jeannette, “From male to joint land ownership: Women's experiences of the
land tenure reform programme in Rwanda”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 18-3, 2018, pp.
Berry, Marie, War, women, and power: From violence to mobilization in Rwanda and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 294 p.
Bizimana, Benjamin. “Exploring gender discrepancies in qualifications in public service in
Rwanda: Towards an improved equity”, Journal of Education and Practice, 9-13, 2018, pp.
Brown, Sara, Gender and the genocide in Rwanda: women as rescuers and perpetrators,
Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge, 2018, 176 p.
Burnet, Jennie; Kanakuze, Jeanne d’Arc, Political Settlements, Women's Representation
and Gender Equality: The 2008 Gender-Based Violence Law and Gender Parity in Primary
and Secondary Education in Rwanda, ESID Working Paper No. 94. Manchester: Effective
States and Inclusive Development Research Centre, The University of Manchester, 2018, 66
Buscaglia, Ilaria, “Femmes qui gouvernent les femmes: émancipation et féminité dans la
campagne du post-génocide rwandais”, in Gomez-Perez, Muriel (ed), Femmes d'Afrique et
émancipation: Entre normes sociales contraignantes et nouveaux possibles, Paris: Karthala,
2018, ch 5.
Buss, Doris; Ali, Jerusa, “Rwanda: Women’s Political Participation in Post-Conflict StateBuilding”, in Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala; et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Gender and
Conflict, Oxford University Press, 2018, ch. 44.
Colverson, Kathleen, “Increasing the Health and Nutritional Outcomes of the Government
of Rwanda’s ‘One Cow per Poor Family’ Program from a Gender Perspective”, Food
Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8-2, 2018, pp. 31-44.
Costa, Eleonora, Peacebuilding actors and gender equality: a positive relationship?
Analysing the role of peacebuilding actors in challenging power structures and defeating
gender inequality in Liberia and Rwanda, Doctoral Dissertation, Uppsala Universitet
(Sweden), 2018.
Gatesi, Jeanne; Mategeko, Betty, “Contribution of Women Empowerment towards the
Development in Rwanda: Case of Duhaguruke Kora Cooperative in Muhoza Sector, Musanze
District”, World Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2-1, 2018, pp. 25-32.


Gertz, Evelyn; Brehm, Hollie; Brown, Sara, “Gender and genocide: assessing differential
opportunity structures of perpetration in Rwanda”, in Williams, Timothy; Buckley-Zistel,
Susanne (eds), Perpetrators and Perpetration of Mass Violence: Action, Motivations and
Dynamics, Abigdon, UK: Routledge, 2018, pp. 145-162.
Guariso, Andrea; Ingelaere, Bert; Verpoorten, Marijke, "When ethnicity beats gender:
quotas and political representation in Rwanda and Burundi”, Development and Change, 49-6,
2018, pp. 1361-1391.
Habyarimana, Faustin; Zewotir, Temesgen; Ramroop, Shaun, “Structured spatial modeling
and mapping of domestic violence against women of reproductive age in Rwanda”, Journal
of interpersonal violence, 2018,
Hutchinson, Susan, “Leading the Operationalisation of WPS” [Women, Peace and
Security], Security Challenges, 14-2, 2018, pp. 124-142. [Afghanistan, Rwanda, Yugoslavia,
East Timor]
Johnstone, Lyn, “Landscapes of Desire: The effect of gender, sexualized identity, and
flirting on data production in Rwanda and Zimbabwe”, in Idem (ed), The Politics of
Conducting Research in Africa: Ethical and Emotional Challenges in the Field, Cham:
Palgrave Macmillan US, 2018, pp. 75-95.
Kamanzi, J.; Namusonge, G.; Ndabaga, E., “Influence of innovation on growth of women
micro-businesses in Bugesera District”, International Journal of Academic Research in
Business and Social Sciences, 8-1, 2018, pp. 24-42.
Madsen, Diana Højlund, “‘Localising the Global’: Resolution 1325 as a tool for promoting
women’s rights and gender equality in Rwanda”, Women’s studies international forum, 66,
2018, pp. 70-78.
Mahoro, Justin, “Unmet need among married women: examining socio-religious
influences on family planning use in Rwanda, 2005-2015”, International Journal of Human
Rights in Healthcare, 11-5, 2018, pp. 380-391.
Miedema, Stephanie Spaid; et al., “Women’s empowerment in East Africa: Development
of a cross-country comparable measure”, World Development, 110, 2018, pp. 453-464.
[Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda]
Motlafi, Nompumelelo, “The coloniality of the gaze on sexual violence: a stalled attempt
at a South Africa-Rwanda dialogue?”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 20-1, 2018,
Mushumba, Leon, “Effect of Gender Equality Processes on the Livelihoods of Rural
Women in Rwanda”, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 6-11, 2018, pp.
Randell, Shirley, “Celebrating Leadership Learning in Education Across Continents:
Experiences of Women Leading in Rwanda”, in McNae, Rachel; Reilly, Elizabeth (eds),
Women leading education across the continents: Finding and harnessing the joy in
leadership, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, ch. 23.
Sinalo, Caroline, Rwanda after genocide: Gender, identity and posttraumatic growth,
Cambridge, UK/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 228 p.


