Fiche du document numéro 18871

Février 2015
Rwanda 2014. Bibliographie
RWANDA, 2014

François Lagarde
The University of Texas at Austin
10 février 2015




1 Recherche
1.1 Bibliographie
1.2 Méthodes
1.3 Thèses de doctorat; mémoires de maîtrise


2. Histoire; Témoignage
2.1 Histoire
2.2 1990-1994; génocide
2.3 France/Rwanda
2.4 Témoignages; mémoires
2.5 Témoignages: critique


3. Politique
3.1 Politique
3.2 Ethnicité
3.3 Mémoire
3.4 Réconciliation


4. Économie
4.1 Démographie
4.2 Questions foncières
4.3 Ressources naturelles
4.4 Agriculture; floriculture; sylviculture; élevage
4.5 Caféiculture
4.6 Economie; finance
4.7 Tourisme


5. Société
5.1 Société
5.2 Femmes; genre
5.3 Enfants; adolescents
5.4 Éducation
5.5 Langues




5.6 Médias
5.7 Églises; religion


6. Santé Publique
6.1 Administration; économie
6.2 Enseignement
6.4 Médecine: spécialités
6.5 Santé mentale


7. Relations Régionales et Internationales
7.1 Réfugiés; émigrés
7.2 East African Community (EAC)
7.3 Relations régionales
7.4 Relations internationales; aide
7.5 Nations Unies


8. Droit
8.1 Rwanda: Justice; Gacaca
8.2 Droit international; TPIR/ICTR
8.3 Gender-based violence; droit du viol


9. Arts et Lettres
9.1 Roman; conte; théâtre; poésie
9.2 Littérature juvénile
9.3 Critique littéraire
9.4 Film
9.5 Critique cinématographique
9.6 Beaux arts; photographie; bande dessinée
9.7 Architecture


10. Sciences naturelles
10.1 Sciences de la terre; sciences de la vie
10.2 Primatologie




Comme les précédentes1, cette bibliographie recense les articles et les livres portant en
tout ou en partie sur le Rwanda et publiés en 2014. La table des matières reprend celle de
Rwanda 2013 mais est aussi en partie modifiée. Les dix chapitres restent les mêmes, mais
des sections nouvelles apparaissent: France-Rwanda, EAC, Ressources naturelles… Sont
regroupés les thèses de doctorat (et quelques mémoires de maîtrise), les travaux d’histoire
et les témoignages, les études portant sur la vie politique, l’économie (dont agriculture),
la société (dont éducation), les relations régionales et internationales, la santé publique, le
droit ainsi que les arts et les lettres. Les sous-sections Société et Politique peuvent
paraître être des fourre-tout… La longue section sur la Santé publique (on s’est efforcé de
distinguer entre institutions et sciences médicales) et celle sur les Sciences naturelles sont
d’un amateur…
Il est impossible d’établir aujourd’hui une bibliographie complète et sans erreur sur un
sujet aussi large que celui du Rwanda, même en se limitant à une année. La publication
d’un même article s’étage aujourd’hui dans le temps: il naît le plus souvent sous une
forme virtuelle (Internet), avant de passer en quelques mois, parfois en se transformant, à
l’édition papier. De plus, on publie sur le Rwanda dans de nombreuses langues, même si
l’écrasante majorité des publications est anglophone, et aucune bibliographie ne saurait
recenser tous les écrits publiés en kinyarwanda, et aussi bien en japonais, en allemand, en
néerlandais, en polonais, ou en russe…
Les principaux outils de recherche bibliographique et de data mining sont anglophones
et le résultat est criant: plus des trois quarts des entrées de cette bibliographie sont en
anglais. Les instruments francophones (Cairn, Persée, Erudit, Calenda, Isidore, sont de faible puissance par rapport aux nombreuses bases de données
Un autre problème tient à la séparation traditionnelle qu’on établit toujours entre les
publications dites scientifiques et les articles de journaux. La présente bibliographie ne
recense pas les articles sur le Rwanda parus dans les grands quotidiens, du Monde ou de
La Libre Belgique au New York Times et au Globe and Mail… C’est un problème, car on
peut apprendre beaucoup dans les articles de fond des grands journaux mais ils sont trop
nombreux pour être tous listés.
Pour ne citer que quelques sujets, les publications recensées ici ne parlent
pratiquement jamais de la police, des grands procès, des PME, des transports, des loisirs,
des sports, du divorces ou des enterrements au Rwanda en 2014, alors que les quotidiens
et les hebdomadaires le font. Sans doute est-ce le concept même de bibliographie
“savante” qui est tout entier à revoir.
Les publications scientifiques étudient les sujets “classiques” rwandais: la femme
rwandaise (et les violences qui pèsent sur elle), la santé publique, l’éducation, le
plurilinguisme, le développement économique, le TPIR et les gacaca, le traumatisme du
génocide et la réconciliation, l’agriculture et la question foncière, la question dite
1  Cf.  Rwanda:  Bibliographie  1990-­‐2011;  Rwanda:  Bibliographie  2012;  Rwanda:  Bibliographie  2013,  Université  
Paris  1,  Institute  of  Economic  and  Social  Development  Studies,  Programme  Grands  Lacs.    https://www.univ-­‐­‐et-­‐valorisation/programmes-­‐grands-­‐lacs/rwanda-­‐bibliographies-­‐par-­‐francois-­‐



L’abondance des articles portant sur les questions de santé, physique ou mentale, est
exemplaire d’un esprit de la recherche ès Rwanda: dans tous les domaines, des problèmes
sont identifiés et des solutions sont avancées. Il s’agit toujours pour les Rwandais de
progresser vers plus de développement économique, politique ou humain.
Les auteurs se penchent sur le génocide et l’après-génocide (les traumatismes durent
encore) mais pratiquement pas sur l’histoire qui précède 1990, comme si la grande
recherche historique et sociologique à laquelle Vansina, Newbury (2), Vidal, Des Forges,
Reyntjens, Lemarchand, De Lame et consorts nous avaient habitués se taisait aujourd’hui
devant le chorus des idéologues et des polémistes qui occupent tout le terrain médiatique.
L’occasion du vingtième “anniversaire” du génocide a fait monter au front les
pourfendeurs patentés de la France-du-génocide et autres défenseurs de Son Excellence,
et en moindre nombre les opposants au régime de Kigali, tout cela aux dépens assez nets
des travaux universitaires, sauf exception. Il est toujours difficile aujourd’hui de parler du
Rwanda historique ou politique sans a priori ou sans parti pris. L’affirmationnisme et
l’accusationnisme ont plus produit, en 2014, que la recherche savante (une seule thèse de
doctorat en France, sauf erreur). Nous espérons nous tromper, et nous sommes loin
d’avoir pu tout lire, mais il se pourrait que, paradoxalement, l’année du vingtième
anniversaire ne soit pas un grand cru en matière de travaux scientifiques.
Les principes bibliographiques suivis restent ceux des éditions précédentes: nous ne
listons pas les rééditions ou les versions Kindle; nous mentionnons les DOI uniquement
si la publication est restée virtuelle et n’est pas paginée. Nous nous limitons aux
publications francophones et anglophones, à de rares exceptions près, faute de parler
d’autres langues. Nous incluons les publications internet de qualité douteuse, parce que
de bons travaux doivent malgré tout se retrouver parmi elles. On ne résiste pas à l’envie
de citer cette couverture qui montre que certains “éditeurs” ne se soucient guère de
publier correctement les travaux qu’ils commercialisent au prix fort:

Les omissions et les erreurs dans l’identification des entrées et dans leur classement ne
manqueront malheureusement pas; on est invité à les signaler à l’adresse suivante:
Nous espérons que cette compilation, qui demande beaucoup plus que de copier-coller
des citations dans les bases de donnée, ne sera pas inutile.



1.1 Bibliographie
Africa Bibliography, 2013, November 2014, pp. xviii-xix; doi: 10.1017/
Barringer, T. A., “Bibliography”, African Affairs, 113-451, 2014, pp. 334-346.
Barringer, T. A., “Bibliography”, African Affairs, 113-452, 2014, pp. 481-484.
Barringer, T. A., “Bibliography”, African Affairs, 113-453, 2014, pp. 626-629.
Barringer, T. A., “A select list of articles on Africa appearing in non–Africanist (AprilJune 2014)”, African Affairs, 113-450, 2014, pp. 159-171.
Barringer, T. A., “A select list of articles on Africa appearing in non–Africanist
periodicals (October-December 2013)”, African Affairs, 113-451, 2014, pp. 334-346.
Barringer, T. A., “A select list of articles on Africa appearing In non Africanist
periodicals (January-March 2014)”, African Affairs 113-452, 2014, pp. 485-495.
Barringer, T. A., A select list of articles on Africa appearing in non–Africanist
periodicals (July-September 2013)”, African Affairs, 113-453, 2014, pp. 630-639.
Hall, David (ed), International African Bibliography: East Africa, 44-1/2 (june 2014), pp.
1-102; 44-3/4 (december 2014), pp. 103-327.
Lagarde, François, Rwanda, 2013: Bibliographie, The University of Texas at Austin,
2014, 72 p.

