Fiche du document numéro 18870

Janvier 2014
Rwanda 2013. Bibliographie


RWANDA, 2013

The University of Texas at Austin




1. Recherche
1.1 Archives; Bibliographies
1.2 Recherche
1.3 Thèses


2. Histoire, Témoignages
2.1 Histoire
2.2 1994; Génocide
2.3 Témoignages; Mémoires


3. Politique
3.1 Politique
3.2 Réconciliation
3.3 Mémoire; Négationnisme


4. Économie
4.1 Questions foncières
4.2 Agriculture; Pisciculture
4.3 Caféiculture
4.4 Sylviculture
4.5 Développement économique
4.6 Environnement
4.7 Tourisme


5. Société
5.1 Société
5.2 Femmes
5.2.1 Économie
5.2.2. Politique
5.2.3 Santé; Reproductive Health
5.3 Éducation
5.4 Ethnographie
5.5 Langues
5.6 Médias
5.7 Religion


6. Santé publique
6.1 Administration; technologie; méthodes
6.2 Enseignement; Training
6.4 Médecine; Chirurgie; Ophtalmologie;



Dentisterie; et al.
6.5 Santé mentale
6.6 Pharmacologie


7. Relations Régionales et Internationales
7.1 Burundi
7.3 Réfugiés
7.4 Humanitaire
7.5 Aide internationale
7.6 Relations internationales
7.7 Nations Unies


8. Droit
8.1 Rwanda: Justice; Gacaca
8.3 Gender-based violence; Droit du viol


9. Littérature, Cinéma
9.1 Romans
9.2 Nouvelles; poésie
9.3 Littérature juvénile
9.4 Critique littéraire
9.5 Films
9.6 Critique cinématographique
9.7 Photographie


10. Sciences naturelles
10.1 Sciences de la nature
10.2 Primatologie
10.3 Sciences de la terre




Cette bibliographie rassemble les publications anglophones et francophones parues en
2013 portant, en tout ou en partie, sur le Rwanda. Tous les genres et les disciplines sont a
priori recensés, les témoignages, les thèses de doctorat, les articles, les monographies, les
rapports, les études savantes comme les romans et la littérature juvénile.
La classification ne reprend pas exactement celle des bibliographies publiées en 2012
et 2013 ( ). Mais on retrouve les mêmes
chapitres, Mémoires, Politique, Economie, Société, Relations régionales et internationales,
Droit, Littérature, Sciences naturelles. On retrouse aussi, mais en moindre nombre, les
mêmes catégories, Agriculture, Génocide, Réconciliation, Mémoire, Femmes, Éducation,
Linguistique, Ethnologie, Réfugiés, Religion, TPIR, RDC, Nations Unies, et alia.
Même abondance de publications que les années précédentes dans le domaine de la
santé auquel est consacré un chapitre pour des raisons de volume de publication et non de
classification, la santé publique ressortant de l’économie ou de la sociologie.
1994 et le génocide, les femmes, les relations régionales (RDC), le développement
économique, le passage à l’anglais, l’éducation, les gacaca et le droit du viol (TPIR) font
aussi l’objet de nombreuses recherches.
Ces écrits sont massivement anglophones, pour les raisons connues: les data bases
sont pour plus des trois quarts anglophones; les Francophones ne sont plus nombreux à
poursuivre des recherches au Rwanda; le Rwanda lui-même est devenu anglophone tout
comme la recherche scientifique en géneral.
Nous n’indiquons pas les DOI (Digital Object Identifier) des publications
électroniques, sauf rares exceptions rendues nécessaires par l’absence de toute autre
référence, mais nous indiquons les “article numbers”, e. g. S11 ou e1324. Nous ne listons
pas les “E-pub ahead of print”, les “In Press, Corrected Proof” électroniques ou les
rééditions Kindle d’ouvrages publiés avant 2013. Nous listons certains travaux de Maîtrise
(MA) non publiés qui pour autant valent ceux publiés par des éditeurs électroniques peu
Plusieurs bonnes thèses, dont des francophones, plusieurs bons livres dont des
mémoires, des études économiques, historiques, sociales, politiques ou juridiques ont été
publiés en 2013 sur le Rwanda. La critique s’en fera ailleurs. Le connaisseur, en attendant,
reconnaîtra les siens.
Pour rectifier un oubli ou corriger une erreur, veuillez contacter



1.1 Archives; Bibliographies
Africa Bibliography, 2012 [number], 2013 [year of pub.]
Kitchen, Stéphanie, Africa Bibliography 1985-2012, pp. vii-ix,
Pearce, Daniel, The Online Africa Bibliography, pp. x-xvi.

Barringer, T. A., “A Select List of Articles on Africa Appearing in Non–Africanist
Periodicals”, African Affairs, 112-447, 2013, pp. 343-352; Idem, 112-448, 2013, pp. 534542.
Dobbs, Michael, Freedom of Information Follies: FOIA Reviewers Declassify Same
Rwanda Document Four Times, Creating New Secrets Each Time National Security
Archive Electronic Briefing Book, no. 420, 2013.

Hall, David (ed), International African Bibliography: East Africa, 43-1/2, 2013, pp. 7387.
Korman, Rémi, Etude des lieux de mémoire et des lieux de savoir au Rwanda,

Lagarde, François, Rwanda, 2012: Bibliographie, Austin, TX: The University of Texas at
Austin, 2013, 68 p.
Russell, Susan; Steele, Tom, “Information and Communication Technologies and the
Digital Divide in Africa: A Review of the Periodical Literature, 2000-2012”, Electronic
Journal of Africana Bibliography, 14, 2013, 31 p.

Tallier, Pierre-Alain; Eyenga-Cornelis, Sabine Bompuku (eds), Africa-Europe Archives:
Requirements? Collaborations? Plans? DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Belgium,
Bruxelles: Algemeen Rijksarchief, 2013, 338 p.
1.2 Recherche
Jokić, Aleksandar, “Conventional Wisdom about Yugoslavia and Rwanda:
Methodological Perils and Moral Implications”, Journal of Philosophy of International
Law, 4-1, 2013, pp. 1-29.
Thomson, Susan; Ansoms, An; Murison, Jude (eds), Emotional and Ethical Challenges
for Field Research in Africa: The Story Behind the Findings, New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013,
Ansoms, An, “Dislodging Power Structures in Rural Rwanda: From ‘Disaster Tourist’ to


‘Transfer Gate’”, pp. 57-69.
Begley, Larissa, “The RPF controls Everything! Fear and Rumour under Rwanda’s
Genocide Ideology Legislation”, pp. 70-83.
Bouka, Yolande, “‘No Problem’: Moving Behind the Official Discourse ot Post-Genocide
Justice in Rwanda”, pp. 107-122.
Thomson, Susan, “Academic Integrity and Ethical Responsibilities in Post-Genocide
Rwanda: Working with Research Ethics Boards to Prepare for Fieldwork with ‘Human
Subjects”, pp. 139-153.

Wiehler, S.; Umutoni, Fiona, “Analysing Memoir Topic Trends in the Social and
Political Sciences in the Faculty of Arts, Media and Social Sciences at NUR”, Rwanda
Journal, Series B, 1-1, 2013, pp. 36-48.
1.3 Thèses (doctorat; PhD)
Bazuin, Joshua, Religion in the Remaking of Rwanda after Genocide, Vanderbilt
University, Department of Community Research and Action.
Bentrovato, Denise, Narrating and Teaching the Nation: History, Identity and the
Politics of Education in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, The University of Utrecht,
Research Institute for History and Culture.
Bouka, Yolande, In the Shadow of Prison: Power, Identity, and Transtional Justice in
Post-Genocide Rwanda, American University, International Relations.
Bruner, Jason, The Politics of Public Confession in the East African Revival in Uganda,
ca. 1930-1950, Princeton Theological Seminary, History and Ecumenics.
Bucagu, Charles, Tailoring Agroforestry Technologies to the Diversity of Rwandan
Smallholder Agriculture, Wageningen University, Netherlands, Plant Production
Cruikshank, Sally, Peace Under Fire: Building the Media Agenda in Post-Genocide
Rwanda, Ohio University, Scripps College of Communication.
Donlon, Teresa Fidelma, The Completion Strategies of the International Criminal
Tribunals: The Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, National University of
Ireland, Galway
Dumas, Hélène, Juger le génocide sur les collines: une étude des procès Gacaca au
Rwanda (2006-2012), École doctorale de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales,
Gishoma, Chantal, Poétique et politique chez Alexis Kagame, écrivain-poète rwandais,
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Langues, litteratures et sociétés
du monde, Paris.