Stern, Erin; Heise, Lori; McLean, Lyndsay, “The doing and undoing of male household
decision-making and economic authority in Rwanda and its implications for gender
transformative programming”, Culture, health & sexuality, 20-9, 2018, pp. 976-991.
Treidl, Johanna, “Sowing gender policies, cultivating agrarian change, reaping inequality?
Intersections of gender and class in the context of marshland transformations in Rwanda”,
Antropologia, 5-1, 2018, pp. 77-95.
Uwayezu, Ernest; Mugisha, John, “Decoding gender justice in land conflicts resolution in
Rwanda”, African Journal of Geospatial Sciences and Land Governance, 1, 2018, 20 p.
Woolner, Leah; Denov, Myriam; Kahn, Sarilee, “‘I asked myself if I would ever love my
baby’: Mothering children born of genocidal rape in Rwanda”, Violence Against Women,
2018. doi: 10.1177/1077801218801110
Blouin, Arthur; Mukand, Sharun, “Erasing Ethnicity? Propaganda, Nation Building and
Identity in Rwanda”, Journal of Political Economy, 2018, doi: 10.1086/701441
Dwyer, Eric, “Kigali and Phoenix: Historical Similarities between Pre-Genocide Rwanda
and Arizona's Anti-Immigrant Wave”, Critical Questions in Education, 9-1, 2018, pp. 40-61.
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al., (ed), Community engagement in post-disaster recovery, Abingdon, UK/New York:
Routledge, 2018, ch. 11.

Mugenzi, Mwumvaneza Willy; Muliro, Masinde, “The Contribution of Girinka
Reconciliation Approach on Sustainable Peace in Kamonyi District of Rwanda”, Humanities
& Social Sciences Journal, 1-2, 2018, 55 p. doi: 10.32898/ihssj.02/1.2article02
Rosoux, Valérie, “Time and reconciliation: Negotiating with ghosts”, in Mueller-Hirth,
Natascha; Rios Oyola, Sandra (eds), Time and temporality in transitional and post-conflict
societies, Abingdon, UK/New York: Routledge, 2018, ch. 2.
Sebarenzi, Joseph, “Reconciliation challenges in post-genocide Rwanda”, in Quigley,
Paul; Hawdon, James (eds), Reconciliation after Civil Wars: Global Perspectives, London/
New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 17-34.
Schliesser, Christine, “Whose Justice? Which Democracy? Justice, Reconciliation and
Democracy in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Challenges to Public Theology”, International
Journal of Public Theology, 12-1, 2018, pp. 24-37.
Schliesser, Christine, “The Politics of Reconciliation in Post-genocide Rwanda”, in Leiner,
M.; Schliesser, C. (eds), Alternative Approaches in Conflict Resolution, Cham: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2018, pp. 137-146.
Yeh, Lily; The Barefoot Artists Organization, “Stories from Philadelphia, Kenya and
Rwanda, with Survivors of Poverty, Inner City Violence and Genocide”, in Jones, Sally (ed),
Art-making with refugees and survivors: Creative and transformative responses to trauma
after natural disasters, war and other crises, London/Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley
Publishers, 2018, pp. 65-112.
Zara, Ayten, “Collective trauma cycle: The healing role of reconciliation, forgiveness and
restorative justice in collective traumas”, Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 21-3, 2018, pp. 301-311 [Chile, Rwanda, South Africa, Yugoslavia, Uruguay]
Book reviews
author of review