1.2 Méthodes
Finnström, Sverker, “Disillusion, Embodiment and Violent Reconciliations: Engaged
Anthropology on Rwanda, El Salvador, and Peru”, PoLAR: Political and Legal
Anthropology Review, 37-2, 2014, pp. 371-375.
Giblin, John Daniel, “Toward a politicised interpretation ethic in African archaeology”,
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 49-2, pp. 148-165.
Kubai, Anne, “Conducting fieldwork in Rwanda: Listening to silence and processing
experiences of genocide”, in Maček, Ivana (ed), Engaging violence: trauma, memory
and representation, Hove, UK; New York: Routledge, 2014, pp. 111-126.
Mottier, Damien, “L’œuvre en double de Luc de Heusch”, Gradhiva, 20, 2014, pp. 218240.
Sundberg, Molly, “Ethnographic challenges encountered in Rwanda's social topography:
The researcher as navigator”, in Lavigne-Delville, Philippe (ed), Fieldwork in
Development and Emergency Settings: Confluence and Renewed Reflexivity,



Montpellier: APAD Editions, 2014, pp. 71-86
Vidal, Claudine, “Enquêtes au Rwanda: Questions de recherche sur le génocide tutsi”,
Agone, 53, 2014, pp. 103-142.
Walton, Rebecca; Zraly, Maggie; Mugengana, Jean-Pierre, “Values and Validity:
Navigating Messiness in a Community-Based Research Project in Rwanda”, Technical
Communication Quarterly, 24-1, 2014, pp. 45-69.

1.3 Thèses de doctorat; mémoires de maîtrise
Ahmad, Mohammed, From blueprint to genocide, University of Exeter, 2014, Doctorat
Ahluwalia, Kyle, Projecting Presence: Creating an "Effet de Présence" for Virtual
Characters, Université d'Ottawa, 2014, Maîtrise
Allwine, Melanie, Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: Improving Evaluation of
Service Delivery and Understanding Caveats in Poverty Benchmarking, The George
Washington University, 2014, Doctorat
Anderson Bliss, Jennifer, Picturing the unspeakable: Trauma, memory, and visuality in
contemporary comics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014, Doctorat
Appelbaum, Jenna, Lost in Transition: Gender Justice, Dignity, and Liminality in the
New Rwanda, New York University, 2014, Doctorat
Arnold, Jobb, Inside and Outside Peace and Prosperity: Post-Conflict Cultural Spaces in
Rwanda and Northern Ireland, Queen's University, 2014, Doctorat
Barengayabo, Alice, De l'anéantissement à la reconstruction de nouveaux repères: le
rétablissement du traumatisme chez les demandeurs du statut de réfugié rwandais au
Canada, Université d'Ottawa, 2014, Maîtrise
Baxter, Aryn, The Burden of Privilege: Navigating Transnational Space and Migration
Dilemmas among Rwandan Scholarship Students in the U.S., The University of
Minnesota, 2014, Doctorat
Beyene, Helina Asmelash, Gender-Based Violence and Submerged Histories: A Colonial
Genealogy of Violence against Tutsi Women in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, The
University of California, Los Angeles, 2014, Doctorat
Bjorkegren, Daniel, Essays in Development Economics, Harvard University, 2014,
Brown, Heidi, “What I cannot say”: Testifying of trauma through translation, Ohio State
University, 2014, Doctorat
Bucagu, Maurice, Transmission mère-enfant du VIH-1: incidence & facteurs de risque
socio-économiques, cliniques et biologiques au centre de santé de Muhima (Kigali/
Rwanda), Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2014, Doctorat
Cochran, Terry, La représentation de la tragédie humaine dans la littérature des
génocides du XXe siècle: les enjeux de la mise en récit d’une expérience
catastrophique, Université de Montréal, 2014, Doctorat
Costillo, Jennifer, Child abuse in Rwanda: a qualitative study examining types,
prevalence, and community based solutions, Azusa Pacific University, 2014, Doctorat


Crawford, Kerry, Punctuated Silence: The International Response to Wartime Sexual
Violence, The George Washington University, 2014, Doctorat
Dakuyo, Aboubacar, Justice transitionnelle et responsabilités pour crimes de génocide:
complémentarité ou contradiction?, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2014, Maîtrise
Dehling, Jonas, Taxonomy, systematics, and ecology of selected amphibian taxa from
Rwanda, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 2014, Doctorat
Dooley, Andrea, It Seemed the Earth Could Not Hold Them: Public Memorials,
Implicated Geographies and the Remaking of the Rwandan Citizen, The University of
California at Davis, 2014, Doctorat
Duggan, Aaron Robert, A fictive reality: The social construction of mythologies and the
mythologizing of social interactions, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2014, Doctorat
Emitslöf, Emma, ‘The way we are speechless doesn’t mean our heads are empty’: An
analysis of Rwandan hip-hop and its ambivalences as a youth cultural expression tool
in Kigali, Uppsala University, 2014, Maîtrise
Esmail, Laura, The Politics of Canada's Access to Medicines Regime: the Dogs that
Didn't Bark, University of Toronto, 2014, Doctorat
Fox, Nicole, ‘It is here that I remember my beloved’: Memorials and Commemorations in
Post-Genocide Rwanda, Brandeis University, 2014, Doctorat
Gilbert, Catherine, Writing trauma: the voice of the witness in Rwandan women's
testimonial literature, The University of Nottingham, 2014, Doctorat
Guerzoni, Giovanna, Building Peace and/or Gender Equality. Changing Attitudes around
Peace, Development and Security in International Cooperation in Rwanda, Università
di Bologna, 2014, Doctorat
Habimana, Prosper, The development of business services and regional development: A
comparative study of the regions of the North and the South: Case of the region of
Capitale-Nationale in Quebec and the City of Kigali, Université du Québec, 2014,
Hakorimana, C., Role of environmental impact assessment in decision making for
hydropower projects in Rwanda: case study of Rugezi and Mukungwa II hydropower
projects, UNESCO-IHE, 2014, Maîtrise
Haumschild, Daniel, The pitfalls of national reconstruction: History, pedagogy, and
politics in Rwanda's post-genocide educational institution, State University of New
York at Buffalo, 2014, Doctorat
Herman, Ido, Building livelihoods, one cow at a time: lessons from the Girinka program
in Rwanda, Cornell University, 2014, Maîtrise
Horovitz, Sigall, International justice and national reconciliation after atrocity: the case
of Rwanda, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2014, Doctorat
Isaacs, Krista Brenna, Rediscovering the value of crop diversity in Rwanda: Participatory
variety selection and genotype by cropping system interactions in bean and maize
systems, Michigan State University, 2014, Doctorat
Jones, Will, Murder and create: state reconstruction in Rwanda since 1994, University
of Oxford, 2014, Doctorat


Kamagaju, Léocadie, Problématique de la dépigmentation cutanée au Rwanda:
modulateurs de la tyrosinase extraits de plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle,
Université Libre de Belgique, 2014, Doctorat
Kapalata Kwibe, Bruno Wakana, Pratiques évaluatives des enseignants rwandais du
secondaire, Université Laval, 2014, Doctorat
Kayisire, Pascal, Single equation models for inflation forecasting in Rwanda, The
University of the Witwatersrand, 2014, Maîtrise
Kelleher, Christian, A consideration of development journalism in the context of
Rwandan newspapers, The University of Texas at Austin, 2014, Maîtrise
Kone, Gninlnanwognan, La problématique du désarmement et de la sécurité régionale au
Congo oriental: processus, enjeux, contraintes, perspectives et résultats, Université
Jean Moulin-Lyon III, 2014, Doctorat
LaRow, Julie, Crossing Borders with PTSD and DESNOS: The Internationalization of
Trauma, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2014, Doctorat
Medland, Louise, Developing standards for household latrines in Rwanda,
Loughborough University, 2014, Doctorat
Munanura, Ian Edward, The household poverty dimensions influencing forest dependence
in protected area neighboring communities in Africa and the mitigation potential of
tourism: The case of Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, Clemson University, 2014,
Manzi Biranga, J-C., Water resources development study in the Muvumba catchment,
Rwanda, UNESCO-IHE, 2014, Maîtrise
McCoy, Jason, Mbwirabumva ('I speak to those who understand'): Three songs by Simon
Bikindi and the war and genocide in Rwanda, The Florida State University,
2014, Doctorat
McMillon, Kevin, Representation of children and the 'other' in Black Hawk Down
(2001) and Hotel Rwanda (2004), The University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014,
Minami, Masahiro, Development and field testing of action-based psychosocial
reconciliation approach in post-genocide Rwanda, The University of British Columbia,
2014, Doctorat
Morisho, Nene, A new institutional economics approach to smuggling: a case study of
Goma-Gisenyi border, The University of Bayreuth, 2014, Doctorat
Morris, Christopher, Investigating evaluation as an accountability mechanism by
international non-governmental organizations working in humanitarian relief, The
University of British Columbia, 2014, Maîtrise
Munyaneza, Omar, Space-time Variation of Hydrological Processes and Water
Resources in Rwanda: Focus on the Migina Catchment, UNESCO-IHE, 2014, Doctorat
Ngabonziza, Jean de Dieu Amini, An analysis of the treatment of writing pedagogy in
three ELT textbooks for grade 4 learners in Rwandan primary schools, The University
of the Witwatersrand, 2014, Maîtrise
Ndoriyobijya, Japhet, Capacity building of Anglican local church leaders toward