Guipié, Gérard, La question ethnique dans la formation des alliances interétatiques lors
des conflits armés en République Démocratique du Congo et dans les Grands Lacs
Africains (1994-2006), Ecole doctorale de droit, Université Jean Moulin, Lyon.
Hasson, Charlotte, A Phenomenological Research Study Exploring the Lived Experiences
of Rwandan Mental Health Workers, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
Isabwe, Ghislain, Enhancing Mathematics Learning Through Peer Assessment Using
Mobile Tablet Based Solutions, Kristiansand, Norway, University of Agder, Information
and Communication.
Kagabo, Désiré, Participatory Integrated Watershed Management in the North-Western
Highlands of Rwanda, Wageningen University, Netherlands, Soil Physics and Land
Kagwesage, Anne-Marie, Coping with Learning through a Foreign Language in Higher
Education in Rwanda, Linköping University, School of Education.
Majid, Muhammad Farhan, Adverse Shocks and Human Development, University of
California at Riverside, Economics.
Marshall, Sara, Youth and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes in the Life for a Child
Program in Rwanda, Africa, University of Pittsburgh, Public Health.
Mbabazi, Penelope, Quality in Learning in Rwandan Higher Education: Different
Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Students’ Learning and Employability, Linköping
University, Sweden, Beahavioural Sciences and Learning.
Mbarushimana, Désiré Kagabo, Participatory Integrated Watershed Management in the
North-Western Highlands of Rwanda, Wageningen University, Netherlands, Water
McCoy, Jason, Mbwirabumva (“I Speak to Those Who Understand”): Three Songs by
Simon Bikindi and the War and Genocide in Rwanda, The Florida State University,
School of Music.
Morris, Kara, ‘When Elephants Fight, It is the Grass That is Crushed’: A Critical
Evaluation of the Treatment of Rape Victim-Witnesses by the International Criminal
Court, Ottawa: University of Ottawa, Department of Criminology
Mukeshimana, Gerardine, Dissecting the Genetic Complexity of Drought Tolerance
Mechanisms in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Michigan State University, Crop
and Soil Sciences
Munyakayanza, Jean-François, La presse catholique et son rôle dans la vie politique et
sociale du Rwanda (1931-1961), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Histoire.


Ndoriyobijya, Japhet, Capacity Building of Anglican Local Church Leaders Toward
Becoming Catalysts of Integral Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of
Intercultural Studies.
Nizeyimana, Gabriel, Student Engagement in Teacher Education at the Kigali Institute of
Education in Rwanda, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, School of
Nkaka, Raphaël, L'emprise d'une logique raciale sur la société Rwandaise, 1894-1994,
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Histoire.
Perrin, Maxence, Essai sur la compétence matérielle des juridictions pénales de
jugement, Université Jean Moulin, Lyon, Droit.
Réra, Nathan, Rwanda, de l'archive à la représentation: la photographie et le cinéma à
l'épreuve du génocide des Tutsi (1994-2012), Université Aix-Marseille, Espaces,
Cultures, Sociétés.
Rovetta, Ornella, Le Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda comme source
d'histoire?, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Histoire, Arts et Archéologie.
Russell, Susan Garnett, The Role of Education in Promoting Reconciliation and Civic
Identity in Rwanda: Global, National, and School Contexts, Stanford University,
Rwiyereka, Angelique, Making Money Work for Mothers: A Quantitative and Qualitative
Assessment of the Impact of Novel Health Financing Policies on Maternal Health
Services in Rwanda, Brandeis University, Social Policy and Management.
Saur, Léon, Catholiques belges et Rwanda : 1950-1964: les pièges de l'évidence,
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Histoire [5 vol., 2288 p.].
Schendel, Rebecca, A Critical Missing Element: Critical Thinking at Rwanda's Public
Universities and the Implications for Higher Education Reform, University of London,
Schildt, Jana, The ‘Here and There’ of Rwandan Reconciliation : Individual Actors Take
Centre Stage, Université Catholique de Louvain, Sciences politiques et sociales.
Scholte, Willem, Mental Health in War-Affected Populations, University of Amsterdam,
Suubi, Patrick, A Comparative Study of the Inclusion of Students with Visual and Hearing
Impairment in Rwandan Universities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,



Tusiime, Michael, Toward Democratic Education and Transformational Learning: An
Examination of Students’ Experiences at Kigali Institute of Education, Northern Illinois
University, Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations.
Umurerwa, Rosemarie, The Effectiveness of Re-Integration of Female Ex-Combatants:
Rwanda As a Case Study, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, Political
Uwera, Claudine, Water Demand and Financing in Rwanda: An Empirical Analysis,
University of Gothenburg, Economics.
Van Damme, Julie, Analyse systémique des processus d'innovation dans les systèmes
agraires de la région des Grands Lacs basés sur la culture de la banane, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Agronomie.
Verduin, Femke, Measures and Outcomes of a Psychosocial Group Approach in
Rwanda, Proefschrift Universiteit, Amsterdam, Medicine.
Zigirinshuti, Felix, Good Governance and Public Contracts: A Comparative Perspective
on the Balance between Public and Private Law in Rwanda, University Utrecht, Droit.




2.1 Histoire
Bamurangirwa, Patricia, Rwanda Yesterday, Leicestershire, UK: Troubador Publishing
2013, 204 p.
Carney, James, Rwanda Before the Genocide: Catholic Politics and Ethnic Discourse in
the Late Colonial Era, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, 384 p.
Giblin, John, “A Reconsideration of Rwandan Archaeological Ceramics and their
Political Significance in a Post-Genocide Era”, African Archaeological Review, 30-4,
2013, pp. 501-529.
Manzan, Innocent Ehueni, Les accords politiques dans la résolution des conflits armés
internes en Afrique, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013, 772 p.
Nsabimana, Dismas, Incurie et dysfonctionnements de l'administration rwandaise sous le
régime du président Habyarimana, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2013, 247 p.
Pochet, Marcel, Rétrospective: le problème ruandais 1952-1962. Série 1, Les acteurs
nationaux. Volume 2. Dossier 2 & 3, Aprosoma et Parmehutu, Lille: Sources du Nil,
2013, 289 p.
Sebunuma, Déogratias, Psychopathologie descriptive: essais sur les violences collectives,
Paris: Umusozo, 2013, 341 p. (Comprend Rwanda: Crimes d'honneur et influences
régionales [publication de 2012, 189 p.] et Communautarisme et autochtonie, cf. ci-dessous).

Sebunuma, Déogratias, Communautarisme et autochtonie: du cas du Rwanda à
l'universel, Paris: Umusozo, 2013, 150 p.
Sebunuma, Déogratias, Rwanda: crise identitaire et violence collective, Paris: Umusozo,
2013, 301 p. [Version remaniée de Sebunuma, Déogratias, La compulsion de répétition
dans les violences collectives, Paris: Umusozo, 2013, 311 p. [Thèse de doctorat, Paris:
Université Paris 7 Diderot, 2011].
2.2 1994; Génocide
Abimbola, Olaifa Temitope; Dominic, Danjibo, “The 1994 Rwandan Conflict: Genocide
Or War?”, The International Journal on World Peace, 30-3, 2013, pp. 31-54.


Anderson, Mary; Wallace, Marshall, “Rwanda: Muslims Reject Genocide”, in Idem,
Opting Out of War: Strategies to Prevent Violent Conflict, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner
Publishers, 2013, pp. 157-169.
Andrieu, Claire; Gensburger, Sarah; Sémelin, Jacques (eds), Resisting Genocide: The
Multiple Forms of Rescue, New York : Oxford University Press, 2013 (cf. Idem, La
résistance aux génocides : de la pluralité des actes de sauvetage, Paris: Presses de la
Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2008):
Fujii, Lee Ann, “Rescuers and Killer-rescuers during the Rwanda Genocide: Rethinking
Standard Categories of Analysis”, pp. 145-156;
Straus, Scott, “From ‘Rescue’ to Violence: Overcoming local Opposition to Genocide in
Rwanda”, pp. 331-344;
Mulinda, Charles Kabwete, “Crossing a Border to Escape: Examples from the Gishamvu
and Kigembe Communities of Rwanda”, pp. 345-361;
Viret, Emmanuel, “Social Cohesion and Emergency: The Muslims of Mabare during the
Genocide in Rwanda, April 1994”, pp 481-492.

Brackelaire, Jean-Luc; Cornejo, Marcela; Kinable, Jean (eds), Violence Politique et
Traumatisme, Louvain La Neuve: Editions Academia, 2013,
Roisin, Jacques, “Hypothèse sur le fanatisme et la contagion barbare”, pp. 21-42,
Schotsmans, Martien, “Le recours à la justice transitionnelle et l’appel aux pratiques
traditionnelles en Afrique”, pp. 137-148,
Kanyamanza, Claudine Uwera; Fierens, Jacques, “Juger après un génocide? Dialogue entre
un juriste plutôt rose et une psychologue plutôt brune”, pp. 177-197,
Gishoma, Darius; Kanazayire, Clémentine, “Les commémorations du génocide au
Rwanda: un espace transitionnel pour métaboliser le passé qui ne passe pas?”, pp. 317337,
Rutembesa, Eugène, “Les références culturelles comme socle thérapeutique: illustration de
quelques cas cliniques des survivants du génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda”, pp. 367-380,
Lebon, Christine, “Comment ça se fait qu’au Rwanda c’est la pluie, ailleurs c’est la neige,
alors que ce sont les mêmes nuages? Le ventre, Inda et les enfants de rescapés du
génocide de 1994”, pp. 381-398.

Brannigan, Augustine, Beyond the Banality of Evil: Criminology and Genocide, Oxford,
UK: Oxford University Press, 2013, 285 p.
Brewaeys, Philippe, Rwanda 1994: Noirs et Blancs menteurs, Bruxelles: Racine, 174 p.
Caplan, Gerald, “The 1994 Genocide of the Tutsi of Rwanda”, in Totten, Samuel;
Parsons, William (eds), Centuries of Genocide: Essays and Eyewitness Accounts, New
York: Routledge, 2013 (4th edition), pp. 447-475.
Caselli, Francesco; Coleman, Wilbur, “On the Theory of Ethnic Conflict”, Journal of the
European Economic Association, 11-1, 2013, pp. 161-192.
Chasdi, Richard, “Terror in Rwanda 1994 and the Failure of International Response”, in
Duncan, Gillian; et al., State Terrorism and Human Rights: International Responses
since the End of the Cold War, Abingdon ,UK/New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 114-141.


