Documents des numéros : 31316 à 31296

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1 à 21 de 21 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D T 31316 July 14, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan ceasefire signed, raising hopes of peace AFP
D T 31315 28 décembre 2022 Ba, Mehdi Agathe Habyarimana, la « veuve noire » du Rwanda Jeune Afrique
D T 31314 July 13, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan truce accord delayed AFP
D T 31313 July 13, 1992 Rwandan government, rebels delay signature of truce accord AFP
D T 31312 July 13, 1992 Arusha [Diplomats attending the Arusha talks as observers expressed more optimism about the new deal] AFP
D T 31311 July 12, 1992 Arusha [Rwandan government and RPF finally agreed to a ceasefire] AFP
D T 31310 July 12, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan government, rebels agree on truce AFP
D T 31309 July 11, 1992 Arusha [Talks open after upsurge in violence in northern Rwanda] AFP
D T 31308 July 11, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan rebels accuse government of ceasefire violations AFP
D T 31307 26 décembre 2022 Brabant, Justine Le Rwanda et la France, souvenirs d’un consultant pour le Quai d’Orsay Mediapart
D T 31306 July 10, 1992 Rwandan peace talks open in Tanzania AFP
D T 31305 July 10, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan peace talks opening in Tanzania AFP
D T 31304 July 9, 1992 Rwandan resistance leader denies attack on refugee camp AFP
D T 31303 July 9, 1992 Rwandan rebels accuse government of pre-talk attacks AFP
D T 31302 July 9, 1992 Tanzania assures Rwanda of its support to peace efforts AFP
D T 31301 July 8, 1992 Fighting displaces almost 300,000 people AFP
D T 31300 July 7, 1992 Two sentenced to die for violence that killed hundreds AFP
D T 31299 July 4, 1992 Rebels launch new clandestine radio AFP
D T 31298 June 29, 1992 Rebels active with Ugandan support: minister AFP
D T 31297 June 27, 1992 Emergency UN food aid set for 60,000 fleeing Rwanda civil war AFP
D T 31296 June 25, 1992 Rwandan army seeks to drive rebels back to Uganda AFP
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