becoming catalysts of integral mission, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2014, Doctorat
Nguyen, Déborah, Le statut des victimes dans la pratique des juridictions pénales
internationales, Lyon III Jean Moulin, 2014, Doctorat
Nshimyumuremyi, Esdras, Preliminary Feasibility Analysis on the Direct Use of Geothermal Energy in Rwanda: Case Study Gisenyi Hot Spring, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, 2014, Maîtrise
Nyseth, Hollie, Conditions and courses of genocide, The University of Minnesota, 2014,
Overmier, Kimberly, The Clinton Administration's Use of Hermeneutic Opportunities in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide during the Bosnia and Rwanda Genocides,
Georgia State University, 2014, Maîtrise
Ratcliffe, Joel, The (Post)Development of Rwandan Rice-Growers' Cooperatives,
Université d’Ottawa, 2014, Maîtrise
Roost, Laura, Justice without care: Reconceptualizing transitional justice through
feminist theoretical analysis and ethical debate, The University of Nebraska at Lincoln,
2014, Doctorat
Rwiyereka, Angelique, Making Money Work for Mothers: A Quantitative and Qualitative
Assessment of the Impact of Novel Health Financing Policies on Maternal Health
Services in Rwanda, Brandeis University, 2014, Doctorat
Shaikh, Sonia Jawaid, Elite communication and legitimization of violence during
intergroup conflicts, Michigan State University, 2014, Maîtrise
Sundberg, Molly, Training for model citizenship: an ethnography of civic education and
state-making in Rwanda, Uppsala University, 2014, Doctorat
Tamm, Henning, The dynamics of transnational alliances in Africa, 1990-2010:
governments, rebel groups, and power politics, University of Oxford, 2014, Doctorat
Thandra, Shashidar, Annihilation and accumulation: Postcolonial literatures of genocide
and capital, Wayne State University, 2104, Doctorat
Thomas, Michelle Renee, The Evolution of Land Tenureship in Rwanda, 1880-1959,
Howard University, 2014, Maîtrise
Thun, Linn, Being Rwandan in Quebec: The Influence of Rwandan Politics on Identity
Formation, Social Relations and Organisation in the Diaspora, The Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, 2014, Maîtrise
Twagiramungu, Noel, Two Rebel Roads to Power: Explaining Variation in the Transition
from Genocidal Violence to Rebel Governance in Contemporary Rwanda and Burundi,
Tufts University, 2014, Doctorat
Umugwaneza, D., Interaction between agriculture policy and wetland management
systems in Rwanda: the case study of Rugeramigozi wetland, UNESCO-IHE, 2014,
Uwizeyimana, Emeline, Essai de compréhension de la pauvreté féminine à travers le cas
particulier des femmes chefs de ménage au Rwanda face au microcrédit, de 1994 à
2014, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014 Doctorat


Watkins, Sarah, Iron Mothers and Warrior Lovers: Intimacy, Power, and the State in the
Nyiginya Kingdom, 1796-1913, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2014, Doctorat
Williamson, Caroline, Posttraumatic identities: developing a culturally-informed
understanding of posttraumatic growth in Rwandan women genocide survivors, The
University of Nottingham, 2014, Doctorat
Wood, Douglas, Structure, paleolimnology and basin history of the East Kivu Graben,
Lake Kivu, Rwanda from offshore seismic reflection data, Syracuse University, 2014,



Histoire; Témoignages
2.1 Histoire
Antoni, Bushayija Bugabo, Musenyeri Aloyizi Bigirumwami, Mélian: Izuba, 2014, 184 p.
Belgian Ministries of Colonies; Hoffelder, Timothy (translator), The Fate of the
Prisoners during the East Africa Campaign: The Treatment of the Allied Prisoners by
the Germans; The Treatment of the German Prisoners by the Belgians, London/Anvers,
1919, s. l. : Timothy Hoffelder; Great War in Africa Association, 2014, 134 p.
Cornet, Anne, Les femmes et les enfants d'abord? L'action des missionnaires
occidentales pour la protection maternelle et infantile au Rwanda (1920-1940), Namur:
Presses universitaires de Namur, 2014. 259 p.
Cornet, Anne, “L'ère du soupçon: Missionnaires anglicans et fonctionnaires belges entre
défiance et tensions (Ruanda, 1916-1940)”, Outre-Mers, 101-380/381, 2014 [décembre
2013], pp. 143-162.
Cornet, Anne, “Soigner et guérir au pays des mille collines: de l'activité sanitaire à la
quête d'autonomie: les Sœurs blanches au Rwanda pendant l'entre-deux-guerres”,
Histoire, monde et cultures religieuses (HMC), 30, 2014.pp. 33-46.
Desrosiers, Marie-Eve, “Rethinking political rhetoric and authority during Rwanda's First
and Second Republics”, Africa, 84-2, 2014, pp. 199-225.
Giblin, John Daniel, “Toward a politicised interpretation ethic in African archaeology”,
Azania, 49-2, 2014, pp. 148-165.
Jessee, Erin; Watkins, Sarah, “Good Kings, Bloody Tyrants, and Everything In Between:
Representations of the Monarchy in Post-Genocide Rwanda”, History in Africa, 41,
2014, pp. 35-62.
Mayersen, Deborah, “‘Once upon a time there was a wonderful country’: representations
of history in Rwanda”, The Australasian review of African studies, 35-1, 2014, pp. 2338.
Mureme Kubwimana, Bonaventure, Manuel d'études du développement du Rwanda: le
projet de société centriste révolutionnaire rwandais, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014, 310 p.
Mureme Kubwimana, Bonaventure, Manuel de sociologie politique rwandaise approfondie: intekerezo, suivant le modèle Mgr Alexis Kagame, Tome 1, Le Rwanda: un
état-nation unitaire millénaire, 506 p.; Tome 2, La spirale de la violence rwandaise,
646 p., Paris: L’Harmattan, 2014.
Singiza, Dantès, “Les réactions des autorités belges et locales face à la famine
Ruzagayura (Rwanda, 1943-1944): Heuristique, méthodologie et premiers résultats”, in
Van Schuylenbergh, Patricia; Lanneau, Catherine; Plasman, Pierre-Luc (eds), L'Afrique
belge aux XIXe et XXe siècles: Nouvelles recherches et perspectives en histoire
coloniale, Bruxelles/New York/Bern: Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 193-216.


2.2 1990-1994; Génocide
Aisenstein, Marilia, “Quelques réflexions sur soumission et pensée: ‘C’était simplement
dit, c’était simple à comprendre’”, Revue française de psychanalyse, 78, 2014, pp. 671680.
Amnesty International, The world still failing to act despite Rwanda genocide shame,
London: AI, 7 April 2014, 2 p.
Amnesty International, Rwanda: Never again means never again, London: AI, 7 April
2014, 2 p.
Amuno, S.; Amuno, M., “Geochemical Assessment of Two Excavated Mass Graves in
Rwanda: A Pilot Study”, Soil and Sediment Contamination, 23-2, 2014, pp. 144-165.
Belardi, Nando, “Ruanda 1994: Genozid in hundert Tagen”, Blätter für deutsche und
internationale Politik, 59-4, 2014, pp. 53-63.
Bizimana, Jean-Damascène, L’itinéraire du génocide contre les Tutsi, Toulouse: Izuba,
Chirot, Daniel; Karell, Daniel, “Identity Construction and the Causes of Genocidal Mass
Murder”, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism,14-3, 2014, pp. 484–499.
Cohen, Herman, “Africa's Illegitimate Surrogate Wars: Disastrous and Stealthy Cross
Border Acts of Aggression That Have Never Been Acknowledged nor Discussed”,
American Foreign Policy Interests, 36-4, 2014, pp. 240-248. [Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia,
Collins, Barrie, Rwanda 1994: the myth of the Akazu genocide conspiracy and its
consequences, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 272 p.
Comerford, Damien, “Preparing for the Apocalypse”, in Idem, Cover Up, Internet:
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014, pp. 181-219.
Cunningham, David, Barriers to Peace in Civil War, New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2014, 298 p.
D'Agostino, Brian, “The scope and limits of psychohistory”, The Journal of Psychohistory, 41-4, 2014, pp. 309-316.
Doerr, Edd, “Rwanda’s Horror Twenty Years Later”, Free Inquiry, 35-1, 2004/2005, pp.
Dumas, Hélène, Le génocide au village: le massacre des Tutsi au Rwanda, Paris: Seuil,
2014, 364 p.
Eltringham, Nigel, “Display, concealment and ‘culture’: the disposal of bodies in the
1994 Rwandan genocide”, in Dreyfus, Jean-Marc; Anstett, Élisbeth (eds), Human
remains and mass violence: Methodological approaches, Manchester, UK: Manchester
University Press, 2014.
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Coret, Laure, “La re-présentation du corps-témoin, vingt ans après”, pp. 301-317;
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Lacoste, Charlotte, “Présentation”, pp. 9-21;
Cattier, Emmanuel, “Les révélations circonscrites d’un rapport parlementaire”, pp. 23-36;
Dupaquier, Jean-François, “Propagande noire et désinformation au cœur de l’engagement
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Morel, Jacques, “L’inversion des rôles des tueurs et des victimes”, pp. 53-63;
Ba, Mehdi, “L’attentat du 6 avril 1994: confusion, inversion, négation”, pp. 65-78;
Maison, Rafaëlle; Géraud de La Pradelle, “L’ordonnance du juge Bruguière comme objet
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Doridant, Raphaël; Lacoste, Charlotte, “Peut-on parler d’un négationnisme d’État?”, pp. 91110
De Saint-Exupéry, Patrick, “Point de vue d'un témoin engagé: Lever le voile”, p 111-119.