Ciani, Federico; Giannelli, Claudia, Surviving the Genocide: The Impact of the Rwandan
Genocide on Child Mortality, Discussion Paper 7539, Bonn: IZA, 2013, 35 p.
Collectif, La Nuit rwandaise, 7, Paris: Izuba/L’Esprit frappeur, 7 Avril 2013, 431 p.
Crotty, Rioghnat, “Prejudice: Case Studies on Genocide in World War II Germany and
Rwanda”, in Idem, Introduction to Intercultural Studies, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan,
2013, 208 p., ch. 5.
Dallaire, Roméo; Coleman, Andrew, “Genocide: Beyond Definition”, Human Rights
Quarterly, 35- 3, 2013, pp. 778-785.
Jones, Adam, The Scourge of Genocide: Essays and Reflections, London: Routledge,
2013, 440 p.
Justino, Patricia; Verwimp, Philip, “Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict, and
Convergence in Rwanda”, The Review of Income and Wealth, 59-1, 2013, pp. 66-90.
Kay, Judith, “Middle Agents as Marginalized: How the Rwanda Genocide Challenges
Ethics from the Margins”, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 33-2, 2013, pp. 2140.
Kubai, Anne, “It Was the Work of Satan: Perpetrators Rationalize the Atrocities of the
Rwanda Genocide”, in Nordquist, Kjell-Åke (ed), Gods and Arms: On Religion and
Armed Conflict, Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2013, pp. 49-68.
Lugan, Bernard, “La guerre du Rwanda (1er octobre 1990-19 juillet 1994)”, in Idem, Les
guerres d’Afrique: Des origines à nos jours, Monaco: Les Éditions du Rocher, 2013, pp.
Martinon, Jean-Paul, After ‘Rwanda’: In Search of a New Ethics, Amsterdam: Editions
Rodopi B. V., 2013, 308 p.
McDoom, O., “Who Killed in Rwanda's Genocide? Micro-Space, Social Influence and
Individual Participation in Intergroup Violence”, Journal of Peace Research, 50-4, 2013,
pp. 453-467.
Miles, William, “Notes from a Haunting Conference: Rwanda”, in Idem, Afro-Jewish
Encounters: from Timbuktu to the Indian Ocean and Beyond, Princeton, NJ: Markus
Wiener Publishers, 2013, 262 p.
Olusanya, Olaoluwa, “A Macro-Micro Integrated Theoretical Model of Mass
Participation in Genocide”, The British Journal of Criminology, 53-5, 2013, pp. 843-863.



Owens, Peter; Su, Yang; Snow, David, “Social Scientific Inquiry Into Genocide and
Mass Killing: From Unitary Outcome to Complex Processes”, Annual Review of
Sociology, 39, 2013, pp. 69-84.
Philpot, Robin, Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa: From Tragedy to Useful
Imperial Fiction, Montreal: Baraka Books, 2013, 250 p. (Trad. de Idem, Ça ne s'est pas
passé comme ça à Kigali, Montréal: Les Intouchables, 2003.)
Piton, Florent, “Il est minuit moins cinq au Rwanda”: Compte-rendu du colloque 1993:
Que savait-on un an avant le génocide?, Paris: Mémorial de la Shoah, 26 mai 2013, A
l'ombre des collines: Espaces, acteurs, politiques et mémoires dans l'histoire du Rwanda
contemporain, 2013,
Rigal, Sylvain; Pons, François, “Triage of Mass Casualties in War Conditions: Realities
and Lessons Learned”, International Orthopaedics, 37-8, 2013, pp. 1433-1438 [Chad,
Rothbart, Daniel; Korostelina, Karina, Why They Die: Civilian Devastation in Violent
Conflict, Ann Arbor. MI: The University of Michigan Press, 2013, 224 p.
Schneiderhan, Erik, “Genocide Reconsidered: A Pragmatist Approach”, Journal for the
Theory of Social Behaviour, 43-3, 2013, pp. 280-300.
Spencer, Philip, “Imperialism, Anti-Imperialism and the Problem of Genocide, Past and
Present”, History, 98-332, 2013, pp. 606-622.
Taylor, Christopher, “Genocide and the Religious Imagery in Rwanda”, in
Juergensmeyer, Mark; Kitts, Margo; Jerryson, Michael (eds), The Oxford Handbook of
Religion and Violence, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 268-279.
Van Butselaar, Jan; Longman, Timothy, “Book Debate”, Social Sciences and Missions,
26-2/3, 2013, pp. 253-274.
Verwimp, Philip, Peasants in Power: The Political Economy of Development and
Genocide in Rwanda, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, 295 p.
Vollhardt, Johanna; Bilewicz, Michal, “After the Genocide: Psychological Perspectives
on Victim, Bystander, and Perpetrator Groups”, Journal of Social Issues, 69-1, 2013, pp.
2.3 Témoignages; Mémoires
Alexander, Jessica, “People Died This Way: Rwanda, 2003”, in Idem, Chasing Chaos:
My Decade In and Out of Humanitarian Aid, New York: Broadway Paperbacks, 2013,
pp. 21-82.
Annan, Kofi; Mousavizadeh, Nader, Interventions: A Life in War and Peace, New York:


Penguin Books, 2013, 399 p.
Bah, Alimou, “Rwanda 2011”, in Hills, Alex (ed), Geeks on a Mission: In Their Own
Words, Indianapolis, IN: Dog Ear Publishing, 2013, pp. 29-50.
De la Sablière, Jean-Marc, Dans les coulisses du monde: du Rwanda à la guerre d'Irak,
un grand négociateur révèle le dessous des cartes, Paris: Robert Laffont, 2013, 381 p.
De Wetter, Bernard, Back in Rwanda: 20 Years later in the Kingdom of Mountain
Gorillas, Bruxelles: Safran, 2013, 286 p.
Ferllini, Roxana, “Forensic Anthropology: Working Within Emotionally Charged
Environments”, General Anthropology Bulletin, 20-1, 2013, pp. 1-7 [Kosovo, Rwanda,
Guichaoua, André; Institut Seth Sendashonga pour la citoyenneté démocratique (eds),
Seth Sendashonga (1951-1998), un Rwandais pris entre deux feux: témoignages et
propos, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013:
Sendashonga, Cyrie, “Lettre à Seth”, pp. 9-10,
Courte biographie de Seth Sendashonga, pp. 11-13,
Smith, Stephen, “Préface: une ligne droite dans un espace courbe”, pp. 13-18,
Guichaoua, André, “Seth Sendashonga, un fidèle militant du FPR”, pp. 19-46,
Nkuliyingoma, Jean-Baptiste, “Nous poursuivrons ton combat pour la démocratie et la
citoyenneté”, pp. 47-50,
Gatwa, Tharcisse, “Cet homme était intègre: hommage à Seth Sendashonga”, pp. 51-58,
Mutombo, Raphaël, “L’héritage de Seth Sendashonga: options philosophiques et sociales”,
pp. 59-65,
Minani, Pascal, “Une vie courte mais si remplie”, pp. 65-76,
Twagiramungu, Faustin, “Seth Sendashonga sur le terrain politique”, pp. 77-88,
Mazire, Dominique, “Rwanda: l’assassinat d’un espoir?”, pp. 89-94,
Élie, Julien, “Qui a tué Seth Sendashonga?”, pp. 95-110,
Sendashonga, Seth, “Trois interviews: A Kigali, le 10 octobre 1994; A Nairobi, le 14 octobre
1995; A Nairobi, janvier 1998”, pp. 111-164,
Prunier, Gérard, “Rwanda: la mort d'un juste”, pp. 165-168,
Rudasingwa, Théogène, “Seth Sendashonga, un martyr”, pp. 169-176.

Harms, Kimberly, “Reading, Writing, Redemption, Rwanda”, Northwest Dentistry, 92-1, 2013,
pp. 19-23
High, Steven, “Embodied Ways of Listening: Oral History, Genocide and the Audio
Tour”, Anthropologica, 55-1, 2013, pp. 73-85.
Hilsum, Linsey, “The Rainy Season”, Granta, 125, 2013, pp. 7-34.
Jordan, Paul, The Easy Day Was Yesterday: The Extreme Life of an SAS Soldier,
Newport, AUS: Big Sky, 2013, 352 p.
Koester, D. H., And There I Was, Vol. IV: A Backpacking Adventure in Rwanda,


Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Parker, CO: Outskirts Press, 2013, 245 p.
Marie, Josi, Pieces of Me: Made in Rwanda, Broken in New York City, North
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3.1 Politique
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3.2 Réconciliation
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Wielenga, Cori, “Healing and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict: The Role of Memory
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3.3 Mémoire; Négationnisme
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Kayishema, Jean-Marie, “Du mythe hamite au génocide des Tutsi et à sa négation”, pp. 91106,
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Coquio, catherine, “Le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda vu de France: De la scène politique
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Rinne, Michael, “La sophistique négationnsite sur Internet: Passions du déni du génocide
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Ndorimana, Jean, “Eglise catholique et négationnsime”, pp 259-288,
Bizimana, jean-damascène, “Le négationnisme dans les institutions judiciaires: les
juridictions françaises, espagnoles et le TPIR”, pp. 289-312,
Brinker, Virginie, “Comment les écrivains s’opposent-ils au négationnisme ou la question
de la transmission du génocide des Tutsi”, pp. 313-328,
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Kagabo, José, “Du bon usage du terme négationniste”, pp. 355-368,
Galabert, Jean-Luc, “Non reconnaissance, négation, déni du génocide: Faire la part des
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Smith, James, “Remembering Rwanda’s Genocide”, Museums Journal, 113-12, 2013, p




