Documents des numéros : 25268 à 25248

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1 à 19 de 19 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D 25267 2016 Temoney, Kate E. The 1994 Rwandan Genocide: The Religion/Genocide Nexus, Sexual Violence and the Future of Genocide Studies Genocide Studies and Prevention
D 25265 10 février 2000 Moussalli, Michel Rapport sur la situation des droits de l'homme au Rwanda présenté par le Représentant spécial, M. Michel Moussalli, conformément à la résolution 1999/20 ONU
D 25264 7 juillet 2000 Masire, Ketumile Rwanda, le génocide qu'on aurait pu stopper OUA
D 25263 March 30, 1994 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Second Progress Report of the Secretary-general on the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda ONU
D 25262 July 1, 1994 Argentina, Czech Republic, France, New Zealand, Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America [Draft resolution] ONU
D 25261 July 1, 1994 Annan, Kofi A. To Dallaire, UNAMIR, Kigali. Subject: Meeting of the Security Council on Rwanda ONU
D 25260 June 27, 1994 Annan, Kofi A. To Dallaire, UNAMIR, Kigali. Subject: Radio Broadcasts ONU
D 25259 June 20, 1994 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Letter dated 19 June 1994 from the Secretary-general addressed to the President of the Security Council ONU
D 25258 June 21, 1994 Annan, Kofi A. To Dallaire, UNAMIR, Kigali. Subject: S/RES/928 (1994) and S/1994/728 ONU
D 25257 June 7, 1994 Annan, Kofi A. To Dallaire, UNAMIR, Kigali. Subject: Security Council Informal Consultations ONU
D 25256 May 16, 1994 Dusaïdi, Claude Rwandese Patriotic Front - Statement FPR
D 25255 17 mai 1994 Projet de résolution [Avec modifications écrites à la main] ONU
D 25254 May 17, 1994 Draft resolution [With hand written changes] ONU
D 25253 May 17, 1994 Albright, Madeleine (U) Suggested changes to draft resolution US UN Mission
D 25252 May 17, 1994 Annan, Kofi A. To Booh-Booh/Dallaire, UNAMIR, Kigali. Subject: Security Council resolution ONU
D 25251 May 12, 1994 Proceedings of the Security Council - Thursday 12 May 1994 - Rwanda ONU
D 25250 May 13, 1994 Security Council Draft Resolution ONU
D 25249 May 13, 1994 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Report of the Secretary-General on the Situation in Rwanda ONU
D 25248 May 13, 1994 Annan, Kofi A. To Booh-Booh/Dallaire, UNAMIR, Kigali. Subject: Security Council Consultations ONU
Doc. préc. Doc. suiv.

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