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2.4 Témoignages; Mémoires
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2.5 Témoignages: critique
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3.4 Réconciliation
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Reconciliation and Reconstruction Process in Rwanda”, pp 377-386;
Bilali, Rezarta, “Between Fiction and Reality in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Reflections on a
Social-Psychological Media Intervention for Social Change”, pp 387-400;
Kanyangara, Patrick; Rimé, Bernard; Paez, Dario; Yzerbyt, Vincent, “Trust, Individual
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Kantengwa, Odeth, “How Motherhood Triumphs Over Trauma Among Mothers With
Children From Genocidal Rape in Rwanda”, pp. 417-434;
Moss, Sigrun Marie, “Beyond Conflict and Spoilt Identities: How Rwandan Leaders Justify
a Single Recategorization Model for Post-Conflict Reconciliation”, pp. 435-449;
Lala, Girish; McGarty, Craig; Thomas, Emma; Ebert, Angela; Broderick, Mick; Mhando,
Martin; Kamuronsi, Yves, “Messages of Hope: Using Positive Stories of Survival to Assist
Recovery in Rwanda”, pp. 450-468;
Gishoma, Darius; Brackelaire, Jean-Luc; Munyandamutsa, Naasson; Mujawayezu, Jane;
Mohand, Achour Ait; Kayiteshonga, Yvonne, “Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy for
People Experiencing Collective Traumatic Crisis During the Genocide Commemoration
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Kanazayire, Clémentine; Licata, Laurent; Mélotte, Patricia; Dusingizemungu, Jean-Pierre;
Azzi, Assaad, “Does Identification With Rwanda Increase Reconciliation Sentiments
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4.1 Démographie
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4.2 Questions foncières
Ali, Daniel Ayalew; Deininger, Klaus; Goldstein, Markus, “Environmental and gender
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of Development Economics, 110-2, 2014, pp. 262-275.
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Huggins, Chris, “Land grabbing and land tenure security in post-genocide Rwanda”, in
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Wasige, John Ejiet; et al., “Contemporary land use/land cover types determine soil
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4.3 Ressources naturelles
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Ngaboyisonga, C., “Identification of Elite, High Yielding and Stable Maize Cultivars for
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Mugabo, J.R.; et al., “Returns to Production of Common Bean, Soybean, and Groundnut in
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4.5 Caféiculture
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Matsuura, Yu; Hosokawa, Takahiro; Serracin, Mario; et al., “Bacterial Symbionts of a
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Mukashema, A.; Veldkamp, A.; Vrieling, A., “Automated high resolution mapping of
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Agroforestry Systems, 88-4, 2014, pp. 707-718.

4.6 Economie; finance
—, “African deal of the year 2013: Republic of Rwanda”, Euromoney, 44-528, 2014, p.
Adera, Edith Ofwona; Waema, Timothy; May, Julian; Mascarenhas, Ophelia; Diga,
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“East African Community: Monetary Union Protocol”, 50-11, January 2014, pp. 20191B20192A;
“Kenya: The flagship rail project is dogged by controversy”, 51-2, April 2014, pp. 20319A20319C;
“Pyrethrum: Rwanda”, 51-2, April 2014, pp. 20322A-20322B;
“Tea: Rwanda”, 51-4, June 2014, pp. 20395B-20395C;
“Africa-IMF: ‘Africa Rising’ Conference”, 51-5, July 2014, pp. 20420A-20422C;
“EAC: Cutting Donor Dependency”, 51-5, July 2014, pp. 20405A-20406A;
“African Development Bank: Annual Meeting (Kigali)”, 51-5, July 2014, pp. 20417C20420A;
“East African Budgets: Focus on Infrastructure”, 51-6, August 2014, pp. 20439A-20440B;
“Telecommunications: East African Community”, 51-6, August 2014, pp. 20463A-20463C;
“East Africa: Commodity Exchange”, 51-6, August 2014, p. 20459C;
“Rwanda”, 51-6, August 2014, pp. 20440C-20441B;
“East African Community: Intra-bloc Trade Rises”, 51-8, October 2014, pp. 20513A-20514A;
“Rwanda: Economic Update”, 51-8, October 2014, pp. 20523C-20524A;
“World Bank: Doing Business 2015”, 51-10, December 2014, pp. 20586B-20587A;
“East African Community: World Bank Infrastructure Loan”, 51-11, January 2015, p. 20621B

Ansoms, An; Lemaître, Andreia; Murison, Jude, “Formaliser l’informel au Rwanda : des
fours à briques et tuiles artisanaux aux fours modernes”, in Reyntjens, F.; Vandeginste,
S.; Verpoorten, M. (eds), L'Afrique des Grands Lacs: annuaire 2013-2014, Paris:


L’Harmattan, 2014, pp. 405-426.
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Clark, Will; Arnason, Birgir, Surging Investment and Declining Aid: Evaluating Debt
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Diga, Kathleen; Bizimana, Claude; Akorli, Felix Korbla; Bar, François, “Mobile phones
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Kiptum, Clement Kiprotich; Hatangimana, Valentin; Niyonagira, Dorcas; Nyirahabimana, Seraphine, “Physical Properties of Clay and Bricks in Nyagatare, Rwanda”, IOSR
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Munanura, Ian; Backman, Kenneth; Moore, DeWayne; Hallo, Jeffrey; Powell, Robert,
“Household Poverty Dimensions Influencing Forest Dependence at Volcanoes National
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pp. 154-174.

4.7 Tourisme
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and Sri Lanka”, in Wohlmuther, Cordula; Wintersteiner, Werner (eds), International
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Spencer, J-P.; Safari, E.; Dakora, E., “An evaluation of the tourism value-chain as an
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Willis, Emma, Theatricality, dark tourism and ethical spectatorship: absent others,
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5.1 Société
Bari, M., “The study of the possibility of switching driving side in Rwanda”, The
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Chirisa, Innocent; Kawadza, Shingai; Bandauko, Elmond, “Answering to the domesticability of exotic options and strategies in managing Africa’s urban landscapes for
sustainability beyond 2015”, SpringerPlus, 3-241, 2014, doi:10.1186/2193-1801-3-241.
Jain, Nitin, “Lessons from Rwanda”, in Cross, Piers; Coombes, Yolande (eds), Sanitation
and hygiene in Africa: where do we stand? Analysis from the AfricaSan Conference,
London: IWA Publishing, pp. 105-112.
King, Regine; Dudziak, Suzanne; Kalinganire, Charles, “North-South social work
partnership: strengthening the development of social work in Rwanda”, Transnational
Social Review, 4-2/3, 2014, pp. 137-151.
Mann, Laura; Nzayisenga, Elie, “Sellers on the street: the human infrastructure of the
mobile phone network in Kigali, Rwanda”, Critical African Studies, 2, 2014, pp. 1-21
Mutagoma, Mwumvaneza; et al.,“Estimation of the size of the female sex worker
population in Rwanda using three different methods”, International Journal of STD &
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Okurut, K.; Charles, K., “Household demand for sanitation improvements in low-income
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pp. 332-338.
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Rice, Xan, “Rwanda cuts disaster risk at the site of a potential explosion”, in Andrews
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Sho, Yutaka, “Looking Like Developed: Aesthetics and Ethics in Rwandan Housing
Projects”, Journal of Architectural Education, 68-2, 2014, pp. 199-208.



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enjeux, facteurs et réponses sociales, Internet: Éditions universitaires européennes,
2014, 216 p.

5.2 Femmes; genre
Anderson, Miriam; Swiss, Liam, “Peace Accords and the Adoption of Electoral Quotas
for Women in the Developing World, 1990-2006”, Politics & Gender, 10-1, 2014, pp.
Brounéus, Karen, “The Women and Peace Hypothesis in Peacebuilding Settings:
Attitudes of Women in the Wake of the Rwandan Genocide”, Signs: Journal of Women
in Culture & Society, 40-1, 2014, pp. 125-151.
Brown, Sara, “Female Perpetrators of the Rwandan Genocide”, International Feminist
Journal of Politics, 16-3, 2014, pp. 448-469.
Doyle, Kate; Kato-Wallace, Jane; Kazimbaya, Shamsi; Barker, Gary, “Transforming
gender roles in domestic and caregiving work: preliminary findings from engaging
fathers in maternal, newborn, and child health in Rwanda”, Gender & Development, 223, 2014, pp. 515-531.
Finnstrom, Sverker, “Genocide Lives in Us: Women, Memory, and Silence in Rwanda”,
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 37-2, 2014, pp. 371-375.
Hindin, Michelle, “Adolescent Childbearing and Women's Attitudes Towards Wife
Beating in 25 Sub-Saharan African Countries”, Maternal & Child Health Journal, 18-6,
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Holmes, Georgina, “Gendering the Rwanda Defence Force: A Critical Assessment”,
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 52-4, 2014, pp. 684-686.
Hunt, Swanee, “The Rise of Rwanda's Women: Rebuilding and Reuniting a Nation”,
Foreign Affairs, 93-3, 2014, pp. 150-157.
Kayigema, Vincent; Rugege, Denis, “Women's perceptions of the Girinka (one cow per
poor family) programme, poverty alleviation and climate resilience in Rwanda”,
Agenda, 28-3, September 2014, pp. 53-64.
Levtov, Ruti Galia; Barker, Gary; Contreras-Urbina, Manuel; Heilman, Brian; Verma,
Ravi, “Pathways to Gender-equitable Men: Findings from the International Men and
Gender Equality Survey in Eight Countries”, Men & Masculinities, 17-5, 2014, pp. 467501 [Bosnia, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, DRCongo, India, Mexico, Rwanda]
Nix, Emily; Gamberoni, Elisa; Heath, Rachel, Bridging the gap: identifying what is
holding self-employed women back in Ghana, Rwanda, Tanzania, the Republic of
Congo, and Uganda, Policy Research Working Paper 6946, Washington DC: The
World Bank, 2014, 23 p.
Nock, Stephen; Dusenge, Angélique; Pro-femmes Twese Hamwe; VSO Rwanda,
L'égalité entre les sexes dans l'enseignement et l'administration de l'éducation: Rapport
de recherche qualitative et participative réalisée par Pro-femmes Twese Hamwe et VSO
Rwanda, Kigali/London: VSO International, 2014, 78 p.



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Series 5, 2014, pp. 189-211.
World Bank, Promoting economic empowerment of adolescent women and young girls
project: Rwanda baseline survey summary report, Washington DC: International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, 2014. 22 p.