4.1 Questions foncières
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Development: Challenges for Post-conflict African Nations, Lanham, MD: Lexington
Books, 2013, pp. 81-108.
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Pritchard, Matthew, “Land, Power and Peace: Tenure Formalization, Agricultural
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4.2 Agriculture; Pisciculture
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Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2013, 38 p.
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Spliethoff, P.; Murasira, Pascal; Muligo, Faustin; Kabagambe, Jean-Bosco, Quick Scan to
Identify and Discuss Options for Improved Fish Production in Rwanda, Wageningen,
Netherlands: Centre for Development Innovation, 2013, 23 p.
T’Kint, Sophie; Van Damme, Julie; Baret, Philippe, “L’innovation agricole au Rwanda:
des acteurs déconnectés”, in Reyntjens, Filip; Vandeginste, S.; Verpoorten, M. (eds),
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Whitney, K.; King, J.; Granovsky, N., “Participatory Rural Appraisal: Understanding
Gender Roles among Rwanda Pyrethrum Farmers”, Journal of International Agricultural
and Extension Education, 20-2, 2013, pp. 244-245.
4.3 Caféiculture
Bucagu, Charles; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Giller, Ken, “Managing Tephrosia Mulch and
Fertilizer to Enhance Coffee Productivity on Smallholder Farms in the Eastern African
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Vandermey, A., “Social Enterprise: Rwanda’s Coffee Beans Are Bolstering its
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4.4 Sylviculture
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Systems, 87-1, 2013, pp. 141-158.
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2013, pp. 453-461.
4.5 Développement économique
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Rwanda-China: Looking Eastwards, 49-12, February 2013, pp.19794B–19794C.
Coffee: Rwanda, 50-1, March 2013, pp. 19853A–19853C.
Ports and Shipping: Rwanda, Tanzania, 50-2, April 2013, pp. 19885A–19886A.


Coffee: Rwanda, 50-4, June 2013, pp. 19960B-19961B
Rwanda: Debut Eurobond Launched, 50-4, June 2013, pp. 19953B–19954A.
Rwanda Budget: Key Projects, 50-5, July 2013, pp. 19973B–19973C.
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Nigeria-Rwanda: Bank Acquisition, 50-7, September 2013, pp. 20061B.
Rwanda: Economic Plan, 50-9, November 2013, pp. 20134B–20134C.
Rwanda-High Tech Hub?, 50-10, December 2013, p. 20174C.
East African Community: Tensions Threaten to Split Bloc, 50-10, December 2013, pp.

Ansoms, An; Murison, Jude, “Formalizing the Informal in Rwanda: From Artisanal to
Modern Brick and Tile Ovens”, in Hillenkamp, Isabelle; Lapeyre, Frédéric; Lemaître,
Andreia (eds), Securing Livelihoods: Informal Economy Practices and Institutions,
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Bamwesiga, Penelope Mbabazi, “A Conceptual Understanding of Employability: The
Employers' View in Rwanda”, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 19-1, 2013,
pp. 39-56.
Benda, Cecilia, “Community Rotating Savings and Credit Associations as An Agent of
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48-2, 2013, pp. 232-247.
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Washington DC: International Monetary Fund 54 p. [Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda,
Berg, Gunhild; Fuchs, Michael, Bank Financing of SMEs in Five Sub-Saharan African
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Working Paper Series: 6563, Washington DC: The World Bank, 2013, 22 p. [Kenya, Nigeria,
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Bruck, Tilman; Naude, Wim; Verwimp, Philip, “Business under Fire: Entrepreneurship
and Violent Conflict in Developing Countries”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57-1,
2013, pp. 3-19.
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Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5-2, 2013, pp. 546552.
Chemin, Mattieu; De Laat, Joost, “Can Warm Glow Alleviate Credit Market Failures?
Evidence from Online Peer-to-Peer Lenders”, Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 61-4, 2013, pp. 825-858 [Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal,
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Nation Became an Economic Model for the Developing World, CD audio, Ashland, OR:
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Dudwick, Nora, Creating Jobs in Africa's Fragile States: Are Value Chains an Answer?,
Washington, DC: World Bank, 2013, 83 p.
Elkuch, A.; Marxt, C.; Brunner, C., “Reciprocal Crowdfunding as Means to Enable
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International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business,19-4, 2013, pp. 498-516.
Essimbe, Victor, Armes légères et groupes armés en Afrique subsaharienne: Effets
pernicieux sur le développement économique et social, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013, 268 p.
Gurara, Daniel Zerfu, A Macroeconometric Model for Rwanda, Tunis: African
Development Bank Group, [2013], 56 p.
Harris, Bob, The International Bank of Bob : Connecting Our Worlds One $25 Kiva Loan
at a Time, New York : Walker & Co., 2013 [Bosnia, Cambodia, Peru, Rwanda].
Kelsall, Tim, “Rwanda: The Party Leads, the Market Follows”, in Idem, Business,
Politics, and the State in Africa : Challenging the Orthodoxies on Growth and
Transformation, London/New York: Zed Books, 2013, ch. 5.
Landi, M.; Sovacool, B.; Eidsness J., “Cooking with Gas: Policy Lessons from Rwanda's
National Domestic Biogas Program (NDBP)”, Energy for Sustainable Development, 174, 2013, pp. 347-356.
Lohri, Christian Riuji; Gauthier, Martin; Oppliger, Alain; Zurbrügg, Christian, “Ensuring
Appropriateness of Biogas Sanitation Systems for Prisons: Analysis from Rwanda, Nepal
and the Philippines”, in Bolay, Jean-Claude; Hostettler, Silvia; Hazboun, Eileen (eds),
Technologies for Sustainable Development: A Way to Reduce Poverty?, Dordrecht:
Springer, 2013, pp. 57-72.
Mukundufite, Fabien, “Application of LED Type Lamps in Domestic and Public Utilities
and Gain Capability to Run New Small Investments in Rwanda”, Engineering, 5-10,
2013, pp. 775-778.
Mwampamba, Tuyeni; Owen, Matthew; Pigaht, Maurice, “Opportunities, Challenges and
Way Forward for the Charcoal Briquette Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Energy for
Sustainable Development, 17-2, 2013, pp. 158-170 [Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda].
Nahayo, Alphonse; Ekise, Isaac; Mukarugwiza, Alphonsine, “Comparative Study on
Charcoal Yield Produced by Traditional and Improved Kilns: A Case Study of Nyaruguru


and Nyamagabe Districts in Southern Province of Rwanda”, Energy and Environment
Research, 3-1, 2013, p. 40.
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, The Third Integrated Household Living
Conditions Survey (EICV3): Main Indicators Report, Kigali: National Institute of
Statistics Rwanda, [2013], 206 p.
Niyonsenga, Innocent, “L’industrie d’assurance et son rôle d’intermédiation financière
dans le développement économique, cas du Rwanda: évaluation de 2008 à 2012”,
European Scientific Journal, 9-25, 2013, pp. 427-436.
Perks, Rachel, “Digging into the Past: Critical Reflections on Rwanda’s Pursuit for a
Domestic Mineral Economy”, Journal of Eastern African Studies, 7-4, 2013, pp. 732750.
Riak, Maker Mayek, “Reversing the Trend of Corruption in South Sudan: Is Rwanda a
Suitable Model?”, Journal of Developing Societies, 29-4, 2013, pp. 487-501.
Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel; Devereux, Stephen, “Sustainable Graduation from Social
Protection Programmes”, Development and Change, 44-4, 2013, pp. 911-938
[Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Rwanda].
Sebakambwe, Augustin, Rural Financial Markets in Rwanda: Determinants of Farmer
Households’ Credit Rationing in Formal Credit Markets, Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic
Publishing 2013, 76 p.
Sofiani, Lily, China’s Presence in Rwanda and Africa, through the Lens of the Product
Life Cycle Theory [MA Thesis], The University of California at Los Angeles, African
Studies, 2013, 104 p.
Subbarao, Kalanidhi; Del Ninno, Carlo; Andrews, Colin; Rodriguez-Alas, Claudia,
Public Works as a Safety Net: Design, Evidence, and Implementation, Washington, D.C.:
World Bank, 2013, 427 p. [Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Liberia, Rwanda].
Thomas, E.; et al., “Use of Remotely Reporting Electronic Sensors for Assessing Use of
Water Filters and Cookstoves in Rwanda”, Environmental Science & Technology, 47-23,
2013, pp. 13602–13610.
Tobias, Jutta; Barbosa-Leiker, Celestina; Mair, Johanna, “The Transformative Potential
of Entrepreneurship in Rwanda: Exploratory Evidence from a Field Survey”, Journal of
Business Venturing, 28-6, 2013, pp. 728–742.
Tsinda, Aimé; Abbott, Pamela; Pedley, Steve; et al., “Challenges to Achieving
Sustainable Sanitation in Informal Settlements of Kigali, Rwanda”, International Journal
Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 10-12, 2013, pp. 6939-6954.


Vellema, Sietze; Ton, Giel; De Roo, Nina; Van Wijk, Jeroen, “Value Chains,
Partnerships and Development: Using Case Studies to Refine Programme Theories”,
Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 19-3, 2013, pp.
304-320 [Rwanda, Uganda].
Von Grebmer, Klaus; et al., 2013 Global Hunger Index: The Challenge of Hunger:
Building Resilience to Achieve Food and Nutrition Security, Bonn/Washington/Dublin:
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe; International Food Policy Research Institute; Concern
Worldwide, 2013, 65 p.
World Bank, Maintaining Momentum with a Special Focus on Rwanda’s Pathway Out of
Poverty, Rwanda Economic Update, 4, Washington: World Bank, 2013, 66 p.
4.6 Environnement
Etale, A.; Drake, D., “Industrial Pollution and Food Safety in Kigali, Rwanda”, International
Journal of Environmental Research, 7-2, 2013, pp. 403-406.
Henninger, Sascha, “When Air Quality Becomes Deleterious: A Case Study for Kigali,
Rwanda”, Journal of Environmental Protection, 4-8, 2013, pp. 1-7.
Martin, Adrian; Gross-Camp, Nicole; Kebede, Bereket; McGuire, Shawn; Munyarukaza,
Joseph, “Whose Environmental Justice? Exploring Local and Global Perspectives in a
Payments for Ecosystem Services Scheme in Rwanda”, Geoforum, 2013, 13 p.