book reviewed


Abbott, Pamela

The Orderly Entrepreneur: Youth,
Education and Governance in
Rwanda by Catherine A.
Honeyman Stanford , Stanford
University Press , 2016.

The Journal of Development
Studies, 54-7, 2018, pp. 1274-1275

Ansoms, An

Chris Huggins, Agricultural reform African Affairs, 117-468, 2018, pp.
in Rwanda: Authroitarianism,
markets and zones of
governance, Zed Books, 2017

Bekoe, Dorina

Jessee, Erin, Negotiating Genocide Genocide Studies and Prevention,
in Rwanda: The Politics of
12-1, 2018, pp. 98-100
History, 2017


Beloff, Jonathan

Randall Fegley, A history of
Rwandan identity and trauma: The
mythmakers’ victims, Lexington
Books, 2016. Kristin Conner
Doughty, Remediation in Rwanda:
Grassroots legal forums,
University of Pennsylvania Press,
2016. Susan Thomson, Rwanda:
From genocide to precarious
peace, Yale University Press,

African Affairs, 117-469, 2018, pp.

Benne, Caroline

John Cox, To Kill a People:
Genocide in the Twentieth
Century, Oxford University Press,

Genocide Studies and Prevention,
12-2, 2018, pp. 197-199.

Coffman, Jennifer

Catherine Honeyman, The orderly American Ethnologist, 45-3, 2018.
entrepreneur: youth, education, and
governance in Rwanda, Stanford
University Press, 2016

Conway, P.

Sara Brown, Gender and the
genocide in Rwanda: women as
rescuers and perpetrators,
Routledge, 2018

Choice, 55-10, 2018, p. 1249

Eramian, Laura

Kristin Conner Doughty, Remediation in Rwanda: Grassroots
Legal Forums, University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2016

American Anthropologist, 120-4,
2018, pp. 864-865

Fegley, Randall

Carney, J. J., Rwanda before the
Genocide: Catholic Politics and
Ethnic Discourse in the Late
Colonial Era, Oxford University
Press, 2014

Genocide Studies and Prevention,
12-2, 2018, pp. 188–189.

Graybill, Lyn

Kristin Conner Doughty, Remediation in Rwanda: Grassroots
Legal Forums, University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2016.

Human Rights Review, 19-2, 2018,
pp. 277–278.

Guelke, Adrian

Benyamin Neuberger, Rwanda
Nationalism & ethnic politics,
1994: Genocide in the “Land of the 24-2, 2018, pp. 246-247.
Thousand Hills”, Equinox, 2017

Ibreck, Rachel

Investing in Authoritarian Rule:
Punishment and Patronage in
Rwanda's Gacaca Courts for
Genocide Crimes by Anuradha
Chakravarty, Cambridge
University Press, 2016.
Inside Rwanda's Gacaca Courts:
Seeking Justice after Genocide by
Bert Ingelaere: The University of
Wisconsin Press, 2016.
Courts in Conflict: Interpreting the
Layers of Justice in Post-Genocide
Rwanda by Nicola Palmer, Oxford
University Press, 2015.