5.3 Enfants; adolescents
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(eds), Sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict societies: international agendas and
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Kayiranga, Gaston; Mukashema, Immaculée, “Psychosocial Factor of Being Street
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Michielsen, K.; Remes, P.; Rugabo, J.; Van Rossem, R.; Temmerman, M., “Rwandan
young people's perceptions on sexuality and relationships: results from a qualitative
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Ng, Lauren; Kanyanganzi, Frederick; Munyanah, Morris; Mushashi, Christine;
Betancourt, Theresa; Denson, Tom, “Developing and Validating the Youth Conduct
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Nyegue, F.; Lamboulle, B.; Fort, L., “The enigma of the psychic bonds between
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Van Nuil, J.; et al., "Let's talk about sex": a qualitative study of Rwandan adolescents'
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5.4 Éducation
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5.5 Langues
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5.6 Médias
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Nkusi, Nancy; Graton, Elise, "Das war für mich eine Art Feuertaufe";
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5.7 Églises; religion
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Uwizeye, Willy, Performance-Based Funding and Health Service Delivery in Rwanda,
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6.2 Enseignement; training
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Jessani, Nasreen; Lewy, Daniela; Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth; Bennett, Sara, “Institutional capacity for health systems research in East and Central African schools of
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Tuyisenge, Lisine; Kyamanya, Patrick; Steirteghem, Samuel Van; Becke, Martin;
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Eduardo, Eduard; Lamb, Matthew R.; Kandula, Sasi; et al., “Characteristics and Outcomes among Older HIV-Positive Adults Enrolled in HIV Programs in Four SubSaharan
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Ismail, Nasreen; Tekirya, Emmanuel; Allen, Susan; et al., “Long-Term Non-progressors
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Karita, Etienne; Parker, Rachel; Nsanzimana, Sabin; et al., “HIV Transmission in
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Human Retroviruses, 30, Supplement 1, 2014, p. A73.
Kayigamba, Felix; Bakker, Mirjam; Lammers, Judith; Mugisha, Veronicah; et al.,
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Workers in Kigali, Rwanda”, Aids Research and Human Retroviruses, 30, Supplement
1, 2014, P. A279.
Mumah, Joyce; Ziraba, Abdhalah; Sidze, Estelle, “Effect of HIV status on fertility
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evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys”, Global Health Action, 7, 2014, 11 p.
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Mutwa, Philippe; et al., “Safety and Effectiveness of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy
during the First Year of Treatment in HIV-1 Infected Rwandan Children: A Prospective
Study”, PLoS ONE, 9-11, 12p. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111948.
Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha, Harriet; Jakubowski, Aleksandra; Mugisha, Veronicah; et al.,
“Low risk of attrition among adults on antiretroviral therapy in the Rwandan national



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Nyombayire, Julien; Ingabire, Rosine; Mukamuyango, Jeannine; et al., “Acceptability of
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Ruzagira, Eugene; Abaasa, Andrew; Karita, Etienne; Mulenga, Joseph; Kilembe,
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Sinayobye, Jean d’Amour; et al., “Prevalence and risk factors for High-Risk Human
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Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 66-2, 2014, pp. e45-e49.

6.4 Médecine: spécialités
Bertrand, Jane; Tram, Khai Hoan, “Correlates of Male Circumcision in Eastern and
Southern African Countries: Establishing a Baseline Prior to VMMC Scale-Up”, PLoS
ONE, 9-6, 2014, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100775
Canavan, Maureen; Sipsma, Heather; Kassie, Getnet; Bradley, Elizabeth, “Correlates of
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doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095709. [Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania,



Danquah, Ina; et al., “Reduced prevalence of Giardia duodenalis in iron-deficient
Rwandan children”, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19-5, 2014, pp. 563567.
Danquah, Ina; Gahutu, Jean-Bosco; Zeile, Irene; Musemakweri, Andre; Mockenhaupt,
Frank, “Anaemia, iron deficiency and a common polymorphism of iron-regulation,
TMPRSS6 rs855791, in Rwandan children”, Tropical Medicine & International Health,
19-1, 2014, pp. 117-122.
Gahutu, J.-B., “Male reproductive hormone profile in Rwandan students”, Andrologia,
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Giardina, Federica; Kasasa, Simon; Sie, Ali; et al., “Effects of vector-control interventions on changes in risk of malaria parasitaemia in sub-Saharan Africa: a spatial and
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Hakizimana, Emmanuel; Cyubahiro, Beatus; Rukundo, Alphonse; et al., “Monitoring
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Kabayiza, J.-C.; Andersson, M.; Nilsson, S.; Baribwira, C.; Muhirwa, G.; Bergström, T.;
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Kadima, Justin Ntokamunda; Mukanyangezi, Marie-Françoise; Uwizeye, Claude,
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Kajungu, Dan; et al., “Paediatric Pharmacovigilance: Use of Pharmacovigilance Data
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Study Conducted in Seven African Countries”, PLoS ONE, 9-5, 2014, 6p. doi:
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Kaputu-Kalala-Malu, Célestin; et al., “Evaluation of Adherence to a Convulsion
Management Protocol for Children in Rwanda”, Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 60-2,


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toxique induite par le phénobarbital chez un enfant rwandais: à propos d'un cas”, The
Pan African Medical Journal, 17, 2014, 4 p., doi: 10.11604/pamj.2014.17.202.3385
Kidenya, Benson; Webster, Lauren; Behan, Sehan; et al., “Epidemiology and genetic
diversity of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in East Africa”, Tuberculosis, 94-1, 2014, 7
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Kolb, Isabelle; et al., “Conversion des abords vasculaires d'urgence pour hemodialyse en
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10-6, pp. 457-462, doi : 10.1016/j.nephro.2014.05.005
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Mivumbi, Victor; et al., “Prophylactic ampicillin versus cefazolin for the prevention of
post-cesarean infectious morbidity in Rwanda”, International Journal of Gynecology
and Obstetrics, 124-3, 2014, pp. 244-247.
M’kumbuzi, Vyvienne; Sagahutu, J.-B.; Kagwiza, Jurimubenshi, G.; Mostert-Wentzel,
K., “The emerging pattern of disability in Rwanda”, Disability and Rehabilitation, 36-6,
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Mpunga, Tharcisse; Tapela, Neo; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany; et al., “Diagnosis of Cancer in
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Muhire, A., “Magnitude and outcome of resuscitation from April 2013 to September
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Mukeshimana, Madeleine; Nkosi, Zethu, “Communities' knowledge and perceptions of
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Mutabazi, Vincent; Forrest, Jamie; Ford, Nathan; et al., “How do you circumcise a
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Ntirenganya, Faustin; et al., “Prevalence of breast masses and barriers to care: Results
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Petry, N.; et al., “Phytic acid concentration influences iron bioavailability from
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Pierce, Hayley; Heaton, Tim; Hoffmann, John, “Increasing maternal healthcare use in
Rwanda: implications for child nutrition and survival”, Social science & medicine, 107,
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Rickard, Jennifer; Ntakiyiruta, Georges; Chu, Kathryn, “Associations with In-Hospital
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Riviello, Elisabeth; Talmor, Daniel; Novack, Victor; et al., “Incidence and Outcomes of
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Rujeni, Nadine; Mbanzamihigo, Léonidas, “Prevalence of Brucellosis among Women
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Shyirambere, C.; Elmore, S.; May, L.; et al., “Preliminary Treatment Outcomes Utilizing
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Walker, Timothy; Karemera, Martin; Ngabonziza, Francois; Kyamanywa, Patrick,
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6.5 Santé mentale
Bourgeois-Guérin, Élise; Rousseau, Cécile, “La survie comme don: réflexions entourant
les enjeux de la vie suite au génocide chez des hommes rwandais”, L'Autre, 15, 2014,
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Blackie, L.; Jayawickreme, E.; Forgeard, M.; Jayawickreme, N., “The protective function
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Blackie, Laura; Jayawickreme, Eranda; Forgeard, Marie; Jayawickreme, Nuwan, “The
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Population in Rwanda”, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and
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3, 2014, pp. 1-11.
Doná, Giorgia, “The psychological impact of working in post conflict environments: a
personal account of intersectional traumatisation”, Intervention: Journal of Mental
Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, 12-1, 2014, pp. 91-94.
Dushimirimana, Fabien; Sezibera, Vincent; Auerbach, Carl, “Pathways to resilience in


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Eytan, A; Munyandamutsa, N.; Nkubamugisha, Mahoro P.; Gex-Fabry, M., “Long-term
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Gishoma, Darius; et al., “Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy for People Experiencing
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Godard, Marie-Odile, “Le prophète, le devin et le psychanalyste au pays des rêves
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Heim, Lale; Schaal, Susanne, “Rates and predictors of mental stress in Rwanda:
investigating the impact of gender, persecution, readiness to reconcile and religiosity via
a structural equation model”, International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 8, 2014,
Jacob, N.; Neuner, F.; Maedl, A.; Schaal, S.; Elbert,T., “Dissemination of Psychotherapy
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Trial in Rwanda”, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 83-6, 2014, pp. 354-363.
Kayiteshonga, Yvonne; Mohand, Achour Ait; Binagwaho, Agnès; Misago, Nancy;
Munyandamutsa, Naasson, Violences de masse, reconstruction psychique et des liens
sociaux: initiative de développement de la santé mentale dans la région des Grands
Lacs, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014, 268 p.
Lacasse, J.; Forgeard, M.; Jayawickreme, N.; Jayawickreme, E., “The factor structure of
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psychiatric epidemiology, 49-3, 2014, pp. 459-465.
Mukashema, Immaculée, “Facing Domestic Violence for Mental Health in Rwanda:
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pp. 591-598.
Neugebauer, R.; et al., “Posttraumatic stress reactions among Rwandan youth in the
second year after the genocide: Rising trajectory among girls”, Psychological Trauma:
Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 6-3, 2014, pp. 269-279.
Niwenshuti, Théogène, “Dance as a communication tool: adressing inter-generational
trauma for a healhtier psycho-social environment in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region
of Africa”, in Barnes, Hazel (ed), Arts Activism, Education, and Therapies: Transforming Communities Across Africa, Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2014, pp. 29-38.
Perroud, Nader; et al., “The Tutsi genocide and transgenerational transmission of
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Biological Psychiatry, 15-4, 2014, pp. 334-345.
Roth, M.; Neuner, F.; Elbert, T., “Transgenerational consequences of PTSD: risk factors
for the mental health of children whose mothers have been exposed to the Rwandan
genocide”, International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 8, 2014,
doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-8-12