Mupenzi, Jean de la Paix; Lanhai, L.; Xi, C.; Varenyam, A; Nyongesah, M.;
Habiyaremye, G., “Physicochemical Properties of Saline Soils and Aeolian Dust”, Land
Degradation & Development, 24-6, 2013, pp. 539–547.
Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment, Scoping Advice for the Dutch
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Utrecht: MER, Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment, 2013, 53 p.
Sisi, Jean Damascene, Human-Wildlife Conflict in Rwanda: A Contribution to Human
Wildlife Conflict Resolution, Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013, 64 p.
4.7 Tourisme
Briggs, Philip, Rwanda [5th Edition], Buckinghamshire, UK: Bradt Travel Guides, 2013,
328 p.
Friedrich, Mona; Johnston, Tony, “Beauty versus Tragedy: Thanatourism and the
Memorialisation of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide”, Journal of Tourism and Cultural
Change, 11-4, 2013, pp. 302-320.
Maekawa, M.; Lanjouw, A.; Rutagarama, E.; Sharp, D., “Mountain Gorilla Tourism Generating
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Munanura, Ian; Backman, Kenneth; Sabuhoro, Edwin, “Managing Tourism Growth in
Endangered Species’ Habitats of Africa: Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda”, Current Issues
in Tourism, 16-7/8, 2013, pp. 700-718.
Nsabimana, E.; Spencer, J., “Historical Perspectives of Community Involvement in
Tourism and Conservation Activities in Eastern Rwanda: A Study at the Akagera
National Park in the Fifteen Years Following the 1994 Genocide”, African Journal for
Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19-1, 2013, pp. 97-112.



5.1 Société
Cokeham, Matthew; Tutesigensi, Apollo, “An Investigation of Construction Accidents in
Rwanda: Perspectives from Kigali”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 166-4,
2013, pp. 179-187.
De Maio, Jennifer, “Engaging Youth to Transform Conflict: A Study of Youth and the
Reduction of War in Africa”, in Roholt, Ross; Baizerman, Michael; Hildreth, R. (eds),
Civic Youth Work: Cocreating Democratic Youth Spaces, Chicago: Lyceum Books, 2013,
pp. 126-138 [Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Zambia].
Huppe, Marie, Ménages d'enfants sans parents dans le Rwanda post-génocide : un
improbable parcours de résilience en mouvement [MA Thesis], Université Catholique de
Louvain, Psychologie et Sciences de l'éducation, 2013, 82 p.
Ireland, Patrick, “A Macro-Level Analysis of the Scope, Causes, and Consequences of
Homophobia in Africa”, African Studies Review, 56-2, 2013, pp. 47-66.
Isaksson, Ann-Sofie, “Manipulating the Rural Landscape: Villagisation and Income
Generation in Rwanda”, Journal of African Economies, 22-3, 2013, pp. 394-436.
Lewis, Tim, Land of Second Chances: The Impossible Rise of Rwanda’s Cycling Team,
Boulder, CO: Velo Press, 2013, 276 p.
Mukabutera, Assumpta; Bizimana, Jean de Dieu; Owoeye, Olufemi; Nzayirambaho,
Manassé, “Correlates of Psychosocial Outcomes among Youth Heads of Households
Participating in Mentoring Programs: A Study among Rwandan Youths from Bugesera
District”, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 8-1, Mar, 2013. pp. 49-59.
Mukashema, Immaculée; Sapsford, Roger, “Marital Conflicts in Rwanda: Points of View
of Rwandan Psycho-socio-medical Professionals”, Procedia/Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 82, 2013, pp. 149-168.
Richters, Annemiek; Rutayisire, Théoneste; Slegh, Henny, “Sexual Transgression and
Social Disconnection: Healing through Community-Based Sociotherapy in Rwanda”,
Culture, Health & Sexuality, 3, 2013, pp. 1-13.
Rukundo, Exode, Binary Logistic Model of Rural-Urban Migration Determinants in
Rwanda Case Study: Neighboring Districts of Kigali City, Saarbrücken: Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2013, 68 p.


Rutayisire, Pierre Claver; Broekhuis, Annelet; Hooimeijer, Pieter, “Role of Conflict in
Shaping Fertility Preferences in Rwanda”, African Population Studies, 27-2, 2013, pp.
Serupia, E., “Impact of Communication and Information on the Motivation of the Staff in
the Public Services in Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal, Series B: Social Sciences, 1-1, 2013,
pp. 49-70.
Snow, Rachel; Winter, Rebecca; Harlow, Siobán, “Gender Attitudes and Fertility
Aspirations among Young Men in Five High Fertility East African Countries”, Studies in
Family Planning, 44-1, 2013, pp. 1-24 [Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia].
Uwimana, Pacifique, La lutte contre la violence conjugale au Rwanda, Saarbrücken:
Éditions universitaires européennes, 2013, 152 p.
Westoff, Charles, “The Recent Fertility Decline in Rwanda”, in McNicoll, Geoffrey;
Churchill, Ethel (eds), Population and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Paul Demeny,
New York : Population Council, 2013, pp. 169-178.
Yang, Yingxiang, Understanding Human Mobility Patterns from Digital Traces,
Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013, 102 p. [Dominican
Republic, Portugal, Rwanda]
Zihindula, Ganzamungu; Maharaj, Pranitha, “Understanding the Experiences of the
Elderly in Rural Areas in Rwanda”, Aging and Health in Africa, 4, 2013, pp. 197-209.
5.2 Femmes
5.2.1 Femmes: Économie
Carlson, Katie; Randell, Shirley, “Gender and Development: Working with Men for
Gender Equality in Rwanda”, Agenda, 27-1, 2013, pp. 114-125.
Coldham, Nancy, Rwandan Women Entrepreneurs: The Gendered Enterprise of NationBuilding, MA Thesis, Victoria, BC: Royal Roads University, 2013, 55 p.
Gervais, Myriam; Rivard, Lysanne, “SMART” Photovoice Agricultural Consultation:
Increasing Rwandan Women Farmers’ Active Participation in Development”,
Development in Practice, 23-4, 2013, pp. 496-510.
Kamaliza, G.; Karangwa, C.; Gahutu, J. B.; et al., “Empowering Women Cooperatives to
Raise Malnourished Children Living Standards in Huye District, Rwanda”, Annals of
Nutrition and Metabolism, 63-1, 2013, pp. 569-570.
Skiles, M. Priedeman; Curtis, S.; Basinga, P.; Angeles, G., “An Equity Analysis of
Performance-based Financing in Rwanda: Are Services Reaching the Poorest Women?”,
Health Policy and Planning, 28-8, 2013, pp. 825-837.


Slegh, Henny; Barker, Gary; Kimonyo, Augustin; Ndolimana, Prudence; Bannerman,
Matt, “‘I Can Do Women's Work’: Reflections on Engaging Men as Allies in Women's
Economic Empowerment in Rwanda”, Gender & Development, 21-1, 2013, pp. 15-30.
5.2.2 Femmes: Politique
Bauer, Gretchen; Okpotor, Faith "Her Excellency": An Exploratory Overview of Women
Cabinet Ministers in Africa”, Africa Today, 60-1, 2013, pp. 76-97.
Bauer, Gretchen; Burnet, Jennie, “Gender Quotas, Democracy, and Women's
Representation in Africa: Some Insights from Democratic Botswana and Autocratic
Rwanda”, Women’s Studies International Forum, 41-3, 2013, pp. 103-112.
Debusscher, Petra; Ansoms, An, “Gender Equality Policies in Rwanda: Public Relations
or Real Transformations?”, Development & Change, 44-5, 2013, pp. 1111-1134.
Herndon, Gerise; Randell, Shirley, “Surviving Genocide, Thriving in Politics: Rwandan
Women’s Power”, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5-1, 2013,
pp. 69-96.
Mutua, Eddah; Tibeso, Ayantu, “Communicating Peace: Women Transcend Cultural
Boundaries in Post-genocide Rwanda”, in Onwumechili, Chuka; Ndolo, Ikechukwu
(eds), Re-Imagining Development Communication in Africa, Lanham, MD: Lexington
Books, 2013, pp. 183-200.
Stacey, Justine, Women's Empowerment and Development: The Contribution of
Parliamentary Gender Quotas and the Case of Rwanda [MA Thesis], Halifax, CN: Saint
Mary’s University, 2013, 146 p.
Tajali, Mona, “Gender Quota Adoption in Postconflict Contexts: An Analysis of Actors
and Factors Involved”, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 343, 2013, pp. 261-285
[Afghanistan; Rwanda].
Thames, Frank; Williams, Margaret, Contagious Representation: Women’s Political
Representation in Democracies around the World, New York: New York University
Press, 2013, 208 p.
5.2.3 Femmes: Santé; Reproductive Health
Bazuaye, Annette; Okonofua, Friday, “La lutte contre la mortalité maternelle en Afrique
après 2015: quelles devraient être les priorités?/Tackling Maternal Mortality in Africa
after 2015: What Should the Priorities Be?”, African Journal of Reproductive Health, 172, 2013, pp. 13-20.
Binagwaho, Agnes; et al., “Integration of Comprehensive Women’s Health Programmes
into Health Systems: Cervical Cancer Prevention, Care and Control in Rwanda”, Bulletin
of the World Health Organization, 91, 2013, pp. 697-703.