The Journal of Modern African
Studies, 56-1, 2018, pp. 169-174

Imaduddin, Ahmed

Chris Huggins, Agricultural
Reform in Rwanda: authoritarianism, markets and zones of
governance, Zed Books, 2017

Africa, 88-4, 2018, pp. 896-897

Ingelaere, Bert

Guichaoua, André, From War To
Genocide: Criminal Politics in
Rwanda 1990-1994, University of
Wisconsin Press, 2015.
H-H Bradol; M. Le Pape,
Humanitarian Aid, Genocide and
Mass Killings: Médecins Sans
Frontières, The Rwandan
Experience, 1982-97, Manchester
University Press, 2017.

Canadian Journal of African
Studies, 52-1, 2018.

Kaufman, Joyce

Marie Berry, War, Women, and
Power: From Violence to
Mobilization in Rwanda and
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambridge
UP 2018

International Affairs, 94-5, 2018,
pp. 1175-1176.

Linfield, Susie

Thomson, Susan, Rwanda: From
Dissent, 65-4, 2018, pp. 113-118.
Genocide to Precarious Peace, Yale
University Press, 2018. Doughty,
Kristin Conner, Remediation in
Rwanda: Grassroots Legal Forums,
University of Pennsylvania Press,
2016. Fegley, Randall, History of
Rwandan Identity & Trauma: The
Mythmakers' Victims, Lexington
Books, 2016

Longman, Timothy

Laura Eramian, Peaceful Selves:
Personhood, Nationhood, and the
Post-Conflict Moment in Rwanda
by Berghahn Books, 2018

MacAulay, Alison

Piotr Cieplak. Death, Image,
African Studies Review, 61-1,
Memory: The Genocide in Rwanda 2018, pp. 244-248.
and its Aftermath in Photography
and Documentary Film, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2017. Piotr Cieplak,
The Faces We Lost, documentary
film. 2017.

Norridge, Zoe

Performing the Nation: Genocide,
Justice, Reconciliation by Ananda
Breed, Yje University of Chicago
Press, 2014
Death, Image, Memory: The
Genocide in Rwanda and Its
Aftermath in Photography and
Documentary Film by Piotr
Rwanda Genocide Stories: Fiction
After 1994 by Nicki Hitchcott,
Liverpool University Press, 2015

Pruitt, W.

Thomson, Susan; Rwanda: From
Choice, 56-1, 2018, p. 121
Genocide to Precarious Peace, Yale
University Press, 2018


American Anthropologist, 120-4,
2018, pp. 871-872.

Research in African Literatures,
48-4, 2018, pp. 256-264.

Rafiki, Ubaldo

Nicki Hitchcott, Rwanda Genocide Genocide Studies and Prevention,
Stories: Fiction After 1994,
12-2, 2018, pp. 193-196
Liverpool University Press, 2015

Rutayisire, Paul

John Steward, From Genocide to
Generosity: Hatreds heal on
Rwanda's hills, Langham Global
Library, 2015

Zadok Perspectives, 138, 2018, pp.

Schimmel, Noam

Herman Salton, Dangerous
diplomacy: bureaucracy, power
politics, and the role of the UN
Secretariat in Rwanda, Oxford
University Press, 2018

International Affairs, 94-2, 2018,
pp. 459-461

Sipungu, Thoko,

Randall Fegley, A History of
Rwandan Identity and Trauma:
The Mythmaker’s Victim,
Lexington Books, 2016

Journal of Contemporary African
Studies, 36-2, 2019, pp. 285-287

Stevens, Samantha

John Clarke, British Media and the
Rwandan Genocide, Routledge,

Journal of Communication, 68-5,
2018, pp. 59-60.

Turner, S.