Schaal, Susanne; Heim, Lale; Elbert, Thomas, “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and
Appetitive Aggression in Rwandan Genocide Perpetrators”, Journal of Aggression,
Maltreatment & Trauma, 23-9, 2014, pp. 930-945.
Scholte, Willem; Ager, Alastair, “Social capital and mental health: Connections and
complexities in contexts of post conflict recovery”, Intervention: Journal of Mental
Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, 12-2, 2014, pp. 210-218.
Toroi, Niina, “‘Yoga is like medicine’: yoga as a form of trauma relief in Rwanda”, in
Johnston, Linda, Sports, Peacebuilding and Ethics, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Publishers, 2014, pp. 69-84.
Umubyeyi, Aline; Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; Krantz, Gunilla, “Intimate partner
violence and its contribution to mental disorders in men and women in post genocide
Rwanda: findings from a population based study”, BMC Psychiatry, 14, 2014,
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générations’ pour naître à soi”, Cahiers de psychologie clinique, 43, 2014, pp. 143-171.
Verduin, F.; et al., “The validation of a social functioning questionnaire in an African
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Vollhardt, Johanna Ray; Bilali, Rezarta, “The Role of Inclusive and Exclusive Victim
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DRC”, Political Psychology, 2014, doi: 10.1111/pops.12174
Waintrater, Régine, “Exil et nostalgie: un lien consubstantiel”, Dialogues, 205, 2014, pp.
Wallace, David; Pasick, Patricia; Berman, Zoe; Weber, Ella, “Stories for Hope: Rwanda:
a psychological-archival collaboration to promote healing and cultural continuity
through intergenerational dialogue”, Archival Science: International Journal on
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Williamson, Caroline, “Posttraumatic growth and religion in Rwanda: individual wellbeing vs. collective false consciousness”, Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 2014, 10
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Williamson, Caroline, “Towards a theory of collective posttraumatic growth in Rwanda:
The pursuit of agency and communion”, Traumatology: An International Journal, 20-2,
2014, pp. 91-102.



Relations Régionales et Internationales
7.1 Réfugiés; émigrés
Bolhuis, M.; Middelkoop, P.; Van Wijk, J., “Refugee Exclusion and Extradition in the
Netherlands: Rwanda as Precedent?”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2014,
doi: 10.1093/jicj/mqu064
Clark, Philip, “Bringing Them All Back Home: the Challenges of DDR and Transitional
Justice in Contexts of Displacement in Rwanda and Uganda”, Journal of Refugee
Studies, 27-2, 2014, pp. 234-259.
Cole, Georgia, “La integración de los refugiados en Uganda requerirá volver a
presionar”, Revista Migraciones Forzadas, 48, 2014, pp. 68-69.
Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino; Surendra, Aparna, “Learning curves and collaboration in
reconceiving refugee settlements”, Forced Migration Review, Sept. 2014 Supplement,
pp. 11-13.
Fransen, Sonja; Kuschminder, Katie, “Lessons Learned from Refugee Return Settlement
Policies: A Case Study on Burundi’s Rural Integrated Villages”, Refugee Survey
Quarterly, 33-1, 2014, pp. 59-76.
Huot, Suzanne; Dodson, Belinda; Rudman, Debbie Laliberte, “Negotiating belonging
following migration: Exploring the relationship between place and identity in
Francophone minority communities”, The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe
Canadien, 58-3, 2014, pp. 329–340.
Lori, Jody; Boyle, Joyceen, “Forced Migration: Health and Human Rights Issues among
Refugee Populations”, Nursing Outlook, 2014, doi: org/10.1016/j.outlook.2014.10.008
[DRC, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone]
Luchs, Michele; Miller, Elizabeth, “Not so far away: a collaborative model of engaging
refugee youth in the outreach of their digital stories”, AREA, 10 dec. 2014,
DOI: 10.1111/area.12165
Maystadt, Jean-François; Verwimp, Philip, “Winners and Losers among a RefugeeHosting Population”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 62-4, 2014, pp.
Maystadt, Jean-Francois; Duranton, Gilles, The development push of refugees, Working
Paper 669-10685, Lancaster, UK: Lancaster University Management School, 2014, 26
Smith-Khan, Laura; Crock, Mary; Saul, Ben; McCallum, Ron, “To ‘Promote, Protect and
Ensure’: Overcoming Obstacles to Identifying Disability in Forced Migration”, Journal
of Refugee Studies, July 7, 2014, 31 p. doi:10.1093/jrs/feu020



7.2 East African Community (EAC)
Adyanga, Francis Akena, “Regional integration, a prospect for development: lessons
from Rwanda's experience in the East African community”, in Sefa Dei, George; Adjei,
Paul Banahene (eds), Emerging perspectives on ‘African development’: speaking
differently, New York : Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 128-141.
Gelan, Ayele; Omore, Amos, “Beyond Tariffs: The Role of Non-Tariff Barriers in Dairy
Trade in the East African Community Free Trade Area”, Development Policy Review,
32-5, 2014, pp. 523–543.
Gigineishvili, Nikoloz; Mauro, Paolo; Wang, Ke, How Solid Is Economic Growth in the
East African Community?, Working Paper 14/150, Washington, DC: IMF, 2014, 23 p.
Hegerty, Scott, “Measuring Exchange Market Pressure and Its Contagion in the East
African Community”, South African Journal of Economics, 82-2, 2014, pp. 239-257.
Lepetit, Laetitia; Rugemintwari, Clovis; Strobel, Frank, “Monetary, Financial and Fiscal
Stability in the East African Community: Ready for a Monetary Union?”, The World
Economy, 6 dec 2014, doi: 10.1111/twec.12243
Mwapachu, Juma, Challenging the Frontiers of African Integration: The Dynamics of
Policies, Politics and Transformation in the East African Community, Internet: E&D
Vision Publishing, 2014, 440 p.
Ndoricimpa, Arcade; Achandi, Esther Leah, “Are Current Account Deficits Sustainable
in EAC Countries? Evidence from Threshold Cointegration”, Economics Bulletin, 34-3,
2014, pp. 1990-2001.
Nyaga, Joseph Kariuki, “Mobile Banking Services in the East African Community
(EAC): Challenges to the Existing Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks”, Journal of
Information Policy, 4, 2014, pp. 270-295.
Rugera, Simon; et al., “Regulation of medical diagnostics and medical devices in the East
African community partner states”, BMC Health Services Research, 14-1, 2014, pp.
Whitehead, Eleanor, “Joining the East African Dots”, Banker, 163-1060, 2014, pp. 118120.
World Bank, Building Integrated Markets within the East African Community: EAC
Opportunities in Public-Private Partnership Approaches to the Region’s Infrastructure
Needs, Washington, DC: World Bank Publications, 2014, 122 p.

7.3 Relations régionales
Abbott, Peter, Modern African Wars (4): The Congo 1960-2002, Oxford, UK: Osprey
Publishing, 2014, 48 p.
Balistreri, Edward; Tarr, David; Yonezawa, Hidemichi, Reducing trade costs in East
Africa: deep regional integration and multilateral action, Policy Research Working
Paper 7049, Washington DC: The World Bank, 2014, 35 p.
Beswick, Danielle, “The risks of African military capacity building : lessons from
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Booth, Ryan; Cooksey, Brian; Golooba-Mutebi, Frederick; Kanyinga, Karuti, East
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7.5 Nations Unies
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8.1 Rwanda: Justice; Gacaca
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Manlove, Kendall, “Process Long Overdue: Transitional Justice, Prisoners, and
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HRW, 20 juil. 2014, 2 p.
Nwoye, Leo, “Partners or Rivals in Reconciliation? The ICTR and Rwanda's Gacaca
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internationale face aux crimes de masse : approches critiques, Paris: Editions Pedone,
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Nyseth Brehm, Hollie; Uggen, Christopher; Gasanabo, Jean-Damascène, “Genocide,
Justice, and Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts”, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 303, pp. 333-352.
Pozen, Joanna; Neugebauer, Richard; Ntaganira, Joseph, “Assessing the Rwanda
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Reconciliation”, Gonzaga Journal of International Law, 17-2, 2014, pp. 1-19.
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Tirrell, Lynne, “Transitional justice in post-genocide Rwanda : an integrative approach”,
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Rwanda and National Courts: Lessons to learn from the Rwandan justice approaches to
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8.2 Droit international; TPIR/ICTR
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8.3 Gender-based violence; droit du viol
Burnet, Jennie, “Sexual violence, female agencies, and sexual consent: complexities of
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Goodsmith, Lauren, “‘By seeing with our own eyes, it can remain in our mind’:
Qualitative evaluation findings suggest the ability of participatory video to reduce
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Hodari, Jimmy, “The Isange One Stop Centre: a holistic approach to sexual and genderbased violence”, Police Chief, 81-8, 2014, pp. 40-43.
Hogwood, Jemma; Auerbach, Carl; Munderere, Sam; Kambibi, Emilienne, “Rebuilding
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Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas,12-3, 2014, pp. 393-404.
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Development of International Criminal Law”, Human Rights Review, 15-4, 2014, pp.
Mukarwego, Athanasie, “Viols des femmes Tutsi pendant le génocide: témoignage de
Mme Athanasie”, chapitre 15; Habimana, Emmanuel; Vacher, Carole; Kayitesi, Berthe;
Kabayiza, Callixte, “Les viols pendant le génocide des Tutsi: un crime d’envie”,
chapitre 16; Love, Valerie, “Hearing the Untold Story: Documenting LGBTI Lives in
Rwanda”, chapitre 17, in High, Steven; Little, Edward (eds), Remembering Mass
Violence: Oral History, New Media and Performance, Toronto: University of Toronto
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exposed to intimate partner violence than men in Rwanda: results from a populationbased, cross-sectional study”, BMC Women's Health, 14, 2014, p. 99.