Booth, David; Cammack, Diana, “Maternal Health: Why Is Rwanda Doing Better than
Malawi, Niger and Uganda?”, in Idem, Governance for Development in Africa: Solving
Collective Action Problems, London/New York: Zed Books, 2013, pp. 41-72.
Brunie, Aurélie; Tolley, Elizabeth; Ngabo, Fidèle; Wesson, Jennifer; Chen, Mario,
“Getting to 70%: Barriers to Modern Contraceptive Use for Women in Rwanda”,
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 123-2, 2013, pp. 11-15.
Hughes, Lindsay, War and Women: Effects of Post-colonial Warfare on Women’s Health
and Well-Being in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Saarbrücken:
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013, 64 p.
Kabano, Ignace Habimana; Broekhuis, Annelet; Hooimeijer, Pieter, “Fertility Decline in
Rwanda: Is Gender Preference In the Way?”, International Journal of Population Research,
39, 2013, pp. 1-9.
Kagurusi, Patrick, “Impediments to Media Communication of Social Change in Family
Planning and Reproductive Health: Experiences From East Africa”, African Journal of
Reproductive Health, 17-3, 2013, pp. 70-78.
Karangwa, Nepo; Vial, F.; Uwambazimana, J.; Guerci, P.; Ndoli, J.; Raft, J.; Bouaziz, H.,”Prise
en charge de la douleur post-césarienne au CHU de Kigali: introduction de la morphine
intrathécale”, Annales françaises d'anesthésie et de réanimation, 32-9, 2013, pp. 631-632.
Luna, S.; Pompano, L.; Lungaho, M.; et al., “Assessment of Maximal Oxygen Uptake in IronDeficient Rwandan Women”, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 63-1, p. 1533.
Ndaruhuye Muhoza, Dieudonné; Rutayisire, Pierre Claver; Umubyeyi, Aline, Measuring the
Success of Family Planning Initiatives in Rwanda: A Multivariate Decomposition Analysis,
DHS Paper 94, Washington, DC: USAID; Demographic & Health Surveys, 2013, 26 p.
Ndayisaba, G.; et al., “Feasibility and Acceptability of a Novel Vervicovaginal Lavage SelfSampling Device among Women in Kigali, Rwanda”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 40-7,
2013, pp. 552-555.
Rukundo, Egidia, Culture and Sexuality: Labia minora Elongation ‘Gukuna’ in Rwanda,
Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013, 76 p.
Skafte, Ina; Silberschmidt, Margrethe, “Female Gratification, Sexual Power and Safer
Sex: Female Sexuality as an Empowering Resource among Women in Rwanda”, Culture,
Health & Sexuality, 2, 2013, pp. 1-13.
Sudhof, Leanna; et al., “Local Use of Geographic Information Systems to Improve Data
Utilisation and Health Services: Mapping Caesarean Section Coverage in Rural Rwanda”,
Tropical Medicine & International Health, 18-1, 2013, pp. 18-26.


Umuhoz, Chantal; Oosters, Barbara; Van Reeuwijk, Miranda; et al., “Advocating for Safe
Abortion in Rwanda: How Young People and the Personal Stories of Young Women in Prison
Brought About Change”, Reproductive Health Matters, 21-41, 2013, pp. 49-56.
5.3 Éducation
Andersson, Ingrid; Kagwesage, Anne-Marie; Rusanganwa, Joseph, “Negotiating
Meaning in Multilingual Group Work: A Case Study of Higher Education in Rwanda”,
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16-4, 2013, pp. 436-450.
Bamwesiga, Penelope Mbabazi; Fejes, Andreas; Dahlgren, Lars-Owe, “A Phenomenographic Study of Students’ Conceptions of Quality in Learning in Higher Education in
Rwanda”, Studies in Continuing Education, 4, 2013, pp. 1-14
Barker, Kriss; Connolly, Scott; Angelone, Cecelia, “Creating a Brighter Future in
Rwanda Through Entertainment Education”, Critical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies,
27-1, 2013, pp. 75-90.
Bartholet, Jeffrey, “Moocs: Hype and Hope”, Scientific American, 309, 2013, pp. 53-61.
Earnest, Jaya, “Rwanda: Challenges for School Leadership in a Transitional Post-conflict
Nation”, in Clarke, Simon; O’Donoghue, T., (eds), School Level Leadership in PostConflict Societies, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2013, ch. 6.
Gerver, Mollie, “‘Sinigurisha! (You Are Not for Sale!)’: Exploring the Relationship
between Access to School, School Fees, and Sexual Abuse in Rwanda”, Gender and
Education, 25-2, 2013, pp. 220-235.
Gresham, Peta, “Teaching Creative Writing to the Students of Rwanda”, Metaphor, 1,
2013, pp. 51-52.
King, Elisabeth, From Classrooms to Conflict in Rwanda, New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2013, 205 p.
Maringa, Paul Mwangi; Maringa, Maina, “Quality of TVET in Rwanda in Relation to
Age, Ownership, Location and Specialisation Factors of Access and Equal Opportunity in
Écoles Technique Officielles (ETOs) and Agroveternaires (EAVEs)”, Global Journal of
Engineering Education, 15-2, 2013, pp. 118-125.
Mutabazi, Éric, “Échec du vivre-ensemble au Rwanda: quelle est la responsabilité des
manuels scolaires d'histoire?”, McGill Journal of Education, 48-1, 2013, pp. 131-153.
Mutwarasibo, Faustin, Understanding Group-Based Learning in an Academic Context:
Rwandan Students' Reflections on Collaborative Writing and Peer Assessment,
Linköping Studies in Behavioural Science174, Linköping University, Sweden,
Behavioural Sciences and Learning, 66 p.


Mutwarasibo, Faustin, “Promoting University Students’ Engagement in Learning
Through Instructor-Initiated EFL Writing Groups”, TESOL Journal, 11 décembre 2013,
DOI: 10.1002/tesj.127

Mutwarasibo, Faustin, “Promoting University Students’ Collaborative Learning through
Instructor-guided Writing Groups”, International Journal of Higher Education, 2-3,
2013, 13 p.
Nduwayo, Léonard, L'Université Nationale du Rwanda: cinquantenaire de l'Institut
Saint-Jean à NUR (1963-2013), Lille: Sources du Nil, 2013, 271 p.
Nzizeyimana, Gabriel; Osman, Ruksana, “First-year University Student Teachers’ Beliefs
about Teaching and the Teaching Profession: The Case of Rwanda”, Southern African
Review of Education, 19-1, 2013, pp. 98-120.
Pro-Femmes/Twese Hamwe; VSO Rwanda; Nock, Stephen; Dusenge, Angelique,
Gender Equality in Teaching and Education Management : A Participatory Qualitative
Research Report, Kingston upon Thames, UK: VSO International, 2013, 79 p.
Rizzuto, Rachel, “Using Dance to Effect Change”, Dance Teacher , 35-10, 2013, p. 52.
Rulinda, Ephrard; Role, Elizabeth; Makewa, Lazarus Ndiku, “Factor-Based Student
Rating in Academic Performance in Southern Province of Rwanda”, Mevlana
International Journal of Education (MIJE), 3-1, 2013, pp. 82-92.
Rusanganwa, Joseph, “Multimedia as a Means to Enhance Teaching Technical
Vocabulary to Physics Undergraduates in Rwanda”, English for Specific Purposes, 32-1,
2013, pp. 36-44.
Schweisfurth, Michele, “Global and Cross-national Influences on Education in Postgenocide Rwanda”, in Phillips, David (ed), Comparative Inquiry and Educational Policy
Making, Hoboken, NJ: Taylor and Francis, 2013, pp. 147-160.
Serupia, E., “Staff Retention in Public Universities in Rwanda: Diagnostics and
Strategies of Intervention”, Rwanda Journal, Series B, 1-1, 2013, pp. 3-20.
Ssempebwa, J.; Bakkabulindi, F.; Ssekabembe, B., “Ignoring Functionality as a Correlate
of the Underutilization of Computer and Information Technology in Rwandan Higher
Education Institutions”, Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 4-2, 2013, pp. 293-310.

5.4 Ethnographie
Chrétien, Jean-Pierre; Kabanda, Marcel, Rwanda, racisme et génocide: l’idéologie
hamitique, Paris: Belin, 2013, 379 p.
Dona, Giorgia, “Interconnected Modernities, Ethnic Relations and Violence”, Current
Sociology, 61-2, 2013, pp. 226-243.


