Fiche du document numéro 20710

Thursday May 12, 1994
[Intensive fightings in Kigali. Ayalla Lasso met with belligerent parties. Agreement about the pinciples of a forthcoming resolution to expand UNAMIR. An embargo on arms will be included]
Fonds d'archives
Document diplomatique, TD
2909 – 12-­05

SG’s representative Amb Gharekhan informed the SC that intensive
fighting between the RPF and the RGF continue in Kigali. RPF units in
the south of Kigali are moving westward.

Ayala Lasso, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, met in
Rwanda with representatives of both belligerent parties. He appealed
over the Rwanda radio for a ceasefire. Then he left for Nairobi.

Uganda’s president Museveni announced that he intends to convene a
regional conference with a ceasefire as its objective.

During a meeting of the UN and OAU SGs, Tanzania’s President and the
US VP, in the RSA, Salim A. Salim informed that four African countries
had expressed their readiness to provide military units for an
expanded UNAMIR mandate (Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania; he didn’t mention
the fourth one), without specifying troop numbers.

SC President Gambari informed the SC that he had dealt separately with
Rwanda’s Foreign Minister and an RPF representative. Both parties
agreed to the anticipated expansion of the UNAMIR operation and are
awaiting it impatiently.

During informal consultations, SC members agreed on the principles of
a forthcoming resolution to expand UNAMIR’s mandate:

‐ The proposed activity will be strictly humanitarian

‐ The mandate will be formulated so as to allow maximum flexibility in
executing it

‐ The number of expanded UNAMIR has been preliminarily set at “up to 5500”

‐ The resolution will include an embargo on arms and matériel

‐ The resolution would have a political content as well but would
particularly refer to res. 914 (1994)

‐ The action should be fast, decisive and correspond to realistic possibilities

‐ Preparing the resolution should be conditioned by the submission of
an official report by the SG in which he would outline safe zones,
suggest how to create them, specify the troop

‐ contributing countries, including numbers of troops, their
armaments and equipment, the dates of their deployment, whether their
deployment would fall under Chapter VI or Chapter VII, list countries
that would provide logistical assistance, specify whether Tanzania,
Burundi and Zaire agree, etc. The report should also contain a draft
budget for expanding UNAMIR. Gharekhan promised to submit the
requested report by Fri am.

‐ It was recommended that the resolution be adopted either Fri evening
or Sat am; we realize it will be difficult to receive instructions
from HQ.

A working group met after the informal consultations which considered
the text of the draft submitted yesterday by the SC President. The
first and second page of the draft were debated and adapted.

The changes are very preliminary because the decisive report from the
SG wasn’t available yet. The working group will continue on Friday am.

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