Scott Straus, Making and
Unmaking Nations: war,
leadership, and genocide in
modern Africa, Cornell University
Press, 2015

Africa, 88-2, 2018, 434-435.

van de Walle, Nicolas

Thomson, Susan; Rwanda: From
Foreign Affairs, 97-5, 2018, pp.
Genocide to Precarious Peace, Yale 253-254.
University Press, 2018

Williams, Timothy

Karareba, Gilbert, et al, Primary
school leadership in Post-Conflict
Rwanda: a narrative arc, Palgrave
MacMillan, 2018


Compare: A Journal of
Comparative and International
Education, 2018, doi:

Churches; Religion
Fraiture, Pierre-Philippe; Martinon, Jean-Paul, “The birth of language or the necessity of
rule”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies, 81-3, 2018, pp. 413-424.
Gatwa, Tharcisse, “Rwanda and Burundi”, in Ross; Kenneth; Asamoah-Gyadu, Kwabena;
Johnson, Todd (eds), Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
Press; Boston, MA: Credo Reference, 2018.
Grant, Andrea Mariko, “Ecumenism in question: Rwanda’s contentious post-genocide
religious landscape”, Journal of Southern African Studies, 44-2, 2018, pp. 221-238.
Grant, Andrea Mariko, “Noise and Silence in Rwanda’s Postgenocide Religious
Soundscape”, Journal of Religion in Africa, 48-1/2, 2018.
Habamenshi, Vedaste; Gasana, Sebastien, “The Problematic of Today’s Spectacular
Counterfeit Miracles, Tongues, Healing and Prophecies Assimilated as Gifts of Holy Spirit:
Experience of Christian Churches in Rwanda”, Research Journal of Social Science &
Management, 8-4, 2018, pp. 59-79.
Korman, Rémi, “Espaces sacrés et sites de massacre après le génocide des Tutsi: les
enjeux de la patrimonialisation des églises au Rwanda”, Vingtième siècle, 137, janvier-mars
2018, pp. 155-167.
Longman, Timothy, “Christian churches in post-genocide Rwanda : reconciliation and its
limits”, in Girma, Mohammed (ed), The healing of memories: African Christian responses to
politically induced trauma, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018, ch. 9.
Niyigena, Jean-Paul, Rwanda, la mission hier et aujourd'hui: jalons pour une Église de
notre temps: actes du colloque international du 29 octobre au 1er novembre 2017, Butare,
Rwanda, Bruxelles: Lumen vitae, 2018, 280 p.
Schliesser, Christine, “From “a theology of genocide” to a “theology of reconciliation”?
On the role of christian churches in the nexus of religion and genocide in Rwanda”,
Religions, 9-2, 2018, pp. 34-48.
Ssuuna, Ignatius, “Weeding the church plants: Rwanda closes thousands of churches in
attempt to curb bad buildings - and bad preaching”, Christianity Today, 62-4, 2018, pp.
Umubyeyi, Ornella, Prayer: an instrument for assessment of spiritual and psychological
concerns for Burundian refugee women in Maison Shalom Rwanda, Doctor of Ministry
report, Gardner-Webb University, 2018.


Varghese, Roy, “Kibeho, Rwanda, 1981-89”, in Idem, God-Sent: A History of the
Accredited Apparitions of Mary, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2018, pp
Assan, Joseph Kweku; Walker, Lawrence, “Enhancing Citizens Capability to Compete
Globally: Rwanda’s Formal Language and Education Policy and Its Implications for Labour
Market Development”, Journal of Education and Human Development, 7-1, 2018, pp. 37-46.
Bazimaziki, Gabriel; Utetiwabo, Wellars, “Reflection on Design, Implementation and
Assessment of Competence–Based Curriculum of University of Rwanda: Focus on Science
and Language in College of Education”, International Journal of Teacher Educational
Research, 7-1/4, 2018, n.p.
Bentrovato, Denise, “Beyond transitional justice: evaluating school outreach and
educational materials in postwar Rwanda and Sierra Leone”, in Ramirez-Barat, Clara;
Schulze, Martina (eds), Transitional justice and education: engaging young people in
peacebuilding and reconciliation, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2018, pp. 67-94.
Byungura, Jean Claude; Hansson, Henrik; Muparasi, Mugabe; et al., “Familiarity with
Technology among First-Year Students in Rwandan Tertiary Education”, Electronic Journal
of e-Learning, 16-1, 2018, pp. 30-45.
Davidson, Petrina, Secondary Social Studies Curriculum in Post-Genocide Rwanda as
Mediated by UNESCO and Post-Holocaust Education in Germany, Doctoral Dissertation,
Lehigh University, 2018.
do Nascimento, Daniele; Valdés-Cotera, Raúl, Promoting Lifelong Learning for All: The
Experiences of Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania,
Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), 2018, 58 p.
Dusingize, Marie-Paule; Nyiransabimana, Venantie, “A Study of University Social
Responsibility (USR) Practices at Rwanda’s Institut Catholique de Kabgayi”, in Pompper,
Donnalyn (ed), Corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical public relations
strengthening synergies with human resources, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2018, ch.
Friedlander, Elliott; Galloway, Catherine; Johnson, Angela, Literacy Boost in Rwanda:
Sustainability Report, Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 2018, 114 p.
Garnett, Russell, “Global Discourses and Local Practices: Teaching Citizenship and
Human Rights in Postgenocide Rwanda”, Comparative Education Review, 62-3, 2018, pp.
Habineza, Faustin. "An Exploratory Survey of Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes Towards
Research in INES-Ruhengeri In Rwanda”, International Educational Applied Scientific
Research Journal, 3-3, 2018, 5 p.
Haynes, Phillip, “The impact of home-based educational multi-correlates on academic
achievement: an analysis of gender discrepancies in Rwanda”, International Journal of
Inclusive Education, 2018.