El Hadj, Touré, “Au-delà des fondements politiques du génocide rwandais: une
construction historico-socioculturelle de l'ethnisme”, Déviance et Société, 37-4, 2013, pp.
Forgacs, David, “I Watussi”, Modern Italy, 18-4, 2013, pp. 437-443.
Kubai, Anne; Ahlberg, Beth Maina, “Making and Unmaking Ethnicities in the Rwandan
Context: Implication for Gender-Based Violence, Health, and Wellbeing of Women”,
Ethnicity and Health, 18-5, 2013, pp. 469-482.
Nyababa, Kyalondawa, Les pygmées face à une modernité économique et religieuse
importée, Paris: L’Harmattan, 320 p.
Rurangwa, Jean-Marie Vianney, La question de l’ethnicité au Rwanda [MA Thesis],
University of Ottawa, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 2013, 120 p.
Semana, Tharcisse, La mobilité ethnique au Rwanda, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013, 88 p.
5.5 Langues
Gafaranga, Joseph; Niyomugabo, Cyprien; Uwizeyimana, Valentin, “Micro Declared
Language Policy or Not? Language-Policy-Like Statements in the Rules of Procedure of
the Rwandan Parliament”, Language Policy, 12-4, 2013, pp. 313-332.
Kagwesage Anne-Marie, “Coping with English as Language of Instruction in Higher
Education in Rwanda”, Journal of Higher Education, 2-2, 2013, pp. 1-12.
Kamwangamalu, Nkonko, “Effects of Policy on English-medium Instruction in Africa”,
World Englishes, 32-3, 2013, pp. 325-337.
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5.6 Médias
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5.7 Religion
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Semana, Tharcisse, Le problème des sectes et l'Église catholique au Rwanda, Paris:
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6.1 Administration; technologies; méthodes
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Resnick, Elissa; Siegel, Michael (eds), Marketing Public Health: Strategies to Promote Social
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6.2 Enseignement; Training
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6.4 Médecine; Chirurgie; Ophtalmologie; Dentisterie
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7.3 Réfugiés; Émigrés
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7.5 Aide internationale
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Vogel, Lauren, “Share the Health”, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 185-3, 2013,
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7.6 Relations internationales
Beswick, Danielle, “From Weak State to Savy International Player? Rwanda’s Multilevel Strategy for Maximising Agency”, in Brown, William; Harman, Sophie (eds),
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Mockaitis, Thomas, Avoiding the Slippery Slope: Conducting Effective Interventions,
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7.7 Nations Unies
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8.1 Rwanda: Justice; Gacaca
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ch. 8.


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Hayden, Patrick; Kappos, Katerina, “Current Developments at the ad hoc International
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Mackinnon, Catharine, “Creating International Law: Gender as Leading Edge”, Harvard
Journal of Law & Gender, 36-1, 2013, pp. 105-121.



Mcdermott, Yvonne, “The Admissibility and Weight of Written Witness Testimony in
International Criminal Law: A Socio-Legal Analysis”, Leiden Journal of International
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Paust, Jordan; Bassiouni, Cherif; Scharf, Mike; Sadat, Leila; Gurulé, Jimmy; Zagaris,
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Peskin, Victor, “Seeing Like a Court: Documenting Histories of Armed Conflict through
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Von Bogdandy, Armin, “The Democratic Legitimacy of International Courts: A
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8.3 Gender-based violence; Droit du viol
Cherry, Janet; Hategekimana, Celestin, “Ending Gender-Based Violence through
Grassroots Women's Empowerment: Lessons from Post-1994 Rwanda”, Agenda, 27-1,


2013, pp. 100-113.
Coundouriotis, Eleni, “‘You Only Have Your Word’: Rape and Testimony”, Human
Rights Quarterly, 35-2, 2013, pp. 365-385.
Dewey, Susan; St. Germaina, Tonia, “Justice on Whose Terms? A Critique of International Criminal Justice Responses to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence”, Women’s
Studies International Forum, 36-2, 2013, pp. 36-45.
Edo, Victor Osaro; Adeyeri, James Olusegun, “War and Human Rights in Africa:
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Koomen, Jonneke, “‘Without These Women, the Tribunal Cannot Do Anything’: The
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Trouille, Helen, “How Far Has the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Really
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Zraly, Maggie; Rubin, Sarah; Mukamana, Donatilla, “Motherhood and Resilience among
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9.1 Romans
Audé, France, Le goût amer de la bière de bananes, Paris: Publibook, 2013, 258 p.
Biasio, Dyana, Bambara au rythme du tambour, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013, 166 p.
Brown, Nora Anne, The Flower Plantation, Richmond, UK: Alma Books, 2013, 300 p.
Candela, Gérard, Le fantôme du Rwanda, Blois: Le Huchet d’or, 2013 [2012], 121 p.
Kalombo, Lewis, Sur une vague des grands lacs, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013, 185 p.
Salam, Jibril, Au bonheur des damnés, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013, 143 p.
Sondag, Daniel, Le Mensonge donne des fleurs mais pas de fruits, Tome 1, Toulouse: Mon
petit éditeur, 2013, 230 p.
9.2 Nouvelles; poésie
O'Neill, Ryan, Weight of a Human Heart: Stories, St. Martin's Press, 2013, 240 p. [nouvelles]
Simpson, Romus, “Voices from Rwanda”, Callaloo, 36-3, 2013, pp. 553-557 [poésie]
9.3 Littérature juvénile
Bankston, John, We Visit Rwanda, Hockessin, DE: Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2013, 63 p.
Crawford, Brian, The Weaver’s Scar: For Our Rwanda, Unionville, NY: Royal
Fireworks Publishing, 2013, 169 p.
Koopmans, Andy, Rwanda, Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2013, 87 p.
Malone, Geoffrey, Dead Boys’ Club, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2013, 254 p.
Paulet, Marion, Mambo du Rwanda: le choix d'une destinée, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013,
85 p.
Tamburini, Isabelle, Assireni, petite esclave en France, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013, 106 p.
Throp, Claire, The Nile River, Chicago, IL: Raintree, 2013, 32 p.


Townsend, Steve, Crazy Boy and his New Clothes, Vol. 2, CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 2013, 72 p.
9.4 Critique littéraire
Applegate, Elizabeth, “The Quest to ‘Understand’: Francophone African Intellectuals and
Rwanda”, in Hogarth, Christopher; Edwards, Natalie (eds), The Contemporary
Francophone African Intellectual, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2013, 203 p.
Asso, Annick, Le théâtre du génocide: Shoah et génocides arménien, rwandais et
bosniaque, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2013, 539 p.
Dusaillant-Fernandes, Valérie, “La Mission de Scholastique Mukasonga: entretenir le
souvenir et faire perdurer la mémoire des siens”, in El Nossery, Névine; Hubbell, Amy
(eds), Unspeakable: Representations of Trauma in Francophone Literature and Art,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 97-114.
Gilbert, Catherine, “Making the Impossible Possible? Collaboration in Rwandan
Women’s Testimonial Literature”, in El Nossery, Névine; Hubbell, Amy (eds),
Unspeakable: Representations of Trauma in Francophone Literature and Art,
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 115-136.
Hamidi-Kim, Bérénice, “La réception de Rwanda 94: contresens, ‘métis’ ou malentendu?
Pour une approche interactionniste de la relation oeuvre/spectateur critiques”, Théâtre/
Public, 208, 2013, pp. 49-53.
Hitchcott, Nicki, “Between Remembering and Forgetting: (In)visible Rwanda in Gilbert
Gatore’s Le Passé devant soi”, Research in African Literatures, 44-2, 2013, pp. 79-90.
Kalisa, Chantal, “Witnessing History, Performing Trauma: Theatre and the Rwandan
Genocide”, Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 27-2, 2013, p.159-166.
Khor, Lena, “Human Rights Survivors as Multitude: Paul Rusesabagina, Hotel Rwanda,
and An Ordinary Man”, in Idem, Human Rights Discourse in a Global Network,
Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 47-92.
Nkulikiyinka, Jean-Baptiste, Les chants du grelot et de l'arc: au pays des esprits
chasseurs, chants et poésie de chasse au Rwanda, Tervuren: Koninklijk Museum voor
Midden-Afrika, 2013, 778 p.
Norridge, Zoë, “Writing Around Pain: Personal Testimonies from Rwanda by African
Writers”, in Idem, Perceiving Pain in African Literature, New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013, pp. 134-165.
Rosensweig, Anna, “Hearing Witness: Literary Listening as a Duty of Memory in
Rwanda”, The French Review, 86-4, 2013, pp. 744-755.


Tadjo, Veronique, “Lifting the Cloak of (In)Visibility: A Writer's Perspective”, Research
in African Literatures, 44-2, 2013, pp. 1-7.
9.5 Films
6954 Kilometriä Kotiin [6954 Kilometres to Home], Juan Reina, 2013, 56 m.
Finding Hillywood, Leah Warshawski; Chris Towey; Ayuub Kasasa Mago, 2013
Imbabazi: The Pardon, Joel Karekezi, 2013, 73 m.
Rwanda 94, Marie-France Collard; et al., 2013, 5 DVD:
Rwanda 94, Marie-France Collard; Patrick Czaplinski
Rwanda. A travers nous, l’humanité…, Marie-France Collard
Bruxelles-Kigali, Marie-France Collard
Œuvres en chantier, Marianne Sluzny; Guy Lejeune.

The Mercy of the Jungle, Joel Karekezi, 2013, 90 m.
The Rwandan Night, Gilbert Ndahayo, 2013, 95 m.
9.6 Critique cinématographique
Beker, Marilyn, The Screenwriter Activist: Writing Social Issue Movies, New York:
Routledge, 2013, 198 p.
Brown, Michelle; Rafter, Nicole, “Genocide Films, Public Criminology, Collective
Memory”, The British Journal of Criminologie, 53-6, 2013, pp. 1017-1032.
Eltringham, Nigel, “Showing What Cannot Be Imagined: Shooting Dogs and Hotel
Rwanda”, in Idem (ed), Framing Africa: Portrayals of a Continent in Contemporary
Mainstream Cinema, New York: Berghahn, 2013, pp. 113-134.
Kester, Bernadette, “‘Maybe if the World Had Paid More Attention’: Western Cinematic
Perspectives on the Rwandan Genocide and the Role of the West: Hotel Rwanda,
Shooting Dogs and Sometimes in April”, in Brants, C.; Hol, A.; Siegel, D. (eds),
Transitional Justice: Images and Memories, Farnham, UK/Burlington, VT: Ashgate,
2013, pp. 223-240.
Landsberg, Alison, “Politics and the Historical Film: Hotel Rwanda and the Form of
Engagement”, in Rosenstone, Robert; Parvulescu, Constantin (eds), A Companion to the
Historical Film, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 592 p., ch. 1.
Michalczyk, John; Helmick, Raymond (eds), Through a Lens Darkly: Films of Genocide,
Ethnic Cleansing, and Atrocities, New York: Peter Lang, 2013:
Stanfield, John, “Rwanda: Where the Genocidal Devil Ran So Wild”,
Magubane, Zine, “Saviors and Survivors: Western Passivity, African Resistance, and the
Politics of Genocide in Hotel Rwanda (2004)”,
Rubin, Sara, “Specificity in Genocide Portrayal on Film: Sometimes in April (2005)”.