Arts et Lettres
9.1 Roman; conte; théâtre; poésie
Ancel, Guillaume, Vents sombres sur le lac Kivu, Internet: The Book Edition, 2014, 144 p.
Anonyme, “Rwanda, 1994”, Humanitaire, 38, 2014, pp. 4-5 [poésie]
Apol, Larua, Requiem, Rwanda, East Lansing, MI: Michigan Sate University Press, 2014,
104 p.
Bahufite, Liliane U., Contes d'un vieillard, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2014, 40 p.
Dan, Bernard, Le garçon du Rwanda, La Tour-d'Aigue: Aube, 2014. 249 p.
Ebodé, Eugène, Souveraine Magnifique, Paris: Gallimard, 2014, 170 p.
Groupov, Rwanda 94: kugerageza gusubiza agaciro abapfuye, byungura abakiriho,
Liège, Belqique: Presses de Raymond Vervincky & fils, 2014, 158 p.
Hatzfeld, Jean; Depardon, Raymond (photographies), Récits des marais rwandais, Paris:
Seuil, 2014, 696 p. (Réédition de Idem, Dans le nu de la vie, 2000; Une saison de
machettes, 2003; La Stratégie des antilopes, 2007)
Hatzfeld, Jean, Englebert des collines, Paris: Gallimard, 2014, 106 p.
Kayimahe, Vénuste, La chanson de l’aube, Mélian: Izuba Edition, 2014, 472 p.
Leclair, Didier, Un ancien d'Afrique: les chiens de Kigali, Ottawa: Vermillon, 2014, 222 p.
Mukasonga, Scholastique, Our Lady of the Nile, Brooklyn, NY: Archipelago Books,
2014. 244 p. (traduction: Melanie Mauthner); Die Heilige Jungfrau vom Nil,
Heidelberg: Verl. Das Wunderhorn, 2014, 181 p. (traduction: Andreas Jandl)
Mukasonga, Scholastique, Ce que murmurent les collines: nouvelles rwandaises, Paris:
Gallimard, 2014, 139 p.
Ndindamahina, Jean-Paul, The tears of time: Once Upon a Time in Rwanda: Dario's
Diary, Internet: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014, 778 p.
Umugwaneza, Angelique; Fuglsang, Peder, Les enfants du Rwanda, Montfort-enChalosse: Gaïa, 2014, 345 p. (traduit du danois par Inès Jorgensen)
Sondag, Daniel, Le chemin de poussière qui égare les pas, Paris: Mon petit éditeur, 2014,
264 p.
Sondag, Daniel, Comme une ombre auprès de la rivière qui s'écoule, Paris: Mon petit
éditeur, 2014, 236 p.
Youth Literacy Organisation, Telling our own stories: poems by Rwandan youth 20 years
after the genocide, Kigali: Bloo Books, 2014, 37 p
Zink, Therese, Mission Rwanda, Internet: Zenterram Press, 2014, 285 p.



9.2 Littérature juvénile
Allam, Norédine; Blondin, Greg, Maïsha au Pays des Mille Collines, Internet: iGoMatiK
Editions, 2014, 49 p.
Cowley, Joy; Min, Soo-hyeon; Nille, Peggy, The drummer boy, New Zealand: Big &
Small, 2014, 30 p.
Cross, Karen, Banna and bree blown to Rwanda, s.l.: Internet, 2014.
Doak, Robin, Dian Fossey: friend to Africa's gorillas, London: Raintree, 2014, 48 p.
Matthews, Jenny, Children growing up with war, Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press,
2014. 48 p.
Obadina, Elizabeth, “Hutus and Tutsis: genocide in Rwanda”, in idem, Ethnic groups in
Africa, Philadelphia : Mason Crest, 2014.

9.3 Critique littéraire
Akpome, Aghogho, “The narrative construction of identity in contemporary Rwanda: a
study of An ordinary man by Paul Rusesabagina (with Tom Zoellner)”, African studies,
73-2, 2014, pp. 192-210.
Brinker, Virginie, La transmission littéraire et cinématographique du génocide des Tutsi
au Rwanda, Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014, 481 p.
Diop, Boubacar Boris, Africa beyond the mirror, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publisher,
2014, 170 p. (cf. Idem, L'Afrique au-delà du miroir, Paris: P. Rey, 2007)
Hanley, Teresa, “Challenges in evaluating development communications: the case of a
street theatre programme to address racism”, Journal of International Development, 268, 2014, pp. 1149–1160 [Botswana, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Rwanda]
Herszman Capraru, Jennifer, “Theatre as metaphor: Isôko Rwanda's Trilogy of time”, in
Citron, Atay; Aronson-Lehavi, Sharon; Zerbib, David (eds), Performance studies in
motion: international perspectives and practices in the twenty-first century, London:
Bloomsbury, 2014.
Hitchott, Nicki, “Memorial stories: commemorating the Rwanda genocide through
fiction”, in Eltringham, Nigel; Maclean, Pam (eds), Remembering genocide, London:
Routledge, 2014, pp. 54-70.
Meyer, Anne-Rose, “Der Schriftsteller als Zeuge und Zuschauer: Die Beispiele Hans
Christoph Buch und Nick McDonell”, in Moser, Christian; Simonis, Linda (eds),
Figuren des Globalen: Weltbezug und Welterzeugung in Literatur, Kunst und Medien,
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014, pp. 467-480.
Mowarin, Macaulay, “A Linguistic Reading of the Metaphor of Genocide in Hotel
Rwanda”, Journal of Literary Studies, 30-2, 2014, pp. 69-85.
Okuyade, Ogaga, “Extending the Battlefield: Genocide and the Family in Goretti
Kyomuhendo's Secrets No More”, Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft, 49, 2014, pp. 103-119.
Segler-Meßner, Silke, Génocide, enfance et adolescence dans la littérature, le dessin et


au cinéma, Frankfurt: Lang, 2014, 360 p.
Umugwaneza, Isabelle, “Children's and young adult literature of Rwanda”, in Gangi, Jane
(ed), Genocide in contemporary children's and young adult literature: Cambodia to
Darfur, New York: Routledge, 2014.
Varma, Rahul, “State of Denial: Cultural Diversity as a Resource for Alternative
Globalization”, Canadian Theatre Review, 157-2, 2014, pp. 30-33.
West-Pavlov, R. “‘Regardez la vie reprendre’: Futurity in Véronique Tadjo’s L'Ombre
d'Imana”, Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 51-2, 2014, pp. 114-129.

9.4 Film
7 jours à Kigali (20 ans après le génocide rwandais), Mehdi Bâ, Jeremy Frey, France,
2014, documentaire, 60 min.
Bruxelles-Kigali, Marie-France Collard, Belgique, 2014, documentaire, 118 min.
Intore, Eric Kabera, Rwanda, 2014, fiction, 76 min.
La trilogie des gacaca, Anne Aghion, France, 2014, documentaire, 104 min.
Life After Death, Joe Callender, USA/Rwanda, documentaire, 2014, 76 min.
Rwanda, la vie après: Paroles de mère, Benoît Dervaux, André Versaille, Belgique,
2014, documentaire, 72 min.
Things of the Aimless Wanderer, Kivu Ruhorahoza, UK/Rwanda, 2014, fiction, 91 min.

9.5 Critique cinématographique
Bittencourt , Ela, “Delineating the Nonfiction Film: The True/False Film Festival”, Film
Quarterly, 67-3, 2014, pp. 71-75.
Mboti, Nyasha, “'Unpacking the Hotel': A Study of the Cinematic Politics of Hotel
Rwanda”, in Ogunleye, Foluke (ed), African film: looking back and looking forward,
Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2014.
Orlando, Valérie, “Framing a continent: issues and contexts in postcolonial African
film ”, African Studies Review, 57:2, 2014, pp.189-198.
Réra, Nathan, Rwanda, entre crise morale et malaise esthétique : les médias, la
photographie et le cinéma à l'épreuve du génocide des Tutsi, 1994-2014, Dijon: les
Presses du réel, 2014, 641 p.

9.6 Beaux arts; photographie; bande dessinée
Benetton, Luciano, Traces of the past, signs of the future: contemporary artists from
Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, Villorba, Italy: Fabrica, 2014, 487 p.
Hippolyte; de Saint-Exupéry, Patrick, La fantaisie des Dieux: Rwanda 1994, Paris: Les
Arènes, impr. 2014, 92 p.
Réra, Nathan, “Paysages du désastre, territoires de la mémoire: Photographier la nature
au Rwanda”, Etudes Photographiques, 31, 2014, 12 p.


Von Köhler, Marie; Stephan, Peter, Mach dir ein Bild: Ruanda/Afrika 2014, Dortmund:
Verlag Kettler, 2014, 168 p.