Hussein, Jeylan Wolyie, “Fostering Interethnic Contact and Integrative Peace Education in
the University Settings of Rwanda”, Ethnic Studies Review, 41-1/2, 2018, pp. 35-52.
Jjuuko, Margaret; Njuguna, Joseph; Shafer, Richard, “Plagiarism among journalism
students as a predictor of unethical professional practices: an exploratory case study of
Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan”, The Journal of Development Communication, 28-1/2,
2018, pp. 34-51.
Kambanda, Safari; et al., “Boosting Voice Equity at Workplace: An Implication of Tertiary
Education on Mature Women Work Performance in Rwanda”, American Journal of
Educational Research, 6-1, 2018, pp. 18-26.
Kanwar, A.; Carr, A.; Ortlieb, K.; et al., “Opportunities and challenges for campus-based
universities in Africa to translate into dual-mode delivery”, Distance Education, 39-2, 2018,
pp. 140-158. [Cameroon, Kenya, Rwanda]
Karareba, Gilbert; Clarke, Simon; O’Donoghue, Thomas, Primary School Leadership in
Post-Conflict Rwanda: A Narrative Arc, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 242 p.
Karareba, Gilbert; Baillie, Caroline, “Community engineering education: The case of postconflict Rwanda”, Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 2018.
Kingston, Lindsey, Human Rights in Higher Education: Institutional, Classroom, and
Community Approaches to Teaching Social Justice, Cham: Springer International, 2018, 247
La Mattina, Giulia, “How persistent is the effect of conflict on primary education? Longrun evidence from the Rwandan genocide”, Economics Letters, 163, 2018, pp. 32-35.
Makoe, Mpine Elizabeth, “Using Future Research Methods in Analysing Policies Relating
to Open Distance Education in Africa”, Open Praxis, 10-1, 2018, pp. 5-15. [Kenya, Rwanda,
Maneno, Maxime Kabemba, Réflexions sur les approches méthodologiques du français au
Rwanda, Riga (Latvie): Éditions universitaires européennes, 2018, 236 p.
Mbarushimana, Valens, Etat d'avancement de la politique de décentralisation de
l’education, Riga (Latvie): Éditions universitaires européennes, 2018, 136 p.
Meyer, Sarah; et al., “School violence, perceptions of safety and school attendance: results
from a cross-sectional study in Rwanda and Uganda”, Journal of Global Health Reports, 2,
2018, e2018020.
Moore, Andrew; et al., “Rwandan Collaborative Model for Educator Capacity Building”,
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 16-2, 2018, pp. 29-35.
Mukama, Evode, “From policies to implementation of open distance learning in Rwanda:
A genealogical and governmentality analysis”, Journal of Learning for Development, 5-1,
2018, pp. 40-56.
Mutwarasibo, Fidèle, “The right to education in East Africa: lessons learnt from personal
experience in education in Rwanda and Kenya in the 1970s-80s”, Sisyphus: Journal of
Education, 6-1, 2018, pp. 141-148.


