Documents pour Nom cité : Ngeze, François

1 à 15 de 15 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D T 31249 April 2, 1992 New government in Burundi AFP
D T 32896 October 22, 1993 Burundi [Ndadaye's wife and children were reported to have taken refuge in the French embassy in Bujumbura] AFP
D T 32899 October 22, 1993 President Ndadaye killed in coup, says Burundi health minister AFP
D T 32900 October 22, 1993 Hundreds reportedly flee as Burundi coup leaders close borders AFP
D T 32901 October 22, 1993 Burundi [1,000 Rwanda-based Burundis demonstrated in the capital Kigali] AFP
D T 32902 October 22, 1993 Burundi coup leaders close borders AFP
D T 32903 October 23, 1993 Coup leader offers democracy for putschist amnesty AFP
D T 32905 October 23, 1993 Burundi ["Democratic institutions" would be restored if the coup leaders were not prosecuted: Ngeze] AFP
D T 32912 October 24, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Suspected coup leaders deny role AFP
D T 32913 October 24, 1993 Bujumbura [Coup-makers lost their nerve and look for a way to step down without incurring punishment] AFP
D T 32915 October 24, 1993 Bujumbura [Diplomats saying the alleged coup plotters were all members of the Tutsi ethnic group] AFP
D T 33012 October 26, 1993 Thomas, Annie Burundi coup sparks mass bloodletting: refugees AFP
D T 33024 October 28, 1993 OAU chief calls for African force to go into Burundi AFP
D T 33098 October 28, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Political settlement sought after coup committee is scrapped AFP
D T 33100 October 28, 1993 Bujumbura [Another meeting on Burundi took place in neighboring Rwanda] AFP

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024