Rubin, Sara, “Specificity in Genocide Portrayal on Film: Sometimes in April (2005)”, in
Michalczyk, John; Helmick, Raymond (eds), Through a Lens Darkly: Films of Genocide,
Ethnic Cleansing, and Atrocities, New York: Peter Lang, 2013, pp. 225-232.
Sakota-Kokot, Tanja, “When the Past Talks to the Present: Fiction Narrative and the
‘Other’ in Hotel Rwanda”, Critical Arts: South-North Cultural And Media Studies, 27-2,
2013, pp. 211-234.
9.7 Photographie
Edser, Tracy, Window Rwanda, Johannesburg: Oodee, 2013, 28 p.
Möller, Frank, “The Aftermath: Visions of Rwanda: Portfolio 1: Rafiki Ubaldo, Temples
of Memory”, in Idem, Visual Peace: Images, Spectatorship, and the Politics of Violence,
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 77-98.
Sho, Yutaka, Spaces of Everyday Rwanda: The Rwanda Picture Project, Syracuse, NY:
Standing Stone Books, 2013, 80 p.



10.1 Sciences de la nature
Dehling, J.; Sinsch, Ulrich, “Diversity of Ridged Frogs (Anura: Ptychadenidae:
Ptychadena Spp.) in Wetlands of the Upper Nile in Rwanda: Morphological, Bioacoustic,
and Molecular Evidence”, Zoologischer Anzeiger: A Journal of Comparative Zoology,
253-2, 2013, pp. 143-157.
Dehling J.; Sinsch U., “Diversity of ptychadena in Rwanda and taxonomic status of P.
chrysogaster Laurent, 1954 (Amphibia, Anura, Ptychadenidae), ZooKeys, 356, 2013, pp.
Esters, V.; et al., “Unusual Amino Acids and Monofluoroacetate from Dichapetalum
michelsonii (Umutambasha), a Toxic Plant from Rwanda” , Planta Medica, 79-5, 2013,
pp. 334-337
Fischer, E.; Killmann, D.; Meve, U., “Neoschumannia gishwatiensis (Apocynaceae,
Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae) from Gishwati Forest, Rwanda: AThird and New Species
from a Disjunct African Genus”, Phytotaxa, 77-2, 2013, pp. 19-26.
Hayashida, Kyoko; Abe, Takashi; Weir, William; et al., “Whole-Genome Sequencing of
Theileria Parva Strains Provides Insight into Parasite Migration and Diversification in the
African continent”, DNA Research, 20-3, 2013, pp. 209-220.
Heiss E., “Annotated Checklist of the Flat Bug Family Aradidae Brullé, 1836 from East
Africa (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)”, Zootaxa, 3718-4, 2013, pp. 331-344.
La, H.; Eo, Y.; Patrick, T.; Park, B., “Analysis of the Relationship between MODIS
NDVI, LAI and Rainfall in the Forest Region of Rwanda”, International Journal of
Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 7-8, 2013, pp. 559-569.
Mlewa, Chrisestom Mwatete, “Taxonomic Study of Barbus neumayeri and Barbus
pellegrini from the Lake Kivu-Lake Edward Region, East Africa”, African Journal of
Ecology, 51-2, 2013, pp. 300-306.
Nahayo Adrien; Byukusenge Maurice; Linden Annick; Nshimiyimana Juvénal,
“Preliminary Study on Ixodid Ticks Population of the Akagera National Park in
Rwanda”, International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5-4, 2013, pp. 125129.



Pule, B.; Meitz, J.; Thompson, A.; et al., “Phytophthora Infestans Populations in Central,
Eastern and Southern African Countries Consist of Two major Clonal Lineages”, Plant
Pathology, 62-1, 2013, pp. 154-165.
Starnberger, Iris; et al., “Take Time to Smell the Frogs: Vocal Sac Glands of Reed Frogs
(Anura: Hyperoliidae) Contain Species-Specific Chemical Cocktails”, Biological Journal
of the Linnean Society, 110-4, 2013, pp. 828-838.
Verlynde, Simon; Dubuisson, Jean-Yves; Stevart, Tariq; et al., “Taxonomic Revision of
the Genus Bolusiella (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae) with a New Species from Cameroon,
Burundi, and Rwanda”, Phytotaxa, 114-1, pp. 1-22
Yelenik, Stephanie; D’Antonio, Carla, “Self-Reinforcing Impacts of Plant Invasions
Change over Time”, Nature, 503-7477, 2013, pp. 517-520.
10.2 Primatologie
Beaune, David; et al., “The Bonobo-Dialium Positive Interactions: Seed Dispersal
Mutualism”, American Journal of Primatology, 75-4, 2013, pp. 394-403.
Cash, Julie Faye, Feeding and Ranging Ecology of Grey-Cheeked Mangabeys
(Lophocebus albigena) at Nyungwe Forest Reserve, Rwanda [MA Thesis], California
State University, Fullerton, 2006, 86 p.
Detwiler, K.; Gray, J.; Kaplin, B., “A Case of Hybridization in Guenons at Nyungwe
Forest National Park, Rwanda: Cercopithecus Ascanius Schmidti X C. Pogonias Denti”,
American Journal of Primatology, 75-1, 2013, p. 78.
Glowacka, Halszka; Catlett, Kierstin K.; Schwartz, Gary T.; et al., “Molar Wear in a
Wild Population of Known-Age Mountain Gorillas from Volcanoes National Park,
Rwanda”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150-5/6, 2013, p. 131.
Grueter, Cyril; et al., “Long-term Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Food Availability
for Endangered Mountain Gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, American
Journal of Primatology, 75-3, 2013, pp. 267-280.
Grueter, Cyril; Robbins, Martha; Ndagijimana, Felix; Stoinski, Tara, “Possible Tool Use
in a Mountain Gorilla”, Behavioural Processes, 100, 2013, pp. 160-162.
Hassell, J.; et al., “Occurrence and Molecular Analysis of Balantidium coli in Mountain
Gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda”, Journal of
Wildlife Diseases, 49-4, 2013, pp. 1063-1065.
McFarlin, Shannon; et al., “Early Brain Growth Cessation in Wild Virunga Mountain
Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)”, American Journal of Primatology, 75-5, 2013, pp.


Mukanjari, Samson; Bednar-Friedl, Birgit; Muchapondwa, Edwin; et al., “Evaluating the
Prospects of Benefit Sharing Schemes In Protecting Mountain Gorillas In Central
Africa”, Natural Resource Modeling, 26-4, pp. 455-479.
Robbins, Andrew; Gray, Maryke; Basabose, Augustin; et al., “Impact of Male Infanticide
on the Social Structure of Mountain Gorillas”, PLoS ONE, 8-11, 2013, pp. 1-10.
10.3 Sciences de la terre
Dewaele, Stijn; Goethals, Herman; Thys, Tom, “Mineralogical Characterization of
Cassiterite Concentrates from Quartz Vein and Pegmatite Mineralization of the KaragweAnkole and Kibara Belts, Central Africa”, Geologica Belgica, 16-1/2, 2013, pp. 66-75.
Gakwerere, François; Habarugira, Ildephonse; Ndabaneze, Pontien, “Phytosociological
analysis in disturbed zone of the Gatumba mining area, Ngororero district, Rwanda”,
International Journal of Biosciences, 3-9, 2013, pp. 142-155.
Goldmann, Simon; Melcher, Frank; Gäbler, Hans-Eike; Dewaele, Stijn; Clercq, Friso;
Muchez, Philippe, “Mineralogy and Trace Element Chemistry of Ferberite/Reinite from
Tungsten Deposits in Central Rwanda”, Minerals, 3-2, 2013, pp. 121-144.
Henninger, Sascha, “Does the Global Warming Modify the local Rwandan Climate?”,
Natural Science, 5-1A, 2013, pp. 124-129
Hulsbosch, Niels; Hertogen, Jan; Dewaele, Stijn; et al., “Petrographic and Mineralogical
Characterisation of Fractionated Pegmatites Culminating in the Nb-Ta-Sn Pegmatites of
the Gatumba Area (Western Rwanda)”, Geologica Belgica, 16-1/2, pp. 105-117.
Lehmann, Bernd; Halder, Stefan; Munana, Jean; Ngizimana, Jean; Biryabarema,
Michael, “The geochemical signature of rare-metal pegmatites in Central Africa:
Magmatic rocks in the Gatumba tin-tantalum mining district, Rwanda”, Journal of
Geochemical Exploration, 5, December 2013, n. p.
Munyaneza, O.; Mukubwa, A.; Maskey, S.; Wenninger, J.; Uhlenbrook, S., “Assessment
of Surface Water Resources Availability Using Catchment Modeling and the Results of
Tracer Studies in the Meso-scale Migina Catchment, Rwanda”, Hydrology and Earth
System Sciences, 10, 2013, pp. 15375-15408.
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fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024