Ndihokubwayo, Kizito; Habiyaremye, Hashituky, “Why did Rwanda shift from
knowledge to competence based curriculum? Syllabuses and textbooks: Point of view."
African Research Review, 12-3, 2018, pp. 38-48.
Ndihokubwayo, Kizito; et al., “Use of improvised experiment materials to improve
teacher training college students’ achievements in physics, Rwanda”, African Journal of
Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences, 14, 2018, pp. 71–84.
Niyibizi, Epimaque; et al., “Assessment in a Rwandan higher education institution: a quest
for aligned assessment to promote socio-economic transformation”, Assessment & Evaluation
in Higher Education, 43-7, 2018, pp. 1166-1182.
Niyibizi, Epimaque, “Every Supervisor tells me his or her own things: a personal lived
experience with working with two PhD Supervisors”, Rwandan Journal of Education, 2018,
4-2, pp. 24-32.
Niyomugabo, Cyprien; et al., “A Reflection on the Need for a Language Management
Scheme at the University of Rwanda’s College of Education”, International Journal of
Humanities, Literature and Arts, 1-1, 2018. doi:
Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard, “Revisiting the Reusability and Openness of Resources in the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Open Courseware”, Journal of Interactive Media in
Education, 1, 2018, Article 3 2018.
Nshimiyimana, Gonzalves; et al., “Effect of Incorporating Entrepreneurship Module in
Non-Business Major Programs in Higher Education Institutes (HEI): A Study of the Science
Major Students at The Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur (INES) de Ruhengeri in Rwanda”,
Problemy Zarządzania, 16-1, 2018, pp. 143-169.
Ntagara, Venant, Savoirs scolaires scientifiques et raisonnement chez les élèves: Cas du
Rwanda, Riga, Latvie: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2018, 404 p.
Nzahabwanayo, Sylvestre, “Identification and critique of the values education notion
informing the itorero training program for high school leavers in post-genocide Rwanda”,
Interchange, 49-1, 2018, pp. 111-132.
Nzahabwanayo, S.; Divala, J., “What works in citizenship and values education: Attitudes
of high school leavers towards the Itorero training in post-genocide Rwanda”, South African
Journal of Higher Education, 32-5, 2018, pp. 190-210.
Omotehinwa, Omoboriowo; et al., “Shisha use among students in a private university in
Kigali city, Rwanda: prevalence and associated factors”, BMC public health, 18-1, 2018. doi:
Otara, Alfred; Uwanyirigira, Francine, “Administrative strategies in mitigating middle
level students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Rwanda”, Journal of Education and
Practice, 9-21, 2018, pp. 1-13.
Sabates, R.; Bhutoria, A.; Sabates-Wheeler, R.; Devereux, S., “Schooling responses to
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Journal of Educational Research, 2018.
Sayed, Yusuf, et al., Engaging teachers in peacebuilding in post-conflict contexts: Rwanda
and South Africa, ESRC/DFID Poverty Alleviation Fund, 2018.