9.7 Architecture
Berlanda, Tomà, “Lest we forget”, Architectural Review, 236-1409, 2014, pp. 21-22.
Davis, Sharon, “Aldea de mujeres in Kayonza, Rwanda”, Arquitectura Viva, 161,2014,
pp. 44-47.
Doherty, Killian, “Rwanda nouveau”, Architectural Review, 235-1408, 2014, pp. 26-29.
Fisher, Thomas; Murphy, Michael; Mohland, Sarah, “Butaro Cancer Center”, Architect,
103-3, 2014, pp. 94-101.
Harper, Phineas, “Healing Hill”, Architectural Review, 236-1409, 2014, pp. 50-55.
Lawson, Hannah, “After the genocide: how do you design a setting for memory and
reconciliation after the horror witnessed in Kigali?”, RIBA Journal, 121, 2014, p. 412.
Oosterman, Arjen (ed), Architecture of peace reloaded, 40, Amsterdam: Stichting Archis
2014 [Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Rwanda].
Webb, Michael, “Planting Seeds”, Architectural Review, 235-1403, 2014, pp. 62-69.



Sciences naturelles

10.1 Sciences de la terre sciences de la vie
Amuno, S.; Amuno, M., “Spatio-temporal variation of trace element contents in Rwanda
necrosols”, Environmental Eart Sciences, 71-2, 2014, pp. 659-674.
Bochkov, Andre, “Two New Species of the Subfamily Harpirhynchinae (Acari:
Harpirhynchidae) from African Birds”, Annales Zoologici, 64-3, 2014, pp. 479-483.
Burgi, P-Y.; Darrah, T.; Tedesco, D.; et al., “Dynamics of the Mount Nyiragongo lava
lake”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119-5, 2014, pp. 4106-4122.
Cizungu, Landry; Staelens, Jeroen; Huygens, Dries; et al., “Litterfall and leaf litter
decomposition in a central African tropical mountain forest and Eucalyptus plantation”,
Forest Ecology and Management, 326, 2014, pp. 109-116.
Dehling, Jonas Maximilian, Taxonomy, systematics, and ecology of selected amphibian
taxa from Rwanda, University of Koblenz, 2014
Gatesire, T.; Nsabimana, D.; Nyiramana, A.; Seburanga, J.; Mirville, M., “Bird Diversity
and Distribution in relation to Urban Landscape Types in Northern Rwanda”, The
Scientific World Journal, 2014, 12 p., doi: org/10.1155/2014/157824
Gebauer, Claudia; Doevenspeck, Martin, “Adaptation to climate change and resettlement
in Rwanda”, AREA, 10 dec. 2014, DOI: 10.1111/area.12168
Gharahi Ghehi, N.; et al., “N2O and NO emission from the Nyungwe tropical highland
rainforest in Rwanda”, Geoderma Regional, 2-3, 2014, pp. 41-49.
Hedderson, T.; Bizuru, E.; Mujawamariya, M.; Raondry-Rakotoarisoa, N., “New and
additional moss records for Rwanda”, Journal of Bryology, 36-1, 2014, pp. 72-75.
Hulsbosch, Niels; Hertogen, Jan; Dewaele, Stijn; André, Luc; Muchez, Philippe, “Alkali
metal and rare earth element evolution of rock-forming minerals from the Gatumba area
pegmatites (Rwanda): Quantitative assessment of crystal-melt fractionation in the
regional zonation of pegmatite groups”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 132, 2014,
pp. 349-374.
Katsev, Sergei; Aaberg, Arthur; Crowe, Sean; Hecky, Robert, “Recent Warming of Lake
Kivu”, PLoS ONE, 9-10, 2014, pp. 1-7.
Kindt, Roeland; et al., “Correspondence in forest species composition between the
Vegetation Map of Africa and higher resolution maps for seven African countries”,
Applied Vegetation Science, 17-1, 2014, pp. 162–171 [Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi,
Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia]
Knox, Allyn; Bertuzzo, Enrico; Mari, Lorenzo; Odermatt, Daniel; Verrecchia, Eric;



Rinaldo, Andrea, “Optimizing a remotely sensed proxy for plankton biomass in Lake
Kivu”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35-13, 2014, pp. 5219-5238.
Lehmann, Bernd; et al., “The geochemical signature of rare-metal pegmatites in Central
Africa: Magmatic rocks in the Gatumba tin-tantalum mining district, Rwanda”, Journal
of Geochemical Exploration: Part C, 144, 2014, pp. 528-538.
Lewis, Allet; Dippenaar-Schoeman, Ansie, “Revision of the spider genus Mystaria
Simon, 1895 (Araneae: Thomisidae) and the description of a new genus from the Afrotropical region”, Zootaxa, 3873-2, 2014, pp. 101-144.
Muganga, R.; Angenot, L.; Tits, M.; Frédérich, M., “In vitro and in vivo antiplasmodial
activity of three Rwandan medicinal plants and identification of their active
compounds”, Planta medica, 80-6, 2014, pp. 482-489.
Pande, Suresh Kumar; Rayar, Antoni; Hakizimana, Patrice, “Coping with Climate
Change Through Water Harvesting Techniques for Sustainable Agriculture in Rwanda”,
in Behnassi, Mohamed; et al. (eds), Vulnerability of Agriculture, Water and Fisheries to
Climate Change: Toward Sustainable Adaptation Strategies, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014,
pp. 217-239.
Ross, Kelly Ann; Smets, Benoît; De Batist, Marc; Hilbe, Michael; Schmid, Martin;
Anselmetti, Flavio, “Lake-level rise in the late Pleistocene and active subaquatic
volcanism since the Holocene in Lake Kivu, East African Rift”, Geomorphology, 221,
2014, pp. 274-285.
Sommer, Tobias; Carpenter, Jeffrey; Wüest, Alfred, “Double-diffusive interfaces in Lake
Kivu reproduced by direct numerical simulations”, Geophysical Research Letters, 4114, 2014, pp. 5114–5121.
Sparks, Adam; Forbes, Gregory; Hijmans, Robert; Garrett, Karen, “Climate change may
have limited effect on global risk of potato late blight”, Global Change Biology, 20-12,
2014, pp. 3621-3631.
Tedrow, R.; et al., “A new species of Dystacta Saussure, 1871 from Nyungwe National
Park, Rwanda (Insecta, Mantodea, Dystactinae)”, ZooKeys, 410, 2014, pp. 1-21.
Tomani, Jean-Claude, “Chemical Composition, Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of
the Essential oil of Pinus Patula Growing in Rwanda”, American Journal of Biomedical
and Life Sciences, 2-3, 2014, pp. 55-59. doi: 10.11648/j.ajbls.20140203.11
Weisser, Florian; Bollig, Michael; Doevenspeck, Martin; Müller-Mahn, Detlef,
“Translating the 'adaptation to climate change' paradigm: the politics of a travelling idea
in Africa”, Geographical Journal, 180-2, 2014, pp. 111-119 [Ethiopia, Rwanda,
Xuewei, Zhang; Scholz, Christopher; Hecky, Robert; Wood, Douglas; Zal, Hubert;
Ebinger, Cynthia, “Climatic control of the late Quaternary turbidite sedimentology of
Lake Kivu, East Africa: Implications for deep mixing and geologic hazards”, Geology,
42-9, 2014, pp. 811-814.

10.2 Primatologie
Caillaud, Damien; Ndagijimana, Felix; Giarrusso, Anthony; Vecellio, Veronica; Stoinski,


Tara, “Mountain gorilla ranging patterns: Influence of group size and group dynamics”,
American Journal of Primatology, 76-8, 2014, pp. 730-746.
Eckardt, Winnie Steklis; et al., “Personality Dimensions and Their Behavioral Correlates
in Wild Virunga Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla Beringei Beringei)”, Journal of
Comparative Psychology, Dec 22, 2014, 8 p., DOI 10.1037/a0038370.
Eriksen, Amandine; Nawrocki, Stephen; Bromage, Timothy; et al., “Skeletal evidence of
infanticide in Virunga mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) from Volcanoes
National Park, Rwanda”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology,153, Supplement:
58, 2014, p. 115.
Grueter, Cyril; Deschner, Tobias; Behringer, Verena; Fawcett, Katie; Robbins, Martha,
“Socioecological correlates of energy balance using urinary C-peptide measurements in
wild female mountain gorillas”, Physiology & Behavior, 127, 2014, pp. 13-19.
Habumuremyi, Sosthene; Robbins, Martha; Fawcett, Katie; Deschner, Tobias; et al,
“Monitoring ovarian cycle activity via progestagens in urine and feces of female
mountain gorillas: A comparison of EIA and LC-MS measurements”, American Journal
of Primatology, 76-2, 2014, pp. 180-191.
Hogan, Jennifer; Miller, Woutrina; Cranfield, Michael; et al., “Giardia in mountain
gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei), forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer), and domestic cattle
in Volcanoes national park, Rwanda”, Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 50-1, 2014, pp. 2130.
Kinani, Jean-Felix; Zimmerman, Dawn, “Tool use for food acquisition in a wild
mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei)”, American Journal of Primatology, 29
nov. 2014, doi: 10.1002/ajp.22351
McFarlin, Shannon; Reid, Donald; Arbenz-Smith, Keely; Cranfield, Michael; et al.,
“Histological examination of dental development in a juvenile mountain gorilla from
Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, Bulletin of the International Association for
Paleodontology, 8-1, 2014, p. 149.
Sak, Bohumil; et al., “Diversity of Microsporidia, Cryptosporidium and Giardia in
Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”,
PloS One, 9-11, 2014, p. e109751.




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