Stambach, Amy; Wamalwa, Kevin, “Students’ Reparticularization of Chinese Language
and Culture at the University of Rwanda Confucius Institute”, Signs and Society, 6-2, 2018,
pp. 332-348.
Tabaro, Cyprien, “The Rwandan Secondary School Competence-Based Curriculum:
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Education Programs to Align Them with the Current Curriculum”, International Journal of
Education, 6-2, 2018, pp. 64-75.
Takahashi, Tomoharu, “Motivation of students for learning English in Rwandan schools”,
Issues in Educational Research, 28-1, 2018, pp. 168-186.
Thomas, Paul; Skinstad van der Kooij, Kristin, “The history syllabus in post-genocide
Rwanda: Implications for teacher education”, Cogent Education, 5-1, 2018, 18 p.
Uwizeyimana, Daniel; et al., “The impact of teaching approaches on effective physics
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Rwandan Journal of Education, 4-2, 2018, pp. 4-14.
Williams, Timothy, “The Things They Learned: Aspiration, Uncertainty, and Schooling in
Rwanda’s Developmental State”, The Journal of Development Studies, 2018,
ICT & Education
Basaran, S.; Rukundo, S., “University Students’ and Faculty’s Views on Ethical Use of
Facebook Within ICT Context”, 12th International Technology, Education and Development
Conference (INTED),Valencia, March 05-07, 2018, INTED Proceedings, 2018, pp.
Bizimana, Benjamin, “Revolutionizing education through information communication
technology: progress and challenges in Rwanda”, Greener Journal of Educational Research,
8-2, 2018, pp. 17-24.
Gumyusenge, Florien; et al., “ICT Performance Indicators in Formal Education at the
Secondary School Level in Rwanda”, in Kebe, C.; Gueye, A.; Ndiaye, A.; Garba, A. (eds.),
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Switzerland: Springer, 2018, pp. 52-61.
Mukama, Evode, “New digital technologies: A kairos for catholic education in Rwanda”,
Journal of Religious & Theological Information, 7-1, 2018, pp. 22-32.
Mukuru, Ssessazi Alfred; et al., “Management Information System Usage and its
Influence on Academic Processes in Mount Kenya University, Kigali Campus, Rwanda”,
Journal of Information Science, Systems and Technology, 2-1, 2018, pp. 49-61.
Munyengabe, Sylvestre; He, Haiyan; Yiyi, Zhao, “Information communication technology
policy and public primary schools’ efficiency in Rwanda”, South African Journal of
Education, 38-1, 2018, art. 1445.


Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series:
“Rwanda-Israël: Concerns Over Deportations”, 55-2, 2018, pp. 21775C-21776C.
“Rwanda-Uganda: Move To End Strained Relations”, 55-1, p. 21711A.
“International Organisation of la Francophonie: Rwanda Boosts Influence”, 55-10, 2018, pp.
“Rwanda-Uganda: Terrorism Charges”, 54-12, 2018, p. 21673C.
“Rwanda: New Finance Minister”, 55-4, 2018, pp. 21821A-21821B.
“Rwanda: Kagame Critics Released”, 55-9, 2018, pp. 22020C-22021B.
“Rwanda: New Rebel Group?”, 55-7, 2018, pp. 21948B-21948C.
“Rwanda-France: Genocide Cases”, 55-7, 2018, pp. 21955A-21955C.
“Rwanda: Legislative Poll”, 55-9, 2018, pp. 22008B-22009A.
“Rwanda: Major Reshuffle”, 55-10, 2918, pp. 22035C-22036B.
“Rwanda: Parliamentary Poll Preparations”, 55-8, 2018, p. 21971A.
“Rwanda: Parliamentary Election Results”, 55-9, 2018, pp. 22008B-22008C.
“Rwanda: Religion”, 55-3, 2018, p. 21812A.

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February 2018
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DC: Congressional Research Service, February 7, 2018, 13 p.
Bayer, Markus; Pabst, Andrea, “Heroes and victims: economies of entitlement after
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Beresford, Alexander; Berry, Marie; Mann, Laura, “Liberation movements and stalled
democratic transitions: reproducing power in Rwanda and South Africa through productive
liminality”, Democratization, 25-7, 2018, pp. 1231-1250.
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Purdeková, Andrea; Reyntjens, Filip; Wilén, Nina, "Militarisation of governance after
conflict: beyond the rebel-to-ruler frame: the case of Rwanda”, Third World Quarterly, 39-1,
2018, pp. 158-174.
Reyntjens, Filip, “When the poor sponsor the rich: Rwanda and Arsenal FC”, The
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ISBN 978-2-9558736-0-1. Cet ouvrage est cité dans le catalogue de la BNF et repris par WorldCat.

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